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India-Iran Relations: Past, Present and Future

This joker is on about region that is today Pakistan. All he has done is reconfirmed what I said in the inspiration for this thread. This would be like me using part of Iran and saying we have have had close relations with Turkey. Offering West Azerbaijan, Kordestan and Aradabil provinces as proof. Crazy !!!

I just saw this thread now. No harm in competition but have some style, show some originality. Just copy and then even use regions that are today's Pakistan to validate close links. Nuts ......

* Gandara, Maka, Gedrosia and Hendush are in Pakistan. They are like Iranian West Azerbaijhan, Zanjan, Ardabil, Semnan and Esfahan.

@waz is name calling allowed in this forum ?
What Pakistan did it for Irans for all those years, no one can do it. India never had balls to do that. First, Iran consulate is inside Pakistani embassy in US. Second it was Pakistan who involve in building Iran nuclear program from zero. Third during Ahamadi Nijad , it was Musharraf cabinet who did all peace dialogue between Iran and US. Khursheed Kasuri was the man, who did all mediation, between Iran and US. But, India is in to cash the situation. Pakistan is still coping the situation, after long years of terrorism.
All those years of sanction , India was only buying cheap oil from Iran. India took full advantage of situation, plus India favored UN resolution on Iran sanction. Luckily Pakistan never took any advantage of Iran all those years.
Anyway, it between Iran and India......my 5 cents...
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The present:

  • India-Iran trade in 2010-11 was US$ 13.4 billion (Indian exports US$ 2.5 billion and imports US$ 10.9 billion).
  • India’s exports to Iran include rice, machinery and instruments, metals, primary and semi finished iron and steel, drugs/pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals, processed minerals, manmade yarn and fabrics, tea, organic/inorganic/agro chemicals, rubber manufactured products, etc.
  • India and Iran hold regular bilateral talks on economic and trade issues at the India-Iran Joint Commission Meeting (JCM).
  • There are about 8,000 Iranian students studying in India. India provides 67 scholarships every year to Iranian students under ITEC, ICCR, Colombo Plan and IOR-ARC schemes.
  • India over the years has emerged as one of the favourite tourist destinations for Iranian tourists and every year around 40,000 Iranians visit India for various purposes.

Iran, India relations span centuries marked by meaningful interactions
:yahoo: :yahoo:

Mate you know I am not that good in english and prefer to don't write long. I think India is much better partner than Europeans countries, Russia and even China. India is a powerful country, they're populated, they have very good economy etc... Moreover India is a beautiful country and most of their people are good people. I know they have problems with Pakistan but their people are good people. Also Iran traditionally is favorited in India. Iran & India relations and trading are historical. It goes back to centuries ago.

Our realatins with India is not anti Pakistan. They're mostly business and trading.
Curiously just curiously, what historic relations u have with India? That historical post has places written in it are those of Pakistan, the relations that talked abt in that post are the relations with settlers of this land Pakistan, and we are the ones who represent them today.

If u think india is a beautiful country and beautiful people then Pakistan is even more beautiful and even greater good people then indians. Then u claim india has traditionally favored Iran, where it has ever? Tell me one good instance where it did? It is actually Pakistan which has favored Iran since its inception. From giving u nuke technology to economically supporting u and raising yr defence forces all of that is done by us. Where was india then if u had the 'historical' relations with those Hinduism followers? Where was it when no one was agreeing u to sell the nuclear technologies except of only Pakistan? Why didnt u brought it from yr historical ally and partner? Yes india is a big country but so is Pakistan which is 8th largest in population wise? BTW Pakistan is the only country where majority view yr nation positively and india isnt even in top 5.

@yavar same is for u. Yes Mistakes were made but they were more made by Pakistan which sold u nuke tech and didnt sided with its Saudi ally in its need for u.

This thread just goes on to show how ungreatful yr nation is.

Empress Farah Pahlavi and Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi meet India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during a state visit to India in 1970.

