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India No longer a big threat to Pakistan :Ex ISI Chief

Why don’t you show the AMRAAM debris with which you shot down MiG-21? Oh then you’ll have to show the debris of the other AMRAAM with which you claimed to have shot down an imaginary Su-30MKI and its debris doesn’t exist.

Because we have the MiG-21 with all missiles unfired and its surrendered pilot as proof. The Flanker went down in IoK at BVR ranges. That is what the IAF helicopter was looking for, before of course, it was blown out of the sky, by the IAF.
I mean it is true. Indians love to mention 1971 as some sort of triumph against Pakistanis but forget that Bengalis did much of the work for them. This is made ever more embarrassing for the Hindu bigots who cite it as one of their incredibly few examples of Hindus beating Muslims during a major military conflict.

20 crore muslims live in india , they are part of indian society .
Says the one who’s country has been the aggressor every time from 1948, 1965 (Op Gibralter), 1971(Op Chengiz Khan), 1999 Kargil.

1948: India supported Kashmiri dictatorship which genocided hundreds of thousands aided by the RSS, leading to a rebellion against said dictatorship
1965: Indians trying to get cocky in Kutch, attack Lahore
1971: Need I get started on the Mukhti Bahini?
1980s: India occupied Siachen, tried to start fourth war after mobilising entire army to border. Only stepped down after Zia threatened to wipe Hindusim and India off the face of the earth.
1999: Pakistan aggressor for once, pulls out unilaterally anyway.

1948: India lost half of Kashmir
1965: India gives up all gains, cedes land in Kutch to Pakistan
1971: India gives up all gains except barren inhospitable hills in Ladakh, cedes Chamb to Pakistan.
1980s: India backs down, gains control of siachen though.
1999: India loses control of multiple peaks which Pakistan occupies to this day.
I know thats why PAF never showed the AMRAAM debris with which they shot down MiG-21 as the world would have accepted it as it was a confirmed kill but then PAF would have to show the AMRAAM debris of the AMRAAM with which PAF supposedly shot down an imaginary Su-30MKI but that debris doesn’t exist, we have more proof of F-16 shotdown than you have for Su-30MKI kill. Bro PAF didn’t even share Electronic Evidences supporting their Su-30MKI kill whereas we showed it and confirmed it that we Shot down an F-16.
The Indian claim for the F-16 is what it is....a claim. The Su-30MKI is a Pakistani claim. The MiG-21 is a kill, and a legitimate one.

I will say it once again, the Su-30MKI is a claim. The F-16 claim from a neutral perspective also doesn't make sense. I know what a Viper wreckage looks like, my dad ejected out of one. Displaying a charred missile wreckage and nothing about the actual aircraft has made the Indian Air Force a bit of a laughing stock, and believe me I hate to see them stoop that low.

So from a neutral perspective, there is no Su-30MKI debris nor there is F-16 debris. Until then, 84606 is the number you can question with Lockheed Martin, and they might give you the answer. I wish you luck.

20 crore muslims live in india , they are part of indian society .

I mean you say that but in reality it's another story. They're overwhelmingly underrepresented in any meaningful institution and have been subject to numerous mistreatments such as what occurred in Hyderabad, what occurs in Kashmir, the Gujarat riots (where people literally shouted "children of Babur, go back"), the recent riots in Uttar Pradesh, etc. And it's not as if they themselves particularly desire to completely commune with Hindus, just ask how many of them would drink from the same cup as you. They don't even view history through the same lens, for Hindus, Aurangzeb is one of India's worst rulers where as Muslims generally see him as one of the (if not THE) greatest.

With the rise of BJP, even verbal niceties such as yours are on steep decline. To act as if there is not tension is absurd. And no, I'm not acting as if Pakistan is necessarily innocent when it comes to minority abuses, but this does become relevant when it comes to bragging about victories if they are largely contingent upon such a hated community.
Why don’t you show the AMRAAM debris with which you shot down MiG-21? Oh then you’ll have to show the debris of the other AMRAAM with which you claimed to have shot down an imaginary Su-30MKI and its debris doesn’t exist.

