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Indian Marcos Commandos Deployed at Pangong Tso Lake

They have started to now, incidents such as 26/11 will be studied by forces around the world as they adapt to changing realities and new emerging challenges.

This was not the MARCOs' role but more for the NSG, everyone learned some very painful lessons from it. Including NSG stuck in traffic and wasted precious minutes as they tried to get to get to their choppers.

A bit of forum trolling is fine but it would be foolish for enemies of India to dismiss them as hopeless disasters.
Phenomena of terrorism isn't new or started with 26/11. It has been going on for decades and one thing which is common in every special forces training is the the training to deal with terrorists. And the way MARCOS were roaming in the hotel was shocking.

special forces are offensive not defensive , the strategy against terrorist attack is mainly defensive , thats the reason almost every country has specialist departments to deal with terrorists ... sayeret matkal never handle terrorist attacks its the duty of Shin bet .

Special forces are for attack purpose not defensive purpose. counter terror in urban areas is mainly police work
How to deal with terrorists is the most common thing among every special forces training. Not just MARCOS your GARUD also did a miserable job in Pathankot attack.
Well he seems a good fighter. But I don't like the way he is narrating. I think he's talking about 1st month action when Indian army still thought there were terrorists ontop.

People who are listening doesn't realises that its very difficult to go up on these mountains where there's not a single tree to hide behind. And a guy can just pull a trigger and can kill hundred in just few minutes.
Even after casualties, Army was coming with second wave against such odds he's not recognising, I didn't like. You should recognise enemy cowardice and bravery I equal measures, Mark of a true soldier.
There is no doubt that IA is brave, IA can die for India
Again in Pathan kot , the Garuds saved the technical area ( where air assets were parked) no asset damage happened while in similar attack you lost P3 Orions on your naval base attack and in another attack the PAF AWACS planes destroyed .... ... and In Pathankot too it was NSG which finished the job .

Phenomena of terrorism isn't new or started with 26/11. It has been going on for decades and one thing which is common in every special forces training is the the training to deal with terrorists. And the way MARCOS were roaming in the hotel was shocking.

How to deal with terrorists is the most common thing among every special forces training. Not just MARCOS your GARUD also did a miserable job in Pathankot attack.
Phenomena of terrorism isn't new or started with 26/11. It has been going on for decades and one thing which is common in every special forces training is the the training to deal with terrorists. And the way MARCOS were roaming in the hotel was shocking.
They train for all sorts of specific hostage rescue scenarios, planes, buses, oil rigs, factories etc

In Mumbai, the terrorists got the jump on the forces and managed to entrench themselves, tactically speaking, they got themselves in a "good" position. Like someone mentioned earlier, Beslan me bhi yahi hua spetznaz ke saath, APS incident in Pakistan.. these snakes got themselves in a tactically superior position and were able to unleash their terror in all those situations.

Not sure what you mean by "And the way MARCOS were roaming in the hotel was shocking."

Please post a video and explain further if you can.
just read the chinese history and Bhartiy history, your knowledge is seriously inadequate. i dont mind your illiterate behavior its your problem not mine. its your upbringing and not mine.

and dont just read wikipedia, go beyond and read Ramayana and Mahabharat. Talking about India in two lines is just laughable, again i dont mind and i can simply brush it aside.

India existed as a civilization, such as Hellenic civilization, Persian civilization, or African civilization. But it was never a country. Until British created it. That is why many Indians agreed with me that it’s the British that created the Indian nation.
India existed as a civilization, such as Hellenic civilization, Persian civilization, or African civilization. But it was never a country. Until British created it. That is why many Indians agreed with me that it’s the British that created the Indian nation.

again my request to you one more time is to read the history carefully... civilization is one thing where we have documented family trees for thousand of years.... bigger than any other civilization.

coming to the country aspect, the borders of Afghanistan were in India and was spread till Bangladesh of today including Nepal and Bhutan.... British has nothing to do with it.... they did not unified what was already united in culture and soul.
it was always and always called Bharatvarsh.... even if it was under different rulers ..... the landmass was always Bharat or Bharatvarsh which was taken from the name of great king of same name in the King Ram dynesty...

without you reading i think im wasting my time.... again you can have your own opinions and i dont want to change it .... i'll stop my replies to you if i dont find you doing your bit....
again my request to you one more time is to read the history carefully... civilization is one thing where we have documented family trees for thousand of years.... bigger than any other civilization.

coming to the country aspect, the borders of Afghanistan were in India and was spread till Bangladesh of today including Nepal and Bhutan.... British has nothing to do with it.... they did not unified what was already united in culture and soul.
it was always and always called Bharatvarsh.... even if it was under different rulers ..... the landmass was always Bharat or Bharatvarsh which was taken from the name of great king of same name in the King Ram dynesty...

without you reading i think im wasting my time.... again you can have your own opinions and i dont want to change it .... i'll stop my replies to you if i dont find you doing your bit....
The land mass is not the same as a country. It’s a geographical expression. So you agree with your former PM Winston Churchill, that India was a geographical expression.

I agree.
The special sounding names of Indian army units is not going to save them in battle lol ... just look at happened to the "elite 16th Bihar."
The land mass is not the same as a country. It’s a geographical expression. So you agree with your former PM Winston Churchill, that India was a geographical expression.

I agree.

china was divided into many geopolitical expressions and its still not a country, its mostly annexed land from neighboring countries ... that is what you call a geographical expression not India.

if you read my post... our culture and soul goes back thousand of years... in terms of civilization and country. Official name of my country is Bharat, which i told you earlier that it is from King Ram's dynasty which is almost 10000 year old.

enough said .... you can do your own research i dont want to be your teacher.

and one last thing.... churchil was never my pm.... just like japanese were never your masters....