The dude before Modi- Mr MMS with Iranian leaders




same is for u. Yes Mistakes were made but they were more made by Pakistan which sold u nuke tech and didnt sided with its Saudi ally in its need for u..
yes i agree .
your P1 blueprint this is what you mean by nuck tech . that only thing we got from Pakistan and 3 used P1 centrifuges .that is open secret
that all we got from Pakistan if you dispute that then i can show you the IAEA report after their inspection .
i agree we should of never bother and it was mistake to buy from you . after Gaddafi gave his stuff up and told IAEA that it got them from AQ Khan he told them some more Gaddafi told IAEA that it is been seen Iranians meeting with AQ so this is one of reason that Iran nuclear file went to UN security council .
if you want i send you the code number of UNSC resolution
which demanded that Iran need to come clean on all of it relation and dealing with AQ Khan .this is one of the reason which kick start heavy sanction on Iran
I agree with you it was not worth it . and big mistake
secondly i am sure you have ZERO knowledge of Iran nuclear program . all i can add the centrifuges in Iran program are worth less as been always used as bargaining chip to play against ............
This joker is on about region that is today Pakistan. All he has done is reconfirmed what I said in the inspiration for this thread. This would be like me using part of Iran and saying we have have had close relations with Turkey. Offering West Azerbaijan, Kordestan and Aradabil provinces as proof. Crazy !!!

Iran-Pakistan. The past, now and future.

I just saw this thread now. No harm in competition but have some style, show some originality. Just copy my thread and then even use regions that are today's Pakistan to validate close links. Nuts ......

* Gandara, Maka, Gedrosia and Hendush are in Pakistan. They are like Iranian West Azerbaijhan, Zanjan, Ardabil, Semnan and Esfahan.

Thanks for correction bro, I mostly meant the first part which was about politics between Iran and India.

Besides religion that mostly divides India and Pakistan as modern states, I see the area from India to western Iran and Kurdish areas and also Afghanistan and central Asia as a huge area in which countries have shared too much in history, culture and language. It's like a huge family of nations with the same roots (Not taking modern disputes in calculation since we are sometimes divided today by political or religious stand offs created no more than a century ago.
yes i agree .
your P1 blueprint this is what you mean by nuck tech . that only thing we got from Pakistan and 3 used P1 centrifuges .that is open secret
that all we got from Pakistan if you dispute that then i can show you the IAEA report after their inspection .
i agree we should of never bother and it was mistake to buy from you . after Gaddafi gave his stuff up and told IAEA that it got them from AQ Khan he told them some more Gaddafi told IAEA that it is been seen Iranians meeting with AQ so this is one of reason that Iran nuclear file went to UN security council .
if you want i send you the code number of UNSC resolution
which demanded that Iran need to come clean on all of it relation and dealing with AQ Khan .this is one of the reason which kick start heavy sanction on Iran
I agree with you it was not worth it . and big mistake
secondly i am sure you have ZERO knowledge of Iran nuclear program . all i can add the centrifuges in Iran program are worth less as been always used as bargaining chip to play against ............
LOl son, The point was that it was us not indians who helped yr cavemen's nation called iran when u needed. Not only that we also practically raised yr forces for u. Even after post revolution period. Do u even know how did yr Al Quds came into existence and who trained as well as trains them even today?

How was u able to take down the RQ senital drone of America dubbed Beast of Kandahar?:lol:
Who actually gave u intelligence prior its take off from point A to point B. Who gave u its flight paths so u were able to track it?
Where were the indians then?

Son im not an ordinary Pakistani i have certain information which no ordinary civilian or a lunatic like u can ever know. But i cant reveal it all since they are classified info. No matter what u claim, there is a entire network of our covert co-operations. And that co-operation is nuclear as well. Its not confined to just sale of centrifuges like u claim. In that co-operation u had first gone to india as yr priority but they refused........

I can go on and on but the sum of all this is that if yr today surviving in this world post revolution is because of only one country that is in yr neighborhood which as even refused America and Israel's repeated offers to let them use our territory for their covert ops in iran. We even publicly signed an agreement when the last time Ahmedinejad toured Pakistan that we will not allow our territory to be used against u against any hostile nation.

None of that is done with india who accused yr country of attacking Israeli diplomats in Dehli so much so that it says yr embassy is trying to create hurdles for its investigation. All this u can read in the OP of this thread.

Remember our relations with the Muslim world isnt based on interests, its based on ideology. Interests can change with the passage of time but ideologies cant.

