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India will lose 'special privileges' if it buys crude from Saudi Arabia, U.S.: Iranian diplomat

Good news for India as Iran now accepted it so weak that it cannot even cancel chabahar port as a retaliation or apply diplomatic retaliations on India, but merely change from rupee trade to dollar trade which be worse go Iran than India.

Nope Iranian official only mentioned, one option: Change to USD trade as from rupee for Iran. No other options were mentioned.

Everything is not said....not everything is mentioned.

Iranians are upto something....against India
Iran doesn't have an alternate buyer.India and China are the biggest consumers in Asia and biggest growing demand sources,if they don't want us to buy its their loss.We can make up from other sources.I don't think that will happen though,we have a good relationship with them but we must also take into account issue of sanctions on our oil companies.Iran should not make comments that they don't have leverage on,i don't say this as a slight to iranian nation but simply appraisal of current geopolitics.Before making demands you have to see how strong your hand is,iran simply can't compete with USA iin economic influence,so placing themselves on the same level as USA before other countries is unrealistic and foolish and only exist in the mind of iranian govt.
Iran has buyer in form of Europe and china is also ready to buy more. China is trying to push Europe in.
Iran and Europe are signing EU3 agreement. P5+1 is important for Europe. They cannot have a Russian ally with nuke.
They have zero options now as every country is abandoning Iran except Russia which itself is being screwed by US sanctions. Just today it was announced that Iranian oil exports fell by 500,000 BPD thanks to US sanctions even though they 're yet to take effect.

All the cards are now on India's deck as we can force Iran to make a deal favourable to us (just like we did last Tim during sanctions).

Iran then will screw you in Chabahr
No matter what, something is going to happen and it doesn't look favorable for India from any perspective.
All major European container companies have refused to trade with Iran after US sanctions.
China is itself being flogged by US with hundreds of billion worth of tariffs.

EU3 to open trade with Iran independent of US dollar: Russia FM

Europe is preparing to replace India but Russia wants India as Iranian oil customer. if India stops buying Iranian oil then India becomes purely US shoulder. India is going to lose Iranian port if it stops buying Iranian oil

Bye Bye to chabahar or keeping all happy foreign policy lol.
This is the best thing USA has ever done for Pakistan lol.

It is a perfect trap for India. India will lose one side for sure.
India will SEe how China decides ..
If China stops buying,,.. Then only India need to worry.
I hate to break it to Pakistani posters but diplomacy is not a zero sum game - so your fantasies about "double talk, real Indian face, baghal mein churi" might be to pat yourselves on the back, but it is an exercise in futility. USA has maintained friendly relations with India and Pak; with Israel and Saudi Arabia; China does too. So does India. So does France. So does Germany.
Good... India will bargain cheaper oil n gas from both USA and Iran.India first ...
I hate to break it to Pakistani posters but diplomacy is not a zero sum game - so your fantasies about "double talk, real Indian face, baghal mein churi" might be to pat yourselves on the back, but it is an exercise in futility. USA has maintained friendly relations with India and Pak; with Israel and Saudi Arabia; China does too. So does India. So does France. So does Germany.

Yep but here USA is dictating Indian foreign policy and to stop Pakistan from buying US weapons and getting US aid India needs to decide. After all USA is a super power and can dictate to a wana bee country.
This is the best thing USA has ever done for Pakistan lol.

It is a perfect trap for India. India will lose one side for sure.

Neither US nor Iran are close friends for us .
Only Friends .
India wouldn't let go Russia either .
So in all India will decide what's best for itself ..
We are only buying from these countries .. If anyone force our hands against our interest we will simply look for alternatives.
Neither US nor Iran are close friends for us .
Only Friends .
India wouldn't let go Russia either .
So in all India will decide what's best for itself ..
We are only buying from these countries .. If anyone force our hands against our interest we will simply look for alternatives.

In the same way USA will look for it's interests. throw India out of Afghanistan and cut a deal with Pakistan restore aid and supply weapons to Pakistan. USA should also look after it's own interests.

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