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India-Iran Relations: Past, Present and Future

then who is the saint :lol:

world is not fool enough to listen to the fancy shouts of defeating russia, usa etc. this all is just game of chess.

The last thing that could strengthen Pak+Iran is to jointly defeat wahabis and their manifested terror.
Who is the saint? None surely. Only Allah knows who is who and what is what.

The world already recognizes Pakistan's role in defeating Soviat union. Its only u who is in denial son:lol:

Pakistan is all for the relations so has Mr Zarif express and admitted that See post #57.

Pakistan and Iran's relations are already in track. But if iranis like @yavar dont let go of their cavemen mentality and but gain some knowledge, unless that happens if not then i would rather spit on their faces rather making any relations with them. The ball is in their court, If they dont care abt Pakistan rather its enemy then i have no reason to desire any good relation.......They can all go to hell. Its their loss not ours.

Thats all i have to say.
What Pakistan did it for Irans for all those years, no one can do it. India never had balls to do that. First, Iran consulate is inside Pakistani embassy in US. Second it was Pakistan who involve in building Iran nuclear program from zero. Third during Ahamadi Nijad , it was Musharraf cabinet who did all peace dialogue between Iran and US. Khursheed Kasuri was the man, who did all mediation, between Iran and US. But, India is in to cash the situation. Pakistan is still coping the situation, after long years of terrorism.
All those years of sanction , India was only buying cheap oil from Iran. India took full advantage of situation, plus India favored UN resolution on Iran sanction. Luckily Pakistan never took any advantage of Iran all those years.
Anyway, it between Iran and India......my 5 cents...

I think you probably take Iranians for complete fools here.

Iranians can clearly see through Pakistani duplicity on 3 counts -
1. Creation of anti-Shia groups to counter Iran during Zia's Regime:

¶9. (C) The Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) was formed in 1985 in Jhang, Punjab by anti-Shia clerics. This banned terrorist organization is focused on sectarian violence and the group was originally supported by Zia-ul-Haq's government in a move to counter Shia Iran's influence in Pakistan. The funding for SSP comes from both external and local sources such as the trader-merchant class in Jhang. SSP was responsible for the rise in sectarian violence in the 1980s and 1990s. SSP advocates Deobandi ideology and has served as the basic ISLAMABAD 00002576 003 OF 004 ideological and militant birthing ground for other militant groups. The group was linked with the 1997 attack on former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, and they take credit for killing several Shia doctors in Karachi in 2001. Recently, the SSP has resurged in Southern Punjab and has links with other militant outfits. Qari Hussain, the most feared deputy of Tehreek Taliban Pakistan's (TTP) recently killed leader, Baitullah Mehsud, came out of SSP and many of the TTP's foot soldiers are from SSP ranks. (Note. The SSP is also believed to be behind the violence against Christians in Punjab in late August and early September 2009. End Note.)

¶10. (C) Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) grew out of SSP and was founded in Bhakkar, South Punjab. The Deobandi organization was initially focused on the elimination of Shias, but after 9/11 its attention shifted to fighting the war on terror against the United States. According to Siddiqa, LeJ was the first militant group to send recruits to Al-Qaeda, through LeJ's contacts with wealthy Arabs who visited Southern Punjab. LeJ has strong connections with prominent terrorists, including Khaled Sheikh Mohammad and Abu Musab al Zarqawi. The LeJ and Taliban currently have linked networks that allow the Taliban to carry out terrorist attacks in Punjab with LeJ assistance. According to Amir Rana, Director of Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies, LeJ also has powerful networks in Karachi and Quetta.

Cable reference id: #09ISLAMABAD2576

Interesting 20 years down the line, given that TTP leader comes from SSP and recent death of Punjab minister because of an attack by LEJ, anti-Iranian policies of Pakistan have done more harm to Pakistan than Iran.

2. Pakistan's strong ties with the Taliban which executed Iranian diplomats.

1998 killing of Iranian diplomats in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Finally, Pakistan's military ties with Iran's Arch Rival Saudi Arabia.
Who is the saint? None surely. Only Allah knows who is who and what is what.

