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India ready to give Pakistan ‘benefit of the doubt’: Salman Khurshid

India is the eternal enemy of Pakistan and should be taken care of asap.

We are not violent people, but these Indians are parasites.

Take deep breaths my friend.

And no war is going to happen for a long time.
Thats a typical Pakistani bashing to be expected from an Indian anyways i never said i personally want relations with India and neither did i say you were weak thats all you people always harp about. You would surely remember and hate those Pakistanis who said such trash about Indian deaths but you won't condemn you're own fellow Indians saying the same about Pakistanis losing their lives and you talk about double standards you're attitude says it all secondly, i never made any claims against Hindus nor would i do that now because i know that would be highly unfair but claiming any religious or ethnic group hasn't ever persecuted others is far fetched. Like i said i have the common sense to distinguish and know that most people both Hindus and Muslims want peace so i won't generalise and wish bad for anyone. You only want to see those Pakistanis who feel elated at such natural disasters not those who offered their condolences (myself included) but on the other hand deliberately refuse to notice Indians laughing and mocking at the deaths of our people. You got the wrong impression i am not in the least angry if people like you think the way you do then its their choice in fact an easier choice for most.

@Aamna14 try to ignore the overly jingoistic crowd. no need to raise your blood pressure.

Just relax O.K. ?

Whether anyone killed be it Indian or Pakistani is deplorable.

And it's a good thin that you don't judge most people based on the actions of a few :)
This is @RazPaK too. The tribals in India can lay claim to the fact that they are more opresed than the Kashmiris.

At least the kashmiris can and have raised their voice and have limited participation in Indian polity.

What do Tribals have? I would rather the indian government government focus on this first.

It is nor only about the Tribals, but it has roots in severe malnutrition and hopelessness in the area.

I agree with your points raised @SpringOnion but there will be conditions I suspect, which is reasonable.

But I agree with other Indian posters here, India doesn't feel Pakistan hasn't brought anything to the table so far.

I don't know what post you had replied to bringing in Kashmiris.

However, Kashmir aside, (as that is a long term dispute), India-Pakistan talks are always needed since you can live by closing your eyes and at the same time wanting to reach destinations who's passage is through Pakistan.
I don't know what post you had replied to bringing in Kashmiris.

However, Kashmir aside, (as that is a long term dispute), India-Pakistan talks are always needed since you can live by closing your eyes and at the same time wanting to reach destinations who's passage is through Pakistan.

Indians are worthless to talk to.

They are the eternal enemy of Pakistan, and must be treated as such.

Anything else is a waste of time.
live by closing your eyes and at the same time wanting to reach destinations who's passage is through Pakistan.

Explain this very part please. :lol: You will allow Afghanistan to trade with India because Pakistan too need transit from Afghanistan to trade with central Asia selling Pakistan's agricultural.
I don't know what post you had replied to bringing in Kashmiris.

However, Kashmir aside, (as that is a long term dispute), India-Pakistan talks are always needed since you can live by closing your eyes and at the same time wanting to reach destinations who's passage is through Pakistan.

The problem is not that. The problem is both parties getting burned multiple times.

And the guy here is Nawaz Sharif, who Indians perceive to be a crook, because when we had the peace negotiations in 1999, Kargil happened.

Indians are getting more cynical. While you may get support from me, a lot of other indians object and I understand their logic, though I disagree with it.

I understand the benefits of such talks, but if another Mmbai attacks occur, it will scuttle the whole thing permanently. 
Indians are worthless to talk to.

They are the eternal enemy of Pakistan, and must be treated as such.

Anything else is a waste of time.

I disagree. If only to prevent misguided patriots from both sides killing more Human lives based on some abstract concept.
Indians are worthless to talk to.

They are the eternal enemy of Pakistan, and must be treated as such.

Anything else is a waste of time.

Chaudhry saab. Ghussa jan deo. We must appreciate non-jingoist Indian members on this forum. Not every Indian is a troll. Some of them have valid POVs too.

There is nothing wrong with talking about peace or improving relations. That is different from dropping our guard. I know we can not trust India as a country, but we must not wish for war. One could stay watchful and still have the benefit of peace. Both the countries need peace and development, and neither is likely to curb defense spending.
Chaudhry saab. Ghussa jan deo. We must appreciate non-jingoist Indian members on this forum. Not every Indian is a troll. Some of them have valid POVs too.

There is nothing wrong with talking about peace or improving relations. That is different from dropping our guard. I know we can not trust India as a country, but we must not wish for war. One could stay watchful and still have the benefit of peace. Both the countries need peace and development, and neither is likely to curb defense spending.
i agree with your point sir
The problem is not that. The problem is both parties getting burned multiple times.

And the guy here is Nawaz Sharif, who Indians perceive to be a crook, because when we had the peace negotiations in 1999, Kargil happened.

Indians are getting more cynical. While you may get support from me, a lot of other indians object and I understand their logic, though I disagree with it.

I understand the benefits of such talks, but if another Mmbai attacks occur, it will scuttle the whole thing permanently. 

I disagree. If only to prevent misguided patriots from both sides killing more Human lives based on some abstract concept.

I understand your sentiments. However, NS should not be considered a crook based on Kargil. Musharraf is to blame for Kargil, and he kept the government in dark about his plans. Because of the political pressures, Sharif could not come out openly against Musharraf. I could go on but it is too complicated a picture to describe in a couple of para graphs.

I do appreciate your POV which is refreshingly different from most Indian members. We need more people like you to discuss matters in a non-jingoistic manner.
Indians talk a lot, but are only good at that. Talking.

Never very serious and always resonating duplicity.
its always pak that has caused teror when there are talks going on , - parliament attack, then 26/11 and now Loc firing to push their armymen into india
India should take steps cautiously, Pakistan have more war loving people than India and as some member earlier mentioned Pakistanis don't have any love for Kashmiris, they want Kashmir because of abundance of resources, river system & strategic advantage with China. It's good that Kashmiris are slowly understanding the greed of Pakistan.

Pakistan is damn lucky because Congress is very weak in responding for all what Pakistan does. India will get rid of them(congressi haramkhor) soon and then we will see what is the real stance of India. I hope India-Pakistan never joins hands but stays neutral.

Hindus and Muslims can never have brotherly relations, but indeed they can be friends.
With Nawaz Sharif vowing to go ‘extra mile’ to make peace with India, Khurshid says Delhi would take him at his word

If only NS had the audacity to walk the talk! He may have all the good intentions... but what if the decision with regard to peace initiative is taken out of his hand?
I understand your sentiments. However, NS should not be considered a crook based on Kargil. Musharraf is to blame for Kargil, and he kept the government in dark about his plans. Because of the political pressures, Sharif could not come out openly against Musharraf. I could go on but it is too complicated a picture to describe in a couple of para graphs.

I do appreciate your POV which is refreshingly different from most Indian members. We need more people like you to discuss matters in a non-jingoistic manner.

Anyway, I have decided to exit stage left from this thread. I want to keep my sanity and hope in Humanity.

Wish pakistan all the best in years to come. Hope India and Pakistan can in the future resolve disputes without getting into confrontations and the worst is willy waving in internet forums.

I have met a lot of reasonable pakistani posters too :)
This year’s ceasefire violations began in January with the beheading of an Indian soldier, with another 150 breaches ssince then.
There's no hope.
That beheading was not carried out by Pakistani army, our media kept on accusing them...reality is militants of Lashkar-e-taiba (now Jamat-ud-Jawah) carried it out. It is said that Hafiz Saeed told its group that whoever carries out that beheading will be awarded. I've seen that video and it has no sign of Pakistani army in it.
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