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Indian Marcos Commandos Deployed at Pangong Tso Lake

You should ask this flag holder

Yes, she would tell me that China lost Hong Kong to Britain. China was a sovereign nation. It lost a war so it surrendered Hong Kong to Britain. India never lost a war to Britain because British created India.

and though Britain created US of America as well, USA fought for independence. India begged for independence. That is why India is begging China to return to previous LAC. India beg so much as it has a successful begging past.
Yes, she would tell me that China lost Hong Kong to Britain. China was a sovereign nation. It lost a war so it surrendered Hong Kong to Britain. India never lost a war to Britain because British created India.
Wrong India lost wars to Britian and became hooked up on Opium


and though Britain created US of America as well, USA fought for independence. India begged for independence. That is why India is begging China to return to previous LAC. India beg so much as it has a successful begging past.
No something new, during the suez crisis we Indians begged UK to leave Han Kong

But in return they threatened nuclear eradication :cry:

UK pondered China nuclear attack

Hong Kong was considered vulnerable to a Chinese attack
The UK wanted China to know the nuclear strength of the US could be unleashed if the Chinese attacked Hong Kong, previously secret papers show.
In 1961 the UK felt nuclear retaliation was the only alternative to abandoning its colony if China attacked.

Officials wanted "to encourage" China to believe nuclear action against it would follow any hostile action, papers released by the National Archives show.


Its was then India's founding father realized globally his nation is pipsqueak pariah puwa and choose its honorable place of being the only nation to have British colonial rule till end of last century with a proud perverted blush :)

Hence, India decided the British shall rule us Indians until end of the last century and leave with a grand parade

Now Indians have a colonial hangover, its the worst insult to any nation when its citizens believe their former colonial overlords were better


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