The world already recognizes Pakistan's role in defeating Soviat union. Its only u who is in denial son:lol:

Pakistan is all for the relations so has Mr Zarif express and admitted that See post #57.

Pakistan and Iran's relations are already in track. But if iranis like @yavar dont let go of their cavemen mentality and but gain some knowledge, unless that happens if not then i would rather spit on their faces rather making any relations with them. The ball is in their court, If they dont care abt Pakistan rather its enemy then i have no reason to desire any good relation.......They can all go to hell. Its their loss not ours.

Thats all i have to say.

so you nullified your own standing.

things are not like that we see. let world leader usa recognize pak role.
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I think I already covered Irans relations with Indus region of what is now Pakistan go back from begining of time. We are neighbours so it should not be of surprise. You will find no other none Iranic country as heavily influenced by Persia/Iran than the peoples of Pakistan be they Baloch, Sindhi, Punjabi or Pashtun. These ethnic groups make 93% of Pakistan. People make countries, Names come and go but the people remain the same. I gave example of the famous boxer Cassius Clay who later become Mohammed Ali. Both were the same person but differant names along the timeline.

Iran-Pakistan. The past, now and future.

In the same way I have been reading Persian history. Just as a intro I am using Encyclopedia Iranica. Although chief editor is Iranian I find it too Eurocentrist but still it is damn site more partial then Wikipedia articles that relate to Pakistan. I call it Indipedia. It is like a getting referance on Iran from a Isreali.

It is clear as daylight that Maka, Gandara ( which was based around Taxila near Pakistan's present capital ) or Hendus ( Sindh province ) are in fact in the Indus basin of what is now Pakistan. Anyway one of the biggest divergence we have in South Asia and which led to the partition of 1947 was that the Muslim's had significant amount of cultral accretations primarily from the Persian world. In fact conversion to Islam was mostly through Persian speaking Sufi preachers whose shrines are found all over Pakistan.

At heart of this divergence was the pull toward Persian cultral accretions or in opposite direction toward Hindu. At a practical level what did this mean? Well the Muslim's increased their hold onto Persian language, Persian culture. To the Hindu it was reverse. Purge anything Persian. This divergence led to Urdu/Hindi divide. What is the differance in these languages. Simple. Urdu means more Perso/Arabic words and Hindi means purge them like poison.

Despite the two faced Indian policy any observer can see this. If you go to any Western forum or in the West you will see Indian's busy spreading poison about Islam. I am not religious. In fact I am ardent secularist but I don't like it when people just bash Islam to suck up to the West or Isreal. The common theme with Indian's is when Islam arrived in India ( don't forget Islam came with culture, language which was Persian ) they regard it as the worst thing that ever happened to them. hey will shed tears with Westerners and Isreali's how they got fcuked by these horrible "Muslims". Had they not come India would have another Japan. Even today inside India there is a strong Hindutwa lobby that wants to wipe out the Muslims and their culture and you know what that culture is.

It is for this reason that the fathers of Pakistan movement leaned so heavily to Persia and Persian culture. Sir Allama Iqbal the idealogue of Pakistan idea wrote many books in Persian. Upto 1970s culture meant Persian. This is the reality. I find it amazing how Indian's in other places will mock Pakistani's for having foreign culture or invaders genes in this case meaning Persian but then conversly here they suddenly become honourable Iranians. On other forums they are busy spreading hate against the Muslims and joining in with the Zionist Jews indeed they take pride from it. Apparently the Western world is under threat from the Muslim world and India is also under threat because Muslims have too many babies.

I am not kidding here. The Indian's have pumped out more babies than any other peoples barring the Chinese and than they have the gall and temerity to complain about being swamped by Muslims. Can you belive that? Their population has more zeros than I can count 1,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 yet apparently they are going to get swamped.

Anyway you know where I stand. I have enormous respect for Iran. The reason is simple. Persia gave my part of te world eveything that our neighbour does not have. The major differance between Pakistan and India is the amount of Persian cultural accretion we have had. From clothes, to food, to language the thing that separates us is Persian high culture. My dad laughs that before the Persians came nobody in Asia knew what sewing was. That is why Indians wear those wrap around Sareees.

