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Indian Navy in talks with france for 2 mistral Class LHD Ships

I thought Indian can make destroyers as well as aircraft carrier, why need to buy it from France? Make it a made-in-India ship so you can be proud of it.
Thank God the PN is the most open-minded and progressive thinking force. Good call on their part to pursue shallow-water attack subs (SWATS) to help deter enemy amphibious operations. I wish the PN got the budget to upgrade the Marines into a true combined arms force (@Signalian) -- e.g., IFVs, AFVs, ATGMs, attack helicopters, assault helicopters, and a dedicated PAF CAS unit.
India is thought to be raising another amphibious brigade, which would total 7000 troops from the original 3000-3500 of 91 Inf Bde. It has to be seen how many Indian troops are capable to assault and land in the first wave. The Marcos will be the first ones to arrive and secure a landing zone or take a bridgehead where other forces would land and start offensive. The tricky part is supplying this force which will be burdened to IN through sea or IAF through air. 91 Inf Bde has light forces (9 Sikh LI), mechanized infantry (BMP-2) and 5th Armored Regiment (T-72s). there would be some form of artillery too. Indian coast line is multiple times the coast of Pakistan and India holds many islands under its control. India wants to open several fronts against Pakistan in case of war and amphibious warfare is one of them. If PM are deemed incapable of thwarting a landing then 5-Corps will need to divert assets here. Its the PN on which hopes are pinned to keep IN and Indian amphibious forces at bay.
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It is a failed plan from the start

Indian amphibious troops would get slaughtered. Mark my words

PN doesn't need to do anything special. Just continue with whatever upgradation and procurement plans you have for now and ensure that they complete at time
Yes, but IN is looking at Mistral to satisfy the LPD tender.

There are requirements for LHD and LPD for total numbers of 8

Indian navy wants mistral ship to make their Naval operation more potent and take on pak sub far from cosdts of india so these will keep our subs busy
Pakkstan just has to buildup it’s A2AD capabilities, namely Hypersonic glider equipped Anti-Ship Ballistic missiles as well as IM/EW capabilities.
It would be amazing if Pakistan could build a A2/D2 capability similiar to that of China.

China's Anti-Access Area Denial – Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
What we are getting in next 2-5 years is more then enough coupled with air support. Landing on Pakistani coast is only a FANTASY now when Pakistan has already organised second and third line of defense. Incase of full blown war even if the entire fleet is gone, (including subs & SWATS), remember there are mobile ground based anti-ship missile (Zarb) batteries, (coastal defense system). Enemy won't be able to sustain attrition for such a blunder move. BTW! as a very last line of defense, remember our tactical arsenal. Landing on a nuclear power state which has stocks of tactical weapons.. you serious ?
It would be amazing if Pakistan could build a A2/D2 capability similiar to that of China.

China's Anti-Access Area Denial – Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance

We need a mix of what China is doing and what Taiwan is doing. A strong offense and a strong defense, each in layers.

India is going to get these deadly ships which can increase indian naval ASW opertion far from its bases very inteligent decision to hunt pak sub far from its shore.
That means PLAN 075 LHD can project is military asset even further and more compare to mistral LHD.

PLAN 075 LHD - 35000tons, 4 LCAC that can go 35knots
Mistral LHD - 20000 tons, their landing craft not using air cushion, less speed and limited beaching choice,
That means PLAN 075 LHD can project is military asset even further and more compare to mistral LHD.

PLAN 075 LHD - 35000tons, 4 LCAC that can go 35knots
Mistral LHD - 20000 tons, their landing craft not using air cushion, less speed and limited beaching choice,
Mistral is superior lhd if russia like country choosed it definately it had some capability
india is first world economy, the wages to be paid are very high so its cheaper to buy from third world countries like france, australia etc. its the nature of thriving economy.

But India never trusts key technologies on other countries, truth be told. LHD is low-tech which India is too capricious to bother itself with.
Fake news I hope.

Why buy such a ship when we already make carriers, destroyers, frigates, subs... and another 100 Rafales is basically confirmed, this makes no sense.
100 rafale confirmed? Source?
100 rafale confirmed? Source?
'basically' I did add that qualifier

but common sense, do you really think an air force the size of the IAF and with our requirements will settle on 36 jets only ?

who knows, I might be wrong but probably not, wait and see.
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