It is becoming normal, they are just enjoying, you’re sitting in Pakistan hence you’re saying all this else if you’ll come to India you’ll know all these protests for CAA NRC farmer laws are BS and these guys are enjoying free food they are getting.
What a pity! How old are u? Why should we show amraam when all media is showing your downed mig? Its the worship of idols which limited your minds.
This Chut*** has gone completely senile.
India is no longer threat to Pakistan? This is news to GHQ in Rawalpindi, who staked their existence that India will always be a threat to Pakistan regardless that both sides possess nuclear weapons.
Why wouldn't India be threat to us when they :
1- Refused to give us our due share of resources .
2- Illegally attack and annexed princely states of Junagarh, Hyderabad and Kashmir.
3- armed militants in East Pakistan.
4- funding terrorism in balochsitan.
5- have a hindutva government in power who wants to annex neighboring countries to make akhand bharat.
India follows Chanakya's philosophy which States that "Your neighbor is your enemy and his neighbor is your friend".
This explains why India has hostile relationship with immediate neighbors like Pakistan, China, Nepal, bangladesh, Bhutan and sri lanka but pleasant relationship with their neighbors like afghanistan, taiwan philippines vietnam etc.

India has stated policy of installing puppets in neighboring countries.
This is just a piece of AMRAAM, only an illiterate will call it a confession, by that logic the 4 missile wreckage shown by ISPR one of which has a missing warhead confirms detonation and it is a valid argument, IAF recovered whole AMRAAM debris and presented it within 24 hours. You took 45 days to find the seeker of R-73 that shot down F-16 and then called that missile unexploded and un-fired with a detonated warhead (LoL😂).

And by this Bholu took revenge of all wars lost by paxtan against India😂🙃.

There is no F 16 and Su 30 fall down. Both of you guys should stop believing on your gov propaganda and base your argument on facts instead.
That's where you are wrong. You shot down a old MiG-21 with 24 to 1 numerical superiority and concluded that you can win a war against India, great
You have 4 times as many jets as we have. Your airforce is way more bigger than us. But if you got outnumbered 1:24 at the right moment and right place day after we told you we're coming for you then it only shows brilliance of PAF leadership and superior tactics and incompetency of IAF commanders.
There's a thing called defeat in detail, look it up on Google.

27th Feb was most important day so far in twenty first century from aviation point of view. Everyone had warned you about impending attack. DG ISPR stated on national TV that we'll get these monkeys and yet those lazy ducks in IAF failed to take any precautionary measure and now to hide their incompetency from Indian public they thrown this hilarious claim that Paf outnumbered us, they brought big boys we were sacred. Had you people have functional brains you'd have asked them, we give you 10 times much money as Pakistanis give their airforce how the frick did you still manage to get out numbered on the very next day after failing to lob bombs at Pakistan.

Turkey too had once shot down a Russian su24 recently but how long do you think turkey will last in war against Russia?
What you fail to understand is that you're not Russia, our kill count against you is in double digit. PAF has long standing tradition of mopping floor with IAF fighters.
Besides even if you were Russia we'd have still tore you a new one, case in point Paf has shot down 10+ Russian planes in 80s.
You people fail to see that you are facing an enemy who doesn't give a damn about your numerical superiority or his obsolete weapons and Abhinandan single-handedly took on the squadron and half strength of your air force
Abhinandon didn't took on anyone, he was flying totally blind, and the moment he crossed loc( ofcourse inadvertently) he got an amraam up his madrasi bottom. You seriously need to read up on how ambush work.

The damage been done and amount of mental gymnastics can undo it. Best is to accept that you lost on that fateful day your Top brass is full of highly incompetent individuals, they're not professional aviators but syndicated jesters in moddys court and they're dck for keeping you guys in dark.
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