Now I am not going to hide the fact I don't like India. I am gonna speak my mind. I don't like it not because so much as religion. No sir. The reason is all the things I don't like about Pakistan India has it 1,0000 times more. More dirt, more filth, more semi naked people, more people sleeping on the streets, more crap on the pavements, more uglines, more emaciated bone poverty than you can even imagine. This is the ugly truth that all Indian's hide. They create fraud to cover this up and present a false image. I give examples.

The country you call India has never existed. The British made it. The Persians named it. The Persians even gave their religion a name Hinduism. Nobody even knows what Hinduism is. The name is only 400 years old. It is like I give use the term "Africanism" and lump everything in Africa into one religin.

India has no history worth speaking of. Most of it is myth. In fact Indians milch everything from Indus region. Check out their fascination for our land. They hate Pakistani's but they cannot talk about "Mother India" without raping Indus basin. Take away Indus basin and "Indic" will exist no more. The so called Indian civilization is in fact 90% Indus basin. The degree to which the fraud goes to is even geography is changed. Ganges basin becomes Indo-Ganges. Why Indo for? Can't you live without Indus? The reason is without Indus basin they are just left with jungles and savages.

This fraud even extends to Bollywood. Ever seen the movies? In all countries movie people tend to be selective cream. However most Hollywood people t least bear some resemblance to Americans. Ditto French movies. Ditto Chinese Movies. Now try Bollywood. Those actors/actress they use are either people of Persian extraction, Pashtun extraction or people from what is now Pakistan. My brother jokes that the Indian's collected a swab of genes in a test tube and they have been replocating them over and over again. Those 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% of India is then used 99.99% on the movies. Everybody knows this. You can tell by te common surnames. The point what Bolywood shows has nothing, I mean nothing relevant to what average Indians look like.

If anybody thinks I am being racist. Sorry go check for yourself. In fact I am not surprised in India there has not been a major demonstration about this selective racism. This fraud contiues on all fronts. History is purged from Indus basin to hide their own jungliness. Persian/Pashtun/Punjabi are culled to fill majority of Bollywood. Clothes are borrowe from Pashtun/Punjabi as in Shalwar Kameez otherwise they would just have strip of cloth called Saree as can be seen in all old photographs of Indira Gandhi and their revered half naked Gandhi. Food? No problem apparently Indians invented Chicken and Balti ghosht and are fully paid up meat eaters. This is the impression they gave in the West.

In short in front of the world their civilization began in Indus basin ( read Pakistan ). they have had relation with Iran from begining of time ( read Pakistan ) they codified language ( Panini - Pakistan ) they gave birth to great Indo-Greek civilzation ( read Pakistan ) they gave the world great architecture ( Taj Mahal read Persian ) they gave the world great food Chicken and Ghosht Balti, pilau ( read Persian or Pakistan ) they apparently always wore sewn clothes ( read Shalwar Kameez ) and lets for now forget about the Saree which today is only found in jungles of India. They have beauty in abundance ( check out test tube Bollywood ) in other words everything that 90% of Indian are NOT.

Anyway back to the subject of Iran and relations. I think nothing is going to change anytime soon. I confess I don't like your Mullahs. I don't like our Mullahs. Both have gained in strength since 1979 and you see the result. Our relatiuons should Pak/Iran instead they have become clothed in religion. Sunni/Shia. I don't think this is going to change anytime soon in Pakistan or Iran. Until than we will have retards on both sides. However things will change just like they did for France and Germany. Look at them today.

On the subject of languages have you ever seen this map. THe same language group extends from eastern Turkey ) Kurds ) to centre of Pakistan and north to Tajikistan.


On the subject Of Indian or Pakistani the truth is their no such thing as that ethnic group, or language group. Both are composites.

Pakistan - the country is built around Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi and Baloch.

