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India No longer a big threat to Pakistan :Ex ISI Chief

I live in New Delhi and saw all the non sense of CAA NRC protests and then a fking riot caused by the so called peaceful protestors, they become victims if police beat stone pelting “students” and then they block a road for months illegally congesting the whole area’s traffic. In Farmer’s protest the farmers are throwing barricades into rivers, and trying to block the Delhi borders in the name of Protests, I’ve seen the rich farmer guys eating Jalebis, Samosas that are prepared there only. Its going to be a year in 11 days when CAA was amended, who lost his /her citizenship but they all rioted, protested and killed innocents because someone told Government will throw out 25 Crore Minorities out of India which itself sounds a big BS. There’s a place for protests where you do protests but people are blocking roads which is constitutionally illegal. I respect the farmers of my country but it is taking a religious angle now like the one during CAA tamasha, if it sparks another riot then your Punjab CM will be responsible coz you don’t even know how badly we were fked up and sh!t scared when the riots were happening sponsored by Aam Aadmi Party’s MLA Tahir Hussain at his under construction house. Farmers of Punjab and Haryana should protest the way Farmers of Maharashtra did a few years back without causing problems to the common people and students who were appearing for Board exams. Protest is every ones right and a fundamental duty but theres a way to do it. I appreciate that people of Punjab and Haryana feed poor people and thats good, I’m not saying every farmer is enjoying but the ones who persuaded the poor farmers are having tasty food and snacks while poor farmers are suffering and mark my words... just like the Muslim men and women who led the Anti CAA-NRC-NPR protest in Shaheen Bagh later on Joined BJP and ended that drama these Farmer Leaders (Kisan Netas) will later join BJP and end the protest. I hope you understand.
unless there is strong supervision and tough QA/QC checks , im afraid the outcome is what you describe

however, given the fact that these are bank financed projects, the lenders wont let the govt contractors get away that fast

Hmm so tell me how they can force the government to listen. Farmers were protesting for 2 months no 1 gavr a ****. News Channel didn't even covered the news properly.
You see you are so noble and everything, its easy to talk but when it comes to practicality nothing.

They are protesting cUse without consulting them govt made a law.
Take the law back , consult with farmers , make a report from fact finding committee than council the farmer leaders on the benefits , or as an experiment apply it at 1 or 2 mandis and see what happens.
Thats how a democracy works. Did modi do that ? No

So people knows how he will listen.
A divided India is a lesser threat to Pakistan, thanks to divider-in-chief Modi.

-Divided between Muslims and Hindus...means more electoral votes to Modi's BJP though.

-Divided between liberals/seculars/leftists and hardliner Hindu nationalists.

-The regional and religious divide, the caste based divide...

The fault lines in India are huge just waiting to be ignited...

India cut to size by Modi...
Israel is a worthy Rival.
India is nothing in front of the Yahoodis

There is a great misconception about Israel on this forum in general that needs to be explained to the layman who leave behind obsecure posts.

Israel itself doesn't pose any threat due to low population levels and indeed by itself irrelevant but what you have to look at is the bigger picture instead of focussing on the formalities.

The Israelis didn't come themselves as they were refugees around the world for nearly 2000 years. What happened is that they happened to be at the right place on the right time. The Ottomans lost Jerusalem to the British, french and australian coalition decades ago in WW1. By the second world war they experienced the holocaust by the same people who used them as garrison to leave behind in the holy land. Because after the second ww2 the British couldn't keep Jerusalem so they came up with the idea of leaving the Jews there to hold the city for them instead of the muslims who they were fighting for about 1300 years both in the holy land and on European soil.

