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Indian Navy in talks with france for 2 mistral Class LHD Ships

Not with this current regime unless they hire or appoint the right people. Problem is that any current or future Rommels, Guderians or Manekshaws of India may not agree with the policies of the current government or they may not even be created in this environment.
Two things - I sincerely hope you are right.

On the other hand, General Panag reports that many officers whom he knows well have started getting used to the kind of trash-talk that is going around. Our CDS did more than we can imagine.

That was the last institution left; once that goes, the future is black.
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Over 7,500 kms.

India is more worried about coastal defence than about amphibious landings against others. You can imagine the amount of money needed to defend this coast line.
The actual capabilities of both militaries are generally overestimated or underestimated or misunderstood wholly by the majority of both politicians and online warriors including those wanting Akhand Bharat or Ghazwa e Hind.
The reality is generally a lot more sobering and involved human cost which while most in uniform are willing and able to give aren’t keenly looking forward to doing so just on the whims of those that otherwise would not be willing to sacrifice ten rupees.

Two things - I sincerely hope you are right.

On the other hand, Panag reports that many officers whom he knows well have started getting used to the kind of trash-talk that is going around. Our CDS did more than we can imagine.

That was the last institution left; once that goes, the future is black.
The institution is built on the people so it really is up to them to keep the standards going. After all, it really is the 15% that hold the values up against the 20% that may look to destroy them. The remaining 65% just bow their head down and look busy.
The actual capabilities of both militaries are generally overestimated or underestimated or misunderstood wholly by the majority of both politicians and online warriors including those wanting Akhand Bharat or Ghazwa e Hind.
The reality is generally a lot more sobering and involved human cost which while most in uniform are willing and able to give aren’t keenly looking forward to doing so just on the whims of those that otherwise would not be willing to sacrifice ten rupees.

The institution is built on the people so it really is up to them to keep the standards going. After all, it really is the 15% that hold the values up against the 20% that may look to destroy them. The remaining 65% just bow their head down and look busy.
I am praying for an early release from this rule by the apes. You are right, there is a minority on either edge, and our standards holding or dissolving is all up to them. It is a miserable feeling; with the affiliations we have with the military, with all three services, it is horrid to see how they are under pressure today.

The actual capabilities of both militaries are generally overestimated or underestimated or misunderstood wholly by the majority of both politicians and online warriors including those wanting Akhand Bharat or Ghazwa e Hind.
The reality is generally a lot more sobering and involved human cost which while most in uniform are willing and able to give aren’t keenly looking forward to doing so just on the whims of those that otherwise would not be willing to sacrifice ten rupees.
This is so true.

The way our soldiers were treated like cannon fodder during Kargil, just because from Division level onwards, they were trying to cover up their blunders, was horrible. I imagine Gallipoli must have been like that (from the ANZAC side).

And then the pols and their ten rupee stupidity. As if that totally phony hugging was going to make a difference to a political decision.
I am praying for an early release from this rule by the apes. You are right, there is a minority on either edge, and our standards holding or dissolving is all up to them. It is a miserable feeling; with the affiliations we have with the military, with all three services, it is horrid to see how they are under pressure today.
The example in Pakistan is clear to see when professionalism is deteriorated by such political ambitions. The damage takes a decade to fix.
The example in Pakistan is clear to see when professionalism is deteriorated by such political ambitions. The damage takes a decade to fix.
To be honest, the moment they started giving air time to so-called COIN experts, the situation began to deteriorate. The Army had been saying for decades that they should not be dragged into a political and policing problem. When both the politicians and the police collapsed, whether in Nagaland or in Kashmir, the Army WAS finally called in. It has cost us a huge amount in diverting effort and focus, in coarsening the fibre of troops taught to deal with citizens in minatory fashion, in destroying training painstakingly imparted, and in the general debility that all counter-insurgency creates.

The latest appointment was the climax. To supersede two very good officers just because the third contender was a specialist (so called) COIN expert, and also known to be in tune with Sanghi thinking, was a criminal act.
To be honest, the moment they started giving air time to so-called COIN experts, the situation began to deteriorate. The Army had been saying for decades that they should not be dragged into a political and policing problem. When both the politicians and the police collapsed, whether in Nagaland or in Kashmir, the Army WAS finally called in. It has cost us a huge amount in diverting effort and focus, in coarsening the fibre of troops taught to deal with citizens in minatory fashion, in destroying training painstakingly imparted, and in the general debility that all counter-insurgency creates.

The latest appointment was the climax. To supersede two very good officers just because the third contender was a specialist (so called) COIN expert, and also known to be in tune with Sanghi thinking, was a criminal act.
COIN should never be the focus of regulars just as kinetic action can never be the sole focus of COIN. I don’t mean to say this in a demeaning manner but without having a better alternative analogy regular troops are attack dogs. They are trained to go straight for the throat and rip it - they can but will never have the finesse to perform the immediate LE actions required after a mop up or dealing with the local population sternly but respectfully without causing angst within them.

That being said(and being the broken record on this), the Sanghis literally took defeat from the jaws of victory when it came to insurgencies and other communal issues. The cohesive India of 2012 where Kashmiris were focused on fully amalgamating with the system along with all others and religious harmony was projected by all is currently being drowned in the Ganga under
COIN should never be the focus of regulars just as kinetic action can never be the sole focus of COIN. I don’t mean to say this in a demeaning manner but without having a better alternative analogy regular troops are attack dogs. They are trained to go straight for the throat and rip it - they can but will never have the finesse to perform the immediate LE actions required after a mop up or dealing with the local population sternly but respectfully without causing angst within them.

That being said(and being the broken record on this), the Sanghis literally took defeat from the jaws of victory when it came to insurgencies and other communal issues. The cohesive India of 2012 where Kashmiris were focused on fully amalgamating with the system along with all others and religious harmony was projected by all is currently being drowned in the Ganga under
Those of us who have watched those YouTube videos beloved of millions, of the changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace (and at St. James' and Windsor Castle) would have noticed the curious spectacle of a mounted policeman leading the band and the marching contingent.

The fact is that the military has NO role to play in civilian life. When it interfaces with civilians, it can march along public roads and into parade grounds, including that tiny space at Horse Guards, only under the authority of the police, who are charged with regulating civilians.

Even for the police, when armed and facing a violent mob, it is imperative to get a magistrate to authorise violent suppression of the mob, for instance, by dispersing them with lathis, or by opening fire. A magistrate is supposed to read the Riot Act to the mob and call on them (in the King's name, in the original, in the name of the Head of State, currently) to disperse, failing which action will be taken. This is what reading someone the riot act originally meant.

I do not want to take this explanation further, because posts are being read by banned former members and reported. Please read between the lines.
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