India is: Bengali, Tamil, Gujrati, Telangana, Mahratta, Orrisan, Malaylam and dozens more that you can look at. You need to see the India as it is not the fraud that media has created. As regards povery frankly Afghanistan is better in my mind than India. You won't see as much "Bone poverty". The truth is when you have 1,270,000, 000 people only slightly second to China the aggregate figures can appear dazzling.

If you came to Pakistan from Iran you would be disturbed about the poverty and general mess of the place. You go to India and you will beg to get out.

Anyway for now I wish Iran the best. I support Pak 100% with China. Not because I think they are better. I support that because I strongly believe that at a strategic level our interests will be served better. I believe Pakistan needs to move way from USA. The American/Isreal combine is moving toward India.

And trust me Iran is going to have to decide where to go. Isolation is fine if you have oil because it can always see you through hard times but the fact is Iran needs to tap into the world trading order. Had you not gone down the isolation route in 1979 today Iran would have been the a France on the Persian Gulf.
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well-being of Muslims in Kashmir, it believes that the state should be further developed.
As the matter is bilateral, Iran does not support outside intervention or mediation. As an
example, India signed security agreements with both the Mossad and the FBI after India’s
26/11. Such contracts do not advance peace, but rather expand Western influence.
I find it funny when ME countries talk about Muslim unity.
Kashmir should be the last thing they should be discussing because nobody really cares for the Kashmiris living in Kashmir but the land,it's rivers and its strategical position.
Sometimes it amazes me how the Persians have influenced India. The persian's phonetic problem with the letter 'S' turned the word Sindhu into Hindu.
They were the ones who brought a 4th caste into existence, also known as Shudras. The word Kshatriya is also derived from a Persian word Ratheshwar.
so you nullified your own standing.

things are not like that we see. let world leader usa recognize pak role.
Thats what u think. BTW US of A isnt a world leader anymore.
Thats what u think. BTW US of A isnt a world leader anymore.

It is Idol breaker Islamic Revolution that long ago told to the world that usa is no more a leader. it is good more and more people know the fact now.

Rest it is Mathematics and u nullified yr. own standing.

Only God knows and keep everything secret from his creations and do not want them to know secrets. :astagh:
Infact it is not like this and People should not blame God for their ignorance. :astagh:
I think you probably take Iranians for complete fools here.

Iranians can clearly see through Pakistani duplicity on 3 counts -
1. Creation of anti-Shia groups to counter Iran during Zia's Regime:

Cable reference id: #09ISLAMABAD2576

Interesting 20 years down the line, given that TTP leader comes from SSP and recent death of Punjab minister because of an attack by LEJ, anti-Iranian policies of Pakistan have done more harm to Pakistan than Iran.

2. Pakistan's strong ties with the Taliban which executed Iranian diplomats.

1998 killing of Iranian diplomats in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Finally, Pakistan's military ties with Iran's Arch Rival Saudi Arabia.

1 2 3 - all on target.

This all is proof of how much pak is friendly and close to Islamic IRAN.

the previous Pak generation was not infested by the wahabis. the new generation is spoiled and living in own contradictions and fully deviated. very few among them are realistic and most are supporter of monarchists.

It is due to the ancestral push most have positive views about IRAN despite they are cut off from Iran by saudi mafia.

Saudi wars in the region and their supporters.
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It is Idol breaker Islamic Revolution that long ago told to the world that usa is no more a leader. it is good more and more people know the fact now.

Rest it is Mathematics and u nullified yr. own standing.

Only God knows and keep everything secret from his creations and do not want them to know secrets. :astagh:
Infact it is not like this and People should not blame God for their ignorance. :astagh:
Idol Breaker Islamic Revolution can claim whatever she likes, my calculations are based on its recent position after Afghan withdraw and threshing it received from Pakistan.

Its position is not the same anymore and its slowly is realizing this. That Irani deal is one early clue. More will come as time passes.

Be patient yr also here so am i. U will know more.
Idol Breaker Islamic Revolution can claim whatever she likes, my calculations are based on its recent position after Afghan withdraw and threshing it received from Pakistan.