The special sounding names of Indian army units is not going to save them in battle lol ... just look at happened to the "elite 16th Bihar."

actually we want battle.... if chinese wants it too....

this is a great time to destroy that carefully built image of world dominance once for all.... why dont you and chinese team up together and attack India? suddenly all that talk went into cold storage? in just three weeks???

its not your battle to fight, but if you want to take it to your doorstep lets do it.
Two questions:

1 - Why has India deployed their best soldiers when, according to Indians, Chinese have already retreated unconditionally?

2 - Is any real operation other than photo op expected?

[Fuzool may punga lay rahay hain.]

Does India really need to be doing THIS? Another thrashing at the hands of the Chinese won't boost the morale of Indian Nation nor their Military.

I don't think underwater GoPro's are gonna get who started it first.
Whether or not Indians are thrashed in any future skirmish, they will kill 300 oppnents on media and thus win it. Last couple of years are witness to what I am saying.
china was divided into many geopolitical expressions and its still not a country, its mostly annexed land from neighboring countries ... that is what you call a geographical expression not India.

if you read my post... our culture and soul goes back thousand of years... in terms of civilization and country. Official name of my country is Bharat, which i told you earlier that it is from King Ram's dynasty which is almost 10000 year old.

enough said .... you can do your own research i dont want to be your teacher.

and one last thing.... churchil was never my pm.... just like japanese were never your masters....

actually we want battle.... if chinese wants it too....

this is a great time to destroy that carefully built image of world dominance once for all.... why dont you and chinese team up together and attack India? suddenly all that talk went into cold storage? in just three weeks???

its not your battle to fight, but if you want to take it to your doorstep lets do it.
India was fully and legally under British control. Queen Victoria was the empress of India. Churchill was a former Indian PM as India was internationally recognized British colony.

to say Japanese ever was in control of China is the same as saying Hitler was ever the chancellor of Russia. Your frustration over not able to handle the facts cause you to come up with an alternate history that only exist in your mind.

At least admit Britain created India. If not, why was the Indian constitution written in English.
Two questions:

1 - Why has India deployed their best soldiers when, according to Indians, Chinese have already retreated unconditionally?

2 - Is any real operation other than photo op expected?

Whether or not Indians are threashed in any future skirmish, they will kill 300 oppnents on media and thus win it. Last couple of years are witness to what I am saying.

1 - Why has India deployed their best soldiers when, according to Indians, Chinese have already retreated unconditionally? --- its never one best over another... rotational policy and need of the our to support other troops... marcos also specializes in certain operations which i dont want to specify here...

2 - Is any real operation other than photo op expected? -- all depends on chinese.... they want to vacate the lake area or not, this question must be answered soon....

and lastly, Indian media is quoted left right ans center because paksitani media is not worthy at all to be quoted anywhere. so lets face it its only our media to be quoted.... and no nitpicking is allowed ... you either quote our media for all its quotes or dont quote at all... its one or another.
We always have informed about casualties and other side, this is never about bravado.... when our heroes fall its never an insult... in fact falling into battle ground is highest honor one can get... its called Veergati.

our figures on our side are very true.... and other side also based on our intercepts and intelligence.... we cant disclose our intelligence gathering capabilities to the world just like that...

i dont want pakistanis to believe Indian media, you can believe anything and free to mock Indians.... but make it blanket ban on Indian media and not selected one

why was the Indian constitution written in English.
India constitution is created in many languages, and also has heavy references from Veda's Upnishadas and Puranas.... even Ramayana and Mahabharata...

and for the one last time i'll tell you that official name of India is Bharat... which is from King Ram's dynasty which is over 10000 years old.

why you want me to teach you everything and you already made your mind? im not here to change your thoughts, that is up to you to change....
they want to vacate the lake area or not, this question must be answered soon....
Right, so Chinese haven't vacated lake area yet? Why then modi said that "na koi ghus aaya hai, na koi ghus aaya tha"?

Regarding media, I think Indian media is mostly quoted for its sensationalism and out of the world news, which Pakistani media lacks. That was one reason most of your news are not considered worthy to be believed. For instance, no one believed that you shot down a F-16 last year, or killed 300 mujahideen in Balakot strikes, or when your media said you have killed 100s of Chinese during Galwan clash.

Our media sometimes also indulges in this kind of behavior, but the problem is not that wide spread. On PDF, your news sources are either shared by Indians to make us believe what they believe in, or by Pakistanis mostly for fun.

When at the time your media was implicating Pakistan after China/ India skirmish, our media was busy in discussing internal affairs. There were hardly few programs gone on air that discussed the implications of the border clash.

It is really sad to see Indians are misguided by their media. They think if they discuss Pakistan in almost every tv program, call their citizens Pakistanis or ISI agents when someone questions Indian government, or look at pigeons, balloons, camels as weapons... Pakistanis on the other side of the order must be doing the same. Let me tell you, what you see or read on PDF is not a complete depiction of Pakistani society.. It is a true depiction of people who are interested in defence related matters, and the percentage is quite small. Our elections campaigns aren't run on Indian affairs. If you don't believe me, review the election campaigns before recent elections in both countries.

The reality of debates on Indian media:

79 - Attacking Pakistan
66 - Attacking opposition
14 - Mandir

14 debates on Mandir, 66 attacking opposition but none on the economy
Ramit Verma monitored 202 debates on 4 Hindi news channels till Oct 19 to conclude that nationalism had triumphed over logic and rationalism. As many as 79 of the debates were used to attack Pakistan
We have to agree though, sometimes Indian media shows some truth too.

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