So technically in order to take Jerusalem you have to take it back from these who captured the city first in this case the US and britain. Israel is not alone and has a large bloc holding Jerusalem so technically they are not the enemy or the one you should focus on but the enemy behind the enemy is the culprit and it is them you have to contest and compete the holy land with and in all truthfulness Israel is just a pawn in all of this and they just happened to be there at the right time and don't for one second think that the US or it's western allies love israel or ever loved them previously because what Hitler did was a mutual feeling of many other european countries who were tired of the jews. They want this because they will keep parts of Israel under a garrison they left there. This is rather a passionless business transaction
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300dead terrorists, F16 crash site
IAF never said 300 terrorists were killed, it were just some leaders giving the figure, official IAF statement has been consistent saying a very large number of terrorists were killed, and if I counter question you, can you provide the crash location of Su-30MKI that you supposedly shot?
Hmm so tell me how they can force the government to listen. Farmers were protesting for 2 months no 1 gavr a ****. News Channel didn't even covered the news properly.
You see you are so noble and everything, its easy to talk but when it comes to practicality nothing.

They are protesting cUse without consulting them govt made a law.
Take the law back , consult with farmers , make a report from fact finding committee than council the farmer leaders on the benefits , or as an experiment apply it at 1 or 2 mandis and see what happens.
Thats how a democracy works. Did modi do that ? No

So people knows how he will listen.
I am not against their protests but the way they are doing so is very worrying coz I’m fearing another riot in Delhi as it is now taking religious angle and you know how dirty religious and caste politics have been in India.
ok sure. if it makes you happy then so be it. beat your chest for shooting down the F-16 once done play the video of Christine how she destroyed the IAF claim in a big audience inside India.
How did she destroyed it? A white guy just said a line “IAF never shot an F-16” and you call it proof numba wan. By the same logic Italian journalist Francesca Marino did proper investigation and intel gathering and released a publication related to Balakot airstrikes unlike Christine Fair who just said a line. I feel pity on your logic, I recently read a BBC article citing personal experience when they went to Balakot after 1 year of the airstrikes and they say that the city is under lockdown for more than a year and anyone who wants to go near has to talk to some ISI guys, wait I’ll re-find the article and share here, it’s in Hindi.
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IAF never said 300 terrorists were killed, it were just some leaders giving the figure, official IAF statement has been consistent saying a very large number of terrorists were killed, and if I counter question you, can you provide the crash location of Su-30MKI that you supposedly shot?

I am not against their protests but the way they are doing so is very worrying coz I’m fearing another riot in Delhi as it is now taking religious angle and you know how dirty religious and caste politics have been in India.

How did she destroyed it? A white guy just said a line “IAF never shot an F-16” and you call it proof numba wan. By the same logic Italian journalist Francesca Marino did proper investigation and intel gathering and released a publication related to Balakot airstrikes unlike Christine Fair who just said a line. I feel pity on your logic, I recently read a BBC article citing personal experience when they went to Balakot after 1 year of the airstrikes and they say that the city is under lockdown for more than a year and anyone who wants to go near has to talk to some ISI guys, wait I’ll re-find the article and share here, it’s in Hindi.

Then show the destruction of the alleged target in Balacot??

Show the firing of the missile

The target being hit

Satellite images of before and after


We can't produce a su30 crash site ergo it's a questionable kill, we accept that, but your claim of a F16 going down is downright stupid

Accept defeat!!!!

27th Feb 2019 proved that Indian Airforce is a dud.

15th Jun 2020 proved that Indian Army is a dud

Indian military sissies are no match to Pakistan's Military.
“India has not always been the biggest threat to us,” added Durrani, who had ruffled some feathers in 2018 by co-authoring a book, Spy Chronicles: RAW, ISI and the Illusion of Peace with Indian RAW’s former chief AS Dulat which stirred up a controversy that haunts him till this day.
India never was a threat to pakistan. All wars were started by pakistan and finished by India. And for all pakistanis who think that Feb 27 was a victory for them I pity your understanding.

I agree, Feb 27 was such a horrible loss for Pakistan. Just look at this, so humiliating for Pakistan.

