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India ready to give Pakistan ‘benefit of the doubt’: Salman Khurshid

These dickheads militants are flaring war between Indian and Pakistan army. Hijda Hafiz Saeed is one such example of these kinds of langoors roaming freely in Pakistan
That beheading was not carried out by Pakistani army, our media kept on accusing them...reality is militants of Lashkar-e-taiba (now Jamat-ud-Jawah) carried it out. It is said that Hafiz Saeed told its group that whoever carries out that beheading will be awarded. I've seen that video and it has no sign of Pakistani army in it.
very primitive assumptions that too on the basis of terrorist's statement ,consider other (many) conditions before coming to a conclusion.
India ready to give Pakistan benefit of doubt because they know Indian policy in Afghanistan and thus, central Asia, is going doing the gutter after NATO withdrawal in 2014.
Explain this very part please. :lol: You will allow Afghanistan to trade with India because Pakistan too need transit from Afghanistan to trade with central Asia selling Pakistan's agricultural.

Its always mutual hence that's the point. If India wants to continue closing its eyes then you must cut off all ties officially. 
If only NS had the audacity to walk the talk! He may have all the good intentions... but what if the decision with regard to peace initiative is taken out of his hand?
the hand you are talking about had already okayed it. The ball is in court of India.

And lets assume that the decision of such steps even taken out of his hand, unless India come to table, how can you even lay blame on us
I don't think India wants that. The present Khurshid, or the Congress Government does - you can say Govt of India instead. Just saying...
you are a product of violence who worship a cult. you guys come from arabia into india and start troubkle. who is the parasite.

Its unfortunate that your attitude towards your own Muslims is also based on the above assumption that too about happening hundreds of years back 
I don't think India wants that. The present Khurshid, or the Congress Government does - you can say Govt of India instead. Just saying...

Every civilized country turn to talks.

anyway what do you see if Modi/BJP come to power, they will do ?
@Aamna14 try to ignore the overly jingoistic crowd. no need to raise your blood pressure.

Just relax O.K. ?

Whether anyone killed be it Indian or Pakistani is deplorable.

And it's a good thin that you don't judge most people based on the actions of a few :)

No i won't raise my blood pressure over something like this i want all human beings living in both the countries to live in peace if some people find this attitude a weakness and a green light to sling mud then they are free to think as they like. I do appreciate you're stance by the way its very refreshing.
well few things

1. india wont Give kashmir at any cost

2. India wont give sir creek/siachin at any cost

3. India will not talk seriousli with pakistan until it punishes the perpatrators or khandar hijak & 26/11 and hands over Dawood , hafiz & Bathkal & Co to india

4.Trade & medical tourism is the onli way pakistan can benefit in the long term with india

5. No indian Auto/IT orPharma major will invest in pakistan till Pakistan gives us MFN status with international garantee and opens its markets to us

now if these terms are accepted by pakistan we can think of giving "pakistan a benfit of Dought":coffee:
India is the eternal enemy of Pakistan and should be taken care of asap.

We are not violent people, but these Indians are parasites.

well few things

1. india wont Give kashmir at any cost

2. India wont give sir creek/siachin at any cost

3. India will not talk seriousli with pakistan until it punishes the perpatrators or khandar hijak & 26/11 and hands over Dawood , hafiz & Bathkal & Co to india

4.Trade & medical tourism is the onli way pakistan can benefit in the long term with india

5. No indian Auto/IT orPharma major will invest in pakistan till Pakistan gives us MFN status with international garantee and opens its markets to us

now if these terms are accepted by pakistan we can think of giving "pakistan a benfit of Dought":coffee:
Whole Kashmir is ours legally but we never ask for it, WHY?!! It is this dumb congress
Its unfortunate that your attitude towards your own Muslims is also based on the above assumption that too about happening hundreds of years back 

Every civilized country turn to talks.

anyway what do you see if Modi/BJP come to power, they will do ?

If BJP comes to Power, it will try and improve relationship with Pakistan. However, things will remain as it is. :enjoy:
If BJP comes to Power, it will try and improve relationship with Pakistan and things will remain like they are always :enjoy:

Yeh rightly said. Still saffronis claim big. :) as if its marbles' game and not international relations 
Whole Kashmir is ours legally but we never ask for it, WHY?!! It is this dumb congress

bwahahahahahahahahahahah. well its not even illegally yours what to say about legally
Yeh rightly said. Still saffronis claim big. :) as if its marbles' game and not international relations 

It's not only Saffronis claim big but, Greeennness, do it too :P as if its marbles' game and not international relations :eek:
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