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Indian jawans like to play Simon says in front of PLA

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There was a misunderstanding, pictures was taken before the second banners were put up.View attachment 790907View attachment 790908

An absurd fact is that although English is the mother tongue of Indians, not all Indian soldiers can understand these banners. Although English is not the mother tongue of the Chinese, all Chinese soldiers can understand these banners.
battle hardened brave jawans are playing Simon says before can-not-fight one-child PLA

Simon says get down on your knees
Simon says touch and hold your ears
Simon says shout tauba tauba Saar Phuul sapport saarrr


Simon says: patloon utaaro!😎
sainik says: 😍
possible, hard to say for sure one way or another.

but that's just how it goes in matters of statecraft, propaganda, and geopolitics in general when there's a conflict situation.

Well you should at least admit to yourself and be honest with yourself that it is only India that engages in lies and propaganda.

Literally everything China stated officially was true and some even made soft just to save India some face. These are that India lost 20 soldiers and China lost 4 soldiers. China refrained from saying how many Indians were captured and refrained from saying so much bullshit which India non stop was engaged in.

Come on. Isn't is India that lied about Taiwan shooting down Su-35 just like India claiming India shot down F-16? India also lied about PLA captives and killed soldiers. TASS said 40 something PLA soldiers were allegedly killed according to unknown Indian source. Something no country recognizes. Not USA, not China (said 4 PLA soldiers were killed and still waiting for anyone to say otherwise) and not even India recognize that.

Russia is just the flame stoker. They have a habit of stoking flames during these times. They only like sitting back and stoking flames because that's the strategy nowadays in response to declining power, to US pressure on them, and to changing world. TASS still admitted that the number is from "an unknown Indian source". Something no one else agrees with at all and China directly and confidently came out to say PLA suffered 4 soldiers lost.

Sikhs are in Indian army. There are many many pieces of evidence proving this. I know Indian will refuse this and deny. Whatever it's just pathetic on India's part.

China didn't say exactly how many Indians they captured but said dozens and said they fought well over 100 Indians on many engagements. The June fight was the biggest out of all of them and they captured dozens and returned them the next day while keeping around a dozen officers for many more days.

China then saved India so much face but India in October this year wanted to do a smear campaign and said 200 PLA detained in South Tibet until China responded with some of these photos.

Then this happened.


" The central government (government of India) has clarified that no Chinese soldiers were detained nor any structure detained in the standoff with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in Arunachal Pradesh's Tawang last week. "

I see Indians are online saying things like we should change narratives and lie and spread propaganda since it helps us to defend the image of India. This is their main aim.

They admit they lie and admit they prefer their own stories and lies. They admit they only want to listen to Indian soothing lies rather than admit facts and truth.

And the reason they do this is to defend the image of India and to make themselves feel good about India's power or strength. Even you here hinted this as you said this sort of lying and propaganda (from India only) is normal under conflict situation. You lot are pathetic and evil bad losers. You love hitting others and pointing fingers and lying at others to harm others but not even the truth onto you will you accept and admit! You are the actual real culture of liars and propagandists while you accuse others of those things!

All China did was release some tiny bits of truth. And you get angry and want to promote Bollywood film clip as truth. China telling the truth is angering to Indians because it doesn't suit their lies and their choice of what to believe.
it remind me of the saying " speak softly and carry a big stick " thats wat china did.

I think China have changed the "speak softly" part towards Indians specificially, they have been pretty straightforward in the recent talks with Indians.

I can not find a even more shameless and pathetic bunch, the citizens from the world poorest african countries I met before have way more honor and being more honest than the average indian jokers I met here, they are truly a special species, in many case I am almost speechless.
So many Indian prisoners.

They do seem all pliant and well behaved towards the one Chinese guard.
They are starving, have no morale, lack discipline and just happy to surrender and get a warm meal. A Chinese senior officer once told me that in 1962, Indian "officers" fled first leaving behind totally inept underfed rabble and the PLA even had to clean the Indian weapons, repair them and return them.

The Sino-Indian war of 1962 and recent mauling of Indian troops in Ladakh can be said to be a political statement. Its strategic purpose is not to defeat India, but to promote peace through strength, so that the Hindu extremist Indian government and deluded citizens realize that China is by no means weak and can not be bullied. India's invasion and occupation of Chinese territory will ultimately cost blood. This is also a message to the west that is propping up India as a "counter to China".

In the China-India War of 1962, the People's Liberation Army seized a large number of weapons and chariots, but why did they fill them up and return them afterwards?

In the China-India War of 1962, the People's Liberation Army seized a large number of weapons and chariots, but why did they fill them up and return them afterwards?
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I think China have changed the "speak softly" part towards Indians specificially, they have been pretty straightforward in the recent talks with Indians.

I can not find a even more shameless and pathetic bunch, the citizens from the world poorest african countries I met before have way more honor and being more honest than the average indian jokers I met here, they are truly a special species, in many case I am almost speechless.

the african atleast he is honest admit their problems and that is the root of solving problem, is to be honest and humble. but indians have no shame, they are deceptive, live in a fantasy world, wannabe aryan white, jealous to the point where they will make excuses, frustrated that their women want foreign men with bigger dicks and thrust like a rocket in bed. For me the worse part is that after suffering 300 years under white jew british empire, the Indian nowadays is inviting them back in asia and begging to be cuckold slave. it will eventually lead to their down fall as all Asian countries will kick the traitor country. After falling down and breaking apart, they will scream muslims came and took our women and fucked them, converted them to meat eater.
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