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India main enemy for many Chinese

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Truth and Honesty from who ? Indians ? Whats facts ? Indian's so call facts ?Anyway; my main purpose of my post was to show everyone ,one of
your country man faking he is locating at Beijing with a China flag.
Is that your definition of Truth and Honesty ?:smitten:
Look at his above post, thats his evil intention of faking location in
China, so that it help to convince others he is witnessing whats going
on in China. Thats just SHAMEFUL.

Maybe he is faking..I cant say..How does that answer my question?...Truth and Honesty from Chinese that they are anti-Indian...and me saying that makes me anti-chinese?
Truth and Honesty from who ? Indians ? Whats facts ? Indian's so call

facts ?

Anyway; my main purpose of my post was to show everyone ,one of

your country man faking he is locating at Beijing with a China flag.

Is that your definition of Truth and Honesty ?:smitten:


Look at his above post, thats his evil intention of faking location in

China, so that it help to convince others he is witnessing whats going

on in China. Thats just SHAMEFUL.

Well...If going by your logic, there are members who pretends to be Indian. Isn't it? May be I could help you. We can starts woth q****s**y. There is another with the name of a prophet. Anyways, it is useless to discuss it.

We are wasting out time discussing India China relations on the basis of some aricle published in media. Chinese army is professional one and all the trash written about it, seems illogical. As corruption is concerned, it is common things in all armed forces. We are not much behind too. :chilli: I fail to understand on what parameters, the article suggests that Chinese army lacks some traits. They certainly are not pushover. So Article is not credible enough. Thanks.
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Go and visit his message board;

Mod. request him to get his ACTUAL location right.

I never suspect anybody without facts to back up.

I ask him a simple question which anybody live in Beijing could

answer, And he couldn't.

Take a look at his post , he is actually telling everybody he witness

everything happened in Beijing, sounds reasonable to you ?:smitten:


Let's not focus on the unnecessary stuff. I only brought up the many cases of Indian forum members faking their identity for illustration --- its NOT a good idea to dwell repeatedly on un-important matters like this.

Mention something once or twice and move on. If it needs repeating, repeat it and move on. Too much bickering over small matters is immature and pointless. :disagree:

Now regarding this unsubstantiated thread:

I seriously hope no Indian believes this nonsense. India is NOT the main enemy for Chinese. The Chinese view is like this: Children are not inherently good or bad. Whether they commit good deeds or bad deeds depends on social-economic-family-personal circumstances. UK and German news media was caught red-handed fabricating fake evidence against China -- so China and Chinese around the world confronted UK and Germany on their shameful act. If your child is bad, give him a scolding or spanking, but it doesn't mean you have to disown him.

I sincerely hope Indian media stops using China as a scapegoat for their problems. :smitten:
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The Times is owned by Rupert Murdoch? Really? Since when?

Edit - The Times is indeed owned by Murdoch's News Corporation. They purchased it in 81. Funny, i always thought it was one of the better newspapers in England.
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Source please?
Towards the bottom of Times Online web page:

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Wonder why some non Indian keep blaming TOI but they are great fans of TOI they do make full use of it to start topic and beat around it..
Many Chinese still see India as their main enemy: Report

PTI 27 September 2009, 05:31pm IST

LONDON: Nearly 47 years after the two countries fought a war, many Chinese still perceive India as their main enemy, a British newspaper has claimed.

In an article ahead of the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic, 'The Sunday Times' said: "Not everyone in Beijing speaks in the silky language of the foreign ministry. Curiously, the enemy most often spoken of is India."

Interestingly, the censors in China permit alarmingly frank discussion on the Internet of the merits of another war against India to secure the Tibetan plateau, the report said.

However, a retired Chinese officer has claimed that those serving in the People's Liberation Army have no "devotion" to their country.

"Compared with our last war against India in 1962, our equipment is much better but the devotion to country and people of our officers and men is much worse," the paper quoted an unnamed officer as saying.

Even, veterans who know the PLA from the inside say that despite all its shiny new kit, such grandiose ideas mask the reality of a force "that has no recent battle experience and is riddled with corruption".

They describe a system of bribes ranging from 10,000 yuan (909 pounds) to get a good post for a private soldier to 30,000 yuan for a place at military college, the report said.

"If corruption in the army continues, ideology will decay and open the way for religion, while the promotion system risks causing a mutiny," the newspaper quoted General Zhang Shutian, a political commissar, as having said recently.

Many Chinese still see India as their main enemy: Report - India - NEWS - The Times of India

Look at the bright side both our countries agree on something :smitten:
hehe, indian enjoy the war hysteria ?
^^^ Not at all..personally i think the war is not gonna help both our countries ..it will be just stupid for both our countries to fight each other..Even if the war is broke out i am sure that the beneficiaries will be neither China nor India
I think ..in some years from now..White Man will rule entire Asia again.

Guess that will be the best...so end to infighting.. They will not wage WAR ..but i think tactics..
I think ..in some years from now..White Man will rule entire Asia again.

Guess that will be the best...so end to infighting.. They will not wage WAR ..but i think tactics..

Yes that is going to happen.
come on guys dont underestimate our leaders....
westersn countries are struggling to overcome the financial crisis , and they are not able to control the falling of the private sectors in their country ...
how they can control 2/3rd of the world population population ...?

but they will surely overcome their crisis by using the name called "outsourcing"
you should be happy we dont help them .why?
we dont trouble troubles,and we dont think they r doing the right thing to your country
Mao is past in China ,we dont think he did right in developing a country.
and i think you indians should treat farmers well,maybe Maoists would become history.
but if you can not control them when nobody help them ,prove what?

good intelligent post.:cheers:
Both India (Supporting Tibet terrorism) and Al-Qaeda (Support Xinjiang terrorism) are China' enemies!
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