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Indian Marcos Commandos Deployed at Pangong Tso Lake

Two questions:

1 - Why has India deployed their best soldiers when, according to Indians, Chinese have already retreated unconditionally?

2 - Is any real operation other than photo op expected?

Whether or not Indians are thrashed in any future skirmish, they will kill 300 oppnents on media and thus win it. Last couple of years are witness to what I am saying.

1. Why only let one regiment have all the fun breaking small necks of PLA? We need to let all the boys have their share of fun.

2. well, the general conseses was that the Chinese would be in Delhi by now. From the looks of it, they are in full retreat mode. Btw, has anyone seen Xitler after the latest thrashing PLA got from us?

Whether we thrashed them or not is NOT the question you should be posing.
We declared our casualties, you should be demanding shameless PLA to do the same.
Worst thing that can happen in battle is NOT soldiers death. It's not honoring those deaths.
That PLA would not even allow honoring of their soldiers says who got the worst end of the stick - no need to guess.
Right, so Chinese haven't vacated lake area yet? Why then modi said that "na koi ghus aaya hai, na koi ghus aaya tha"?

Regarding media, I think Indian media is mostly quoted for its sensationalism and out of the world news, which Pakistani media lacks. That was one reason most of your news are not considered worthy to be believed. For instance, no one believed that you shot down a F-16 last year, or killed 300 mujahideen in Balakot strikes, or when your media said you have killed 100s of Chinese during Galwan clash.

Our media sometimes also indulges in this kind of behavior, but the problem is not that wide spread. On PDF, your news sources are either shared by Indians to make us believe what they believe in, or by Pakistanis mostly for fun.

When at the time your media was implicating Pakistan after China/ India skirmish, our media was busy in discussing internal affairs. There were hardly few programs gone on air that discussed the implications of the border clash.

It is really sad to see Indians are misguided by their media. They think if they discuss Pakistan in almost every tv program, call their citizens Pakistanis or ISI agents when someone questions Indian government, or look at pigeons, balloons, camels as weapons... Pakistanis on the other side of the order must be doing the same. Let me tell you, what you see or read on PDF is not a complete depiction of Pakistani society.. It is a true depiction of people who are interested in defence related matters, and the percentage is quite small. Our elections campaigns aren't run on Indian affairs. If you don't believe me, review the election campaigns before recent elections in both countries.

The reality of debates on Indian media:

79 - Attacking Pakistan
66 - Attacking opposition
14 - Mandir

14 debates on Mandir, 66 attacking opposition but none on the economy
Ramit Verma monitored 202 debates on 4 Hindi news channels till Oct 19 to conclude that nationalism had triumphed over logic and rationalism. As many as 79 of the debates were used to attack Pakistan
We have to agree though, sometimes Indian media shows some truth too.

Right, so Chinese haven't vacated lake area yet? Why then modi said that "na koi ghus aaya hai, na koi ghus aaya tha"? --> Our PM was right, no one transgressed into our territory, this has been discussed so many times on our group. chinese never encroached on our lands but moved their positions forward where there is no mans land, only patrolling is allowed.
this was the main contention.... and chinese as always so fearful that they thought we will launch an offensive.... that was true as well in all probability... we are just building our capability on that border to get our territory back.
A country whose leader is afraid of a cartoon charecter of winnie the pooh and bans it tells a lot of its psyche..... they are useless as leaders .... but i want to see pakistani leadership following them.

on the media topic -- ive seen so many pakistanis fighting chinese war that its not chinese anymore :lol::lol:

in this act of despration they simply quote anything, be it twitter or a newsbite from Indian media.... hardly any chinese media is quoted because we all know chinese media is a BS propaganda.... its untrustworthy and follow the ccp line which has only chest thumping....

but the main point here is, why pakistanis never quote pakistani media? they will quote some useless twitter users like swain and sawhany .... who are kicked badly in India and has only fan following in pakistan.

if you dont like Indian media, you are free to ignore it.... why watch a news channel which you dont believe in? do I go and watch pakistani new channel? NO. But sure i will and use it to my advantage soon

and yes, important note.... we may be misguided by our media or not... we listen to our government and its sources so we are not misguided at all... our PM talks to us all the time, our defence sources tell us 100% true news and not hide anything....
pakistani perception about we are misguided is wrong... we given thumping majority to BJP in its second term so we know what we are doing....

actually some folks are getting really getting desperate as you can see.... you can safely ignore this guy in question

:lol::lol::lol: try harder next time... :taz::taz::taz::taz:
Our PM was right, no one transgressed into our territory, this has been discussed so many times on our group. chinese never encroached on our lands but moved their positions forward where there is no mans land, only patrolling is allowed.
I thought you had a claim on an area which you can't roam now.

on the media topic -- ive seen so many pakistanis fighting chinese war that its not chinese anymore :lol::lol:
Not so many as Indians fight a war against Pakistan everyday. Check out the source I have provided in my post. Very few Pakistani shows discuss India and that is one of the reason Pakistanis don't act like Indians on social media. Indians even celeberate Pakistani civilian airliner crash on social media. This is the kind of brainwashing your government has done through media.
And yes, I am in agreement of joining China in a war to take Kashmir if a suitable opportunity exists.

in this act of despration they simply quote anything, be it twitter or a newsbite from Indian media.... hardly any chinese media is quoted because we all know chinese media is a BS propaganda.... its untrustworthy and follow the ccp line which has only chest thumping....
Chinese media is not quoted because they don't discuss the small clashes for weeks.