You missed the target and lost an F-16 hence your ISPR had to do a coverup saying, “No F-16 was used hence F-16 shoot down claim of India is a lie” and your PMIK said “We shot down 2 MiG-21s of IAF” and then your ISPR said they shot down 1 Su-30MKI and 1 MiG-21. Your flip flops that day were very funny.

Goodness me

I still can't believe the Indians actually still believe this crap of shooting down an F16. That's pretty pathetic but not surprising.

And that is true what the DG ISPR said, the F16's were not part of the strike package. The F16's were flying CAPs and engaged the chasing IAF's interceptors.

You also forget the MI-8 that was shot down with all the people onboard killed. You must wonder, why would the IAF launch an MI-8 for SAR mission when the border was hot. Only an idiot would do that, but probably i am being too logical here.

Oh and here is New York Times for you:

After India Loses Dogfight to Pakistan, Questions Arise About Its ‘Vintage’ Military

IAF never said 300 terrorists were killed, it were just some leaders giving the figure, official IAF statement has been consistent saying a very large number of terrorists were killed, and if I counter question you, can you provide the crash location of Su-30MKI that you supposedly shot?

Reuters disagrees hahahaa hahha pathetic
Goodness me

I still can't believe the Indians actually still believe this crap of shooting down an F16. That's pretty pathetic but not surprising.

And that is true what the DG ISPR said, the F16's were not part of the strike package. The F16's were flying CAPs and engaged the chasing IAF's interceptors.

You also forget the MI-8 that was shot down with all the people onboard killed. You must wonder, why would the IAF launch an MI-8 for SAR mission when the border was hot. Only an idiot would do that, but probably i am being too logical here.

Oh and here is New York Times for you:

After India Loses Dogfight to Pakistan, Questions Arise About Its ‘Vintage’ Military

Reuters disagrees hahahaa hahha pathetic
Thats what a penetrator bomb does, penetrates, doesn’t bring down the whole building down.
I agree, Feb 27 was such a horrible loss for Pakistan. Just look at this, so humiliating for Pakistan.

View attachment 693178

That was not a full fledged war, you shot down an old MiG-21 with numerical superiority and concluded that you can defeat India, great. You people got to know that 2000+ of your soldiers were killed in Kargil only in 2008. Wait for few years and you will know who that second pilot was.
Thats what a penetrator bomb does, penetrates, doesn’t bring down the whole building down.

That's quite a pathetic excuse for face saving. I understand the humiliation that was suffered by India, this is why you're trying to make up these pathetic excuses. There is no proof that Spice 2000's penetrated any buildings or there were any casualties.

India is free to prove us wrong by releasing the images of the Spice 2000's, similar to what Pakistan did with the H4 footage.

All the intendent sources have rubbished your claim

That was not a full fledged war, you shot down an old MiG-21 with numerical superiority and concluded that you can defeat India, great. You people got to know that 2000+ of your soldiers were killed in Kargil only in 2008. Wait for few years and you will know who that second pilot was.

Obviously, the mere fact that Pakistan was able to carry out precision strikes inside Indian territory in broad day-light after warning the Indians that they would attack is a feat itself. Pakistan Air Force should be commended that they carried a strike inside Indian territory after warning the Indians that they will attack. After carrying the strike, they were able to dominate the Indian Air Force in that particular sector and forced the Mirage 2000's and SU30MKI's to disengage and retreat. That is indeed a victory considering the fact that Indian Air Force has 10X more resources then Pakistan Air Force.

There were no 2000 casualties as the Indians like to claim during Kargil. Pakistan had at best a battalion level presence over there, that's about 1000 troops so its a face saving attempt by the Indians similar to the F16 claim. Pakistan still controls six peaks it took from the Indians.
precision strikes inside Indian territory
Your Asif Goofer said that they missed the targets deliberately as they just wanted to pass on a message, just a coverup of failed airstrike. 24 Aircrafts of PAF vs 6 of IAF and still lost an F-16 and a did a failed airstrike.

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