If u still feel that our relations with u are not important who has stood with u in yr need even in the times u betrayed us since OIC Kashmir resolution in 1994. And also with a country which still is the only nation in the world that is majority pro iran as well as want relations with its enemy over its then yr welcome we arent dying to have good relations with u either. While we also refused to help Saudis in Yemen.
In the end it will prove to be yr loss not ours. Thats what i mean by mistakes.
LOl son, The point was that it was us not indians who helped yr cavemen's nation called iran when u needed. .

this is what i'm saying we did not needed it that was the way to play at the time AQ was playing it
your santefuge technology was and is today worthless .
as i pointed out to you your knowledge of Iran nuclear program is Zero .
with regard to India .you totally wrong .
when ever it was matter of serious pressure and consequences they ( India ) helped us and
unlike Pakistan India never played double game .
as some one ( Javad Zarif ) with full knowledge of what has India done for us in unlike pakistan double game Javad Zarif said
Iran Zarif "we never forget our friend who have been with us during difficult times" India Newdelhi

you don't want to tell us you know better than Javad Zarif .
Pakistan double game time has come to end and the whole region knows about it .
just ask the Afghans and Indians they all know what Pakistan is playing .
why is Pakistan has problem with all of its neighbors ?? do you think the problem is the three neighbors ??

so please stop tell us how helpful you been to us you not be able to fool anybody here apart from your own
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LOl son, The point was that it was us not indians who helped yr cavemen's nation called iran when u needed. Not only that we also practically raised yr forces for u. Even after post revolution period. Do u even know how did yr Al Quds came into existence and who trained as well as trains them even today?

How was u able to take down the RQ senital drone of America dubbed Beast of Kandahar?:lol:
Who actually gave u intelligence prior its take off from point A to point B. Who gave u its flight paths so u were able to track it?
Where were the indians then?

Son im not an ordinary Pakistani i have certain information which no ordinary civilian or a lunatic like u can ever know. But i cant reveal it all since they are classified info. No matter what u claim, there is a entire network of our covert co-operations. And that co-operation is nuclear as well. Its not confined to just sale of centrifuges like u claim. In that co-operation u had first gone to india as yr priority but they refused........

I can go on and on but the sum of all this is that if yr today surviving in this world post revolution is because of only one country that is in yr neighborhood which as even refused America and Israel's repeated offers to let them use our territory for their covert ops in iran. We even publicly signed an agreement when the last time Ahmedinejad toured Pakistan that we will not allow our territory to be used against u against any hostile nation.

None of that is done with india who accused yr country of attacking Israeli diplomats in Dehli so much so that it says yr embassy is trying to create hurdles for its investigation. All this u can read in the OP of this thread.

Remember our relations with the Muslim world isnt based on interests, its based on ideology. Interests can change with the passage of time but ideologies cant.

If u still feel that our relations with u are not important who has stood with u in yr need even in the times u betrayed us since OIC Kashmir resolution in 1994. And also with a country which still is the only nation in the world that is majority pro iran as well as want relations with its enemy over its then yr welcome we arent dying to have good relations with u either. While we also refused to help Saudis in Yemen.
In the end it will prove to be yr loss not ours. Thats what i mean by mistakes.

Lol. It looks fancy to take credit of every thing. destroying russia, defeating usa and saving Iran :lol:

The only thing that could not be done is liberation of kashmir or East Pak. this embarrass.

Damn sure had pak not the strong shia presence it would have already pit against Islamic IRAN.

So no need to open a pandora box as there exists only wahabi embarrassment.

Iran and Pak are brothers and have to live together.

The only thing needed is to get rid of Alien Wahabiism in Pakistan.

wahabi fooling will have no eaffect on Powerful Islamic Iran and the People of Pakistan.
this is what i'm saying we did not needed it that was the way to play at the time AQ was playing it
your santefuge technology was and is today worthless .
as i pointed out to you your knowledge of Iran nuclear program is Zero .
with regard to India .you totally wrong .
whenever it was matter of serious pressure and consequences they helped us and
unlike Pakistan India ever played double game .
as some one ( Javad Zarif ) with full knowledge of what has India done for us in unlike pakistan double game like Javad Zarif said
Iran Zarif "we never forget our friend who have been with us during difficult times" India Newdelhi

you don't want to tell us you know better than Javad Zarif .
Pakistan double game time has come to end and the whole region know it just ask the Afghans and Indians they all know what Pakistan is playing .
why is Pakistan has problem with all of its neighbors ?? do you think the problem is the three neighbors ??

so please stop tell us how helpful you been to us you not be able to fool anybody here apart from your own
double game? son where did we played ''double game'' with u? We are even those who dont recognized Israel was well. Same way ask any Pakistani and they will tell u what '' actual double game Against Pakistan.U have a ZERO KNOWLEDGE OF THIS AFFAIR.