Your news media and TV shows are at another level.

if you dont like Indian media, you are free to ignore it.... why watch a news channel which you dont believe in? do I go and watch pakistani new channel? NO. But sure i will and use it to my advantage soon
No one watches your media to get news.. I think you haven't read my previous post completely. Your media clips are shared to make fun of your media.

our defence sources tell us 100% true news and not hide anything....
This is not a factual statement. I didn't know about your news outlets until the surgical strike drama was created by your security forces and government.

Then in 2019, your security forces were seen presenting a detonated missile piece to claim a F-16 kill. Then you media was seen finding holes on the roof of a weak building to prove you killed some 300 mujahideen.

Your ex-servicemen were trolled by a pro-India anti-Pakistan lady, Christine Fair, openely. Your claim was rubbished by Foreign Policy Magazine's Pantagon correspondent. Your claim was also rubbished by various international sattelite imagery investigators.

But I agree, you can win any war against any opponent on your media to please your population. It doesn't mean your media is a trusted source.. However, the kind of ridiculous claims will continue to be shared by us online.

pakistani perception about we are misguided is wrong... we given thumping majority to BJP in its second term so we know what we are doing....
Checkout the election campaigns of both countries. See if any party mentioned India in their election manifesto or in public gatherings so much..
Why? thought Chinese left and operation surrender Modi was successful?
PDF Indians not in military: "Chinese one child policy soldier can't fight."

Colonel Babu disagree.
I thought you had a claim on an area which you can't roam now.

Not so many as Indians fight a war against Pakistan everyday. Check out the source I have provided in my post. Very few Pakistani shows discuss India and that is one of the reason Pakistanis don't act like Indians on social media. Indians even celeberate Pakistani civilian airliner crash on social media. This is the kind of brainwashing your government has done through media.
And yes, I am in agreement of joining China in a war to take Kashmir if a suitable opportunity exists.

Chinese media is not quoted because they don't discuss the small clashes for weeks.

Your news media and TV shows are at another level.

No one watches your media to get news.. I think you haven't read my previous post completely. Your media clips are shared to make fun of your media.

This is not a factual statement. I didn't know about your news outlets until the surgical strike drama was created by your security forces and government.

Then in 2019, your security forces were seen presenting a detonated missile piece to claim a F-16 kill. Then you media was seen finding holes on the roof of a weak building to prove you killed some 300 mujahideen.

Your ex-servicemen were trolled by a pro-India anti-Pakistan lady, Christine Fair, openely. Your claim was rubbished by Foreign Policy Magazine's Pantagon correspondent. Your claim was also rubbished by various international sattelite imagery investigators.

But I agree, you can win any war against any opponent on your media to please your population. It doesn't mean your media is a trusted source.. However, the kind of ridiculous claims will continue to be shared by us online.

Checkout the election campaigns of both countries. See if any party mentioned India in their election manifesto or in public gatherings so much..

i can very well reply on all your points, and im itching to do that ..... do you want my reply and you actually want to see that?
Like I said, you Indians never fail to amuse. You are at least brave enough to admit that India was created by the British.
Wrong India was created by efforts of 8 nation alliance who freed Indians from Qing enslavement


And are proud of being the crown jewel of the British empire.
As long as India exists as a country, British imperialism is alive and well in India.
and return India to its form before British came. Stop being a slave of the British. It’s time for freedom for the Indians.
well said,

Pathetic of Indians to wave British flag and seek British rule again


Holding sign asking to make India Britain again
Be brave enough to split up India

India is already split up with a renegade province having its own military, economy, currency.

Wrong India was created by efforts of 8 nation alliance who freed Indians from Qing enslavement


well said,

Pathetic of Indians to wave British flag and seek British rule again


Holding sign asking to make India Britain again

India is already split up with a renegade province having its own military, economy, currency.

India was enslaved by the Qing? :o:
Wrong India was created by efforts of 8 nation alliance who freed Indians from Qing enslavement


well said,

Pathetic of Indians to wave British flag and seek British rule again


Holding sign asking to make India Britain again

India is already split up with a renegade province having its own military, economy, currency.


Taiwan existed from China because its a result of Chinese civil war. Hong Kong was under British control as China lost a war to Britain. Did India lost any territory to Britain? The correct answer is a resounding no. India never lost a inch of territory to the British. Tell me why India never lost an inch of territory to the British...
Taiwan existed from China because its a result of Chinese civil war. Hong Kong was under British control as China lost a war to Britain. Did India lost any territory to Britain? The correct answer is a resounding no. India never lost a inch of territory to the British. Tell me why India never lost an inch of territory to the British...

You should ask this flag holder


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