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India will lose 'special privileges' if it buys crude from Saudi Arabia, U.S.: Iranian diplomat

To think that many Indians were ecstatic about Trump winning. All he has done is pulled Indian nuts between a clam. Either Iran. Either Israel/USA. Nothing in between. You see the result. The fun has just began.

"India announces the North West Corridor which will link India, with Afghanistan, with Russia, with Timbuktoo through Chah Bahar Port"
What did I see there? Time for the "Cha, Chah, Chah Ba, Chah Bahar, Chah Bahar " song .....
To think that many Indians were ecstatic about Trump winning. All he has done is pulled Indian nuts between a clam. Either Iran. Either Israel/USA. Nothing in between. You see the result. The fun has just began.

AnywayWhat did I see there? Time for the "Cha, Chah, Chah Ba, Chah Bahar, Chah Bahar " song .....

Trump's maneuvers have been very good for India.
Ultra massive defeat for Pakistan.
I said three years ago that Chah was not going anywhere when your countrymen were singing "Chah" at ever post on PDF. Three years later India has not even built a latrine in Chah Bahar yet - although given Indian proclivity for doing it exposed might not mean much. I saud this before but I will say it again. Tell me when you lay the first brick in Chah Bahar.

I believe there are few things on which India should put its feet down in front of USA. Its oil supply is one of those. US should not be allowed to dictate terms in that and India should not antagonize its reliable and nearby supplier of precious life blood of economy: Oil. Its a test for Modi and his 56 inch whatever.
This is what India should do to US delegates on the matter of its oil imports from Iran :
I said three years ago that Chah was not going anywhere when your countrymen were singing "Chah" at ever post on PDF. Three years later India has not even built a latrine in Chah Bahar yet - although given Indian proclivity for doing it exposed might not mean much. I saud this before but I will say it again. Tell me when you lay the first brick in Chah Bahar.

Im not surprised that foreign policy is an alien concept for Pakistanis the way they describe .
You never know what is the next when you are talking about India's foreign policy. :azn:
Im not surprised that foreign policy is an alien concept for Pakistanis the way they describe .
You never know what is the next when you are talking about India's foreign policy. :azn:
Rather, everyone thinks they can pressurize India on certain points. There should be very clear lines in the sand regarding India's foreign policy that no one should be expected to cross without a diplomatic equivalent of kick on the teeth. And India's energy supply is one of them.
I hate to break it to Pakistani posters but diplomacy is not a zero sum game - so your fantasies about "double talk, real Indian face, baghal mein churi" might be to pat yourselves on the back, but it is an exercise in futility. USA has maintained friendly relations with India and Pak; with Israel and Saudi Arabia; China does too. So does India. So does France. So does Germany.

Yes It Is Indians Who Only Know Diplomacy And Yet It Is Your Diplomats That Get Strip Searched
we have independent freign policy and wont take orders from lord trump yaabba dabbaaa doooo thumping chest like babooooon (no racist :p) indian posters on pdf
Yep but here USA is dictating Indian foreign policy and to stop Pakistan from buying US weapons and getting US aid India needs to decide. After all USA is a super power and can dictate to a wana bee country.
Pressurizing - yes. Dictating - a bit of a stretch. But US is the sole hyperpower in the world. Shame it is run by a clown. India might just need to balance things till this idiot loses the next election.

Yes It Is Indians Who Only Know Diplomacy And Yet It Is Your Diplomats That Get Strip Searched

Massoud Rezvanian Rahaghi said that Iran had tried to help India whenever possible on strategic issues like energy and connectivity, but argued that India’s investment promises in the port of Chabahar have not been delivered.

Coming right from horse mouth. Take a note boys.

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