BTW u still failed to answer any of my point regarding co-operation that u can only dream of with india. Still let ask u a direct question, why did Iran asked for our help and those centrifuges in the first place it it wasnt interested? It wasnt like we had offered them or pressurized them to buy from us? Why havnt u knocked the Indian door who is yr supposed yr historical ally and partner? It surely would have helped u in buying brand new centrifuges with superior technology. Yes i dont know abt irani nuclear program nor do i care abt it. But i do know where Pakistan surely is and was involved since i and this forum only represents Pakistan.

Yes i agree that Mr Zarif is right, and he surely knows better. And please do visit these sources for knowledge. He first visited Pakistan and after then visit he headed towards india recently.

Just use yr brain why has Modi so urgently had to run to UAE and got 75 billion investment for accomplishment of its objectives?

Zarif thanks Pakistan for helping Iran through thick and thin

Iran to expand economic cooperation with Pakistan: Javad Zarif - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Meanwhile how experts are viewing the future of Pakistan-Iran co-operation......The Diplomat is not a Pakistani source.

Iran and Pakistan: Back to Business | The Diplomat
What Pakistan did it for Irans for all those years, no one can do it. India never had balls to do that. First, Iran consulate is inside Pakistani embassy in US. Second it was Pakistan who involve in building Iran nuclear program from zero. Third during Ahamadi Nijad , it was Musharraf cabinet who did all peace dialogue between Iran and US. Khursheed Kasuri was the man, who did all mediation, between Iran and US. But, India is in to cash the situation. Pakistan is still coping the situation, after long years of terrorism.
All those years of sanction , India was only buying cheap oil from Iran. India took full advantage of situation, plus India favored UN resolution on Iran sanction. Luckily Pakistan never took any advantage of Iran all those years.
Anyway, it between Iran and India......my 5 cents...

Pakistan and Iran are natural allies and historic. The wahabis did their best to separate them.
Lol. It looks fancy to take credit of every thing. destroying russia, defeating usa and saving Iran :lol:

The only thing that could not be done is liberation of kashmir or East Pak. this embarrass.

Damn sure had pak not the strong shia presence it would have already pit against Islamic IRAN.

So no need to open a pandora box as there exists only wahabi embarrassment.

Iran and Pak are brothers and have to live together.

The only thing needed is to get rid of Alien Wahabiism in Pakistan.

wahabi fooling will have no eaffect on Powerful Islamic Iran and the People of Pakistan.
Shia are no saints either, and i dont agree that If this was only Sunni country it would have been pitted against Iran. Pakistan always had Shias when it had defeated Soviats, or today Americans it had shias when it formed relations with Saudia Arabia. But today the main thing is that we refused Saudis when we had a pro Saudi government which is Sunni as well even armed forces CAOS is sunni. Still things are different arnt they?

Its really not abt that Shia Sunni rubbish. Only Allah knows who is who and what is what. But for Pakistan, its abt unity in Muslim World regardless of Shia-Sunni sectarian thingy. Thats how our policy makers r looking at. Read the press of Mr Zarif's 14 august visit and u will know.

@yavar if u still cant change yr perception abt Pakistan, then yr welcome, dont even bother to reply, We arnt dying for relations with iran, yr loss not ours.Iran is free to chose what it wants. But dont come running to our door in future when u will be backstabbed by indians.
Shia are no saints either, and i dont agree that If this was only Sunni country it would have been pitted against Iran. Pakistan always had Shias when it had defeated Soviats, or today Americans it had shias when it formed relations with Saudia Arabia. But today the main thing is that we refused Saudis when we had a pro Saudi government which is Sunni as well even armed forces CAOS is sunni. Still things are different arnt they?

Its really not abt that Shia Sunni rubbish. Only Allah knows who is who and what is what. But for Pakistan, its abt unity in Muslim World regardless of Shia-Sunni sectarian thingy. Thats how our policy makers r looking at. Read the press of Mr Zarif's 14 august visit and u will know.

@yavar if u still cant change yr perception abt Pakistan, then yr welcome, dont even bother to reply, We arnt dying for relations with iran, yr loss not ours.Iran is free to chose what it wants. But dont come running to our door in future when u will be backstabbed by indians.

then who is the saint :lol:

world is not fool enough to listen to the fancy shouts of defeating russia, usa etc. . The game of chess.

The last thing that could strengthen Pak+Iran is to jointly defeat wahabis and their manifested terror. there were no wahabis+petro dollars in pak when pak was born.
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