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Indian Marcos Commandos Deployed at Pangong Tso Lake

We don't want to hurt you but here is small interview.
There are many like him....BTW you know why Capt kernal Sher Khan Got that medal????:omghaha:

Well he seems a good fighter. But I don't like the way he is narrating. I think he's talking about 1st month action when Indian army still thought there were terrorists ontop.

People who are listening doesn't realises that its very difficult to go up on these mountains where there's not a single tree to hide behind. And a guy can just pull a trigger and can kill hundred in just few minutes.
Even after casualties, Army was coming with second wave against such odds he's not recognising, I didn't like. You should recognise enemy cowardice and bravery I equal measures, Mark of a true soldier.
To target Chinese Boats and Installations in the Pangong Tso lake area the Indians have deployed their MARCOS commando units. Pictures that emerged out yesterday after meeting Rajnath Singh are as below.



In an attempt to show off the Indians are revealing their units and equipment, much to the aid of the Chinese. The PLA never reveal their assets in the hot spots, a good strategy to keep the enemy guessing.


The Chinese commandos are also known for their lethal skills and are probably waiting for the Indians in the icy waters of Ladakh.

The Indian Marcos are no match to these deadly JIALONG commandos.
MARCOS were a total disaster on 26/11 so I don't have much hope from them.
Yeah, don't fully understand that bit. They seem more invested in the topic than the actual stakeholders.

From his expert analysis, OP I figure is a real young'un.
chinese are not capable of fighting .... neither in battle ground nor on pdf :lol::lol::lol:

so they need reinforcements :lol::lol::lol:

I cannot wait till Pakkatan and China join hands to break the Indian jaw LOL

They all died a dog's death. Give it a break.

keep posting your replies.... it will put our heroes in your memory.

put your best in next post if you can.... its a challenge :lol::lol::lol:
Nothing.They have zero combat experience.Meanwhile our boys fought at kargil,live at siachen and everyday at the LOC game of cat and mouse like this sample.
A taste of the marathas enjoying their time at the LOC.
Hey fukface, those are Kashmiri mujahideen. Troops on LOC dont sit outside mud posts in civies out in the open and it is fenced.

CRPF in trucks.The enjoyment was what we did after that.
Death is certain,veergati is part of soldier's life.Atleast our boys don't die unacknowledged and slaughtered like sheep every day like in balochistan and loc.
No just get rods shoved up their assholez in galwan anf hunted down like pigs in IOK, LOC & 7 sister states..

Quote me again and il be happy to post pics of your dead on loc with brains and balls splattered like a soggy scrambled eggs.
those are Kashmiri mujahideen. Troops on LOC dont sit outside mud posts in civies out in the open and it is fenced.
True, these aren't Pak regulars but this particular incident might have taken place somewhere in the vicinity of the LOC.
They were not trained for that role , NSG is ..... the time they entered the Taj it was complete chaos and guests were every where ... similar situation for spetsnaz during Beslan school incident do you think Spetsnaz a failure.

Thanks to that attack NSG got a separate budget and their equipment and training changed completely.
MARCOS proved their worth in Sri Lanka although it was a political disaster but valuable costly lesson for forces
MARCOS were a total disaster on 26/11 so I don't have much hope from them.
They were not trained for that role , NSG is ..... the time they entered the Taj it was complete chaos and guests were every where ... similar situation for spetsnaz during Beslan school incident do you think Spetsnaz a failure.

Thanks to that attack NSG got a separate budget and their equipment and training changed completely.
MARCOS proved their worth in Sri Lanka although it was a political disaster but valuable costly lesson for forces
Special Forces from around the world are trained for all terrains and scenarios. Otherwise they are not special forces.

Neither the Indian or Chinese commandos and special forces are worth anything. Both are combat virgins and haven't achieved anything on the field of battle.
Special Forces from around the world are trained for all terrains and scenarios. Otherwise they are not special forces.

They have started to now, incidents such as 26/11 will be studied by forces around the world as they adapt to changing realities and new emerging challenges.

This was not the MARCOs' role but more for the NSG, everyone learned some very painful lessons from it. Including NSG stuck in traffic and wasted precious minutes as they tried to get to get to their choppers.

A bit of forum trolling is fine but it would be foolish for enemies of India to dismiss them as hopeless disasters.
special forces are offensive not defensive , the strategy against terrorist attack is mainly defensive , thats the reason almost every country has specialist departments to deal with terrorists ... sayeret matkal never handle terrorist attacks its the duty of Shin bet .

Special forces are for attack purpose not defensive purpose. counter terror in urban areas is mainly police work.

Thanks to Pakistan , thats NSG get the budget and focus from political leadership , even Mumbai Police raised its own anti terror unit

Special Forces from around the world are trained for all terrains and scenarios. Otherwise they are not special forces.


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