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Indian jawans like to play Simon says in front of PLA

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ok, we can take that into account.. it is possible I guess that there are sikhs in the Bihar regiment that was involved in that fight.

what about the rest of my questions ?
That's a secret. :D
I guess all those Indian signs at the border do not help their soldiers.


Kid’s gesture I am so sorry, it’s South Asia thing I guess
I have a serious question for the Indians, their defence budget is close to $50 billion, but these poor sods are dressed like remnants of some African terrorist rabble. They are wearing WW2 surplus US army field cotton jackets, there is no body armor or even thermal underwear, all totally unsuited for high altitude modern warfare. They are living in WW2 canvas tents and have no modern equipment, while the PLA has 21st century gear including digital ID which even has a soldiers medical info. The PLA has pre-fab all climate living quarters and modern facilities.

The Indian army is embarrassingly pathetic and it looks like nothing has changed since 1962. This chap seemed super happy to surrender and get a warm Chinese meal. Where is all of India's military budget going?
1962 India-China war | IndiaToday650 × 455
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They don't have a mustache like Abhinandan but they (IA) accepted him with his mustache.
Wow... Indians.

Go check the thread on this forum about 27th February 2019. There are posts by senior Indian members denying that Abhinandan is their pilot since he has those mustaches just like they now deny that these are Indian soldiers because they have long hair and all that

We are against a delusional clown nation. Never forget that
not denying anything, nor am I "trolling"

a bit more info would be nice is all...

did the Chinese ministry of defence or whatever they call it there release it ?

who, what agency, news organization put this out ?

what about that long hair? person middle right ?

simple questions/querys.. simple answers should put all that to rest quickly.

so it'll be great if you could answer those questions..

Chinese state media released the photos. At least the recent ones, in fact clearly all photos and videos released were state leaked.

Chinese media has not bothered reporting on Galwan issues recently and these photos do not get headlines in China. These are quite informal and the intention is to reach Indian government which it has. Chinese state leaks these images all over social media including media mouthpieces to show and eventually it reaches places like this forum and Indian social media. The intention is to show Indian government not to **** around with Indian lies and Indian government since a month ago shut up totally? Did you notice how Indian government's big mouth got shut?

What about the long hair? No Indians have long hair? Sikhs and many Punjabis have long hair and many Sikhs serve in the Indian military. Usually their long hair is covered in turbans.

All the photos and videos released by China are clearly real. If they were not real, the Indian government would be the first to say something. Yet Indian government confirmed all the photos and videos are real and even retracted their statement that India captured 200 PLA soldiers in South Tibet.

This is the pattern. India wants to look good, makes things up to look good, truth gets shown, India reacts.

In this case it is India invented 200 PLA detained in South Tibet, China released some photos from last year, India said sorry no PLA detained at all and we take that all back.
Chinese state media released the photos. At least the recent ones, in fact clearly all photos and videos released were state leaked.

Chinese media has not bothered reporting on Galwan issues recently and these photos do not get headlines in China. These are quite informal and the intention is to reach Indian government which it has. Chinese state leaks these images all over social media including media mouthpieces to show and eventually it reaches places like this forum and Indian social media. The intention is to show Indian government not to **** around with Indian lies and Indian government since a month ago shut up totally? Did you notice how Indian government's big mouth got shut?

What about the long hair? No Indians have long hair? Sikhs and many Punjabis have long hair and many Sikhs serve in the Indian military. Usually their long hair is covered in turbans.

All the photos and videos released by China are clearly real. If they were not real, the Indian government would be the first to say something. Yet Indian government confirmed all the photos and videos are real and even retracted their statement that India captured 200 PLA soldiers in South Tibet.

This is the pattern. India wants to look good, makes things up to look good, truth gets shown, India reacts.

In this case it is India invented 200 PLA detained in South Tibet, China released some photos from last year, India said sorry no PLA detained at all and we take that all back.
possible, hard to say for sure one way or another.

but that's just how it goes in matters of statecraft, propaganda, and geopolitics in general when there's a conflict situation.
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