Its position is not the same anymore and its slowly is realizing this. That Irani deal is one early clue. More will come as time passes.

Be patient yr also here so am i. U will know more.

Science progress but most people do not and they all do their own experiments.
while scientists do not repeat works and carry forward the work of the predecessors and progress.
you are repeating the same mistake which most people do because you have no clue to the historic wars and agreements. you only know mongols, alexander the great, ghauri, ghaznavi, mughals, saudi, caliphs, ussr ++

no problem. we will watch and while others go to war. :lol:
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I think I already covered Irans relations with Indus region of what is now Pakistan go back from begining of time. We are neighbours so it should not be of surprise. You will find no other none Iranic country as heavily influenced by Persia/Iran than the peoples of Pakistan be they Baloch, Sindhi, Punjabi or Pashtun. These ethnic groups make 93% of Pakistan. People make countries, Names come and go but the people remain the same. I gave example of the famous boxer Cassius Clay who later become Mohammed Ali. Both were the same person but differant names along the timeline.

Iran-Pakistan. The past, now and future.

In the same way I have been reading Persian history. Just as a intro I am using Encyclopedia Iranica. Although chief editor is Iranian I find it too Eurocentrist but still it is damn site more partial then Wikipedia articles that relate to Pakistan. I call it Indipedia. It is like a getting referance on Iran from a Isreali.

It is clear as daylight that Maka, Gandara ( which was based around Taxila near Pakistan's present capital ) or Hendus ( Sindh province ) are in fact in the Indus basin of what is now Pakistan. Anyway one of the biggest divergence we have in South Asia and which led to the partition of 1947 was that the Muslim's had significant amount of cultral accretations primarily from the Persian world. In fact conversion to Islam was mostly through Persian speaking Sufi preachers whose shrines are found all over Pakistan.

At heart of this divergence was the pull toward Persian cultral accretions or in opposite direction toward Hindu. At a practical level what did this mean? Well the Muslim's increased their hold onto Persian language, Persian culture. To the Hindu it was reverse. Purge anything Persian. This divergence led to Urdu/Hindi divide. What is the differance in these languages. Simple. Urdu means more Perso/Arabic words and Hindi means purge them like poison.

Despite the two faced Indian policy any observer can see this. If you go to any Western forum or in the West you will see Indian's busy spreading poison about Islam. I am not religious. In fact I am ardent secularist but I don't like it when people just bash Islam to suck up to the West or Isreal. The common theme with Indian's is when Islam arrived in India ( don't forget Islam came with culture, language which was Persian ) they regard it as the worst thing that ever happened to them. hey will shed tears with Westerners and Isreali's how they got fcuked by these horrible "Muslims". Had they not come India would have another Japan. Even today inside India there is a strong Hindutwa lobby that wants to wipe out the Muslims and their culture and you know what that culture is.

It is for this reason that the fathers of Pakistan movement leaned so heavily to Persia and Persian culture. Sir Allama Iqbal the idealogue of Pakistan idea wrote many books in Persian. Upto 1970s culture meant Persian. This is the reality. I find it amazing how Indian's in other places will mock Pakistani's for having foreign culture or invaders genes in this case meaning Persian but then conversly here they suddenly become honourable Iranians. On other forums they are busy spreading hate against the Muslims and joining in with the Zionist Jews indeed they take pride from it. Apparently the Western world is under threat from the Muslim world and India is also under threat because Muslims have too many babies.

I am not kidding here. The Indian's have pumped out more babies than any other peoples barring the Chinese and than they have the gall and temerity to complain about being swamped by Muslims. Can you belive that? Their population has more zeros than I can count 1,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 yet apparently they are going to get swamped.

Anyway you know where I stand. I have enormous respect for Iran. The reason is simple. Persia gave my part of te world eveything that our neighbour does not have. The major differance between Pakistan and India is the amount of Persian cultural accretion we have had. From clothes, to food, to language the thing that separates us is Persian high culture. My dad laughs that before the Persians came nobody in Asia knew what sewing was. That is why Indians wear those wrap around Sareees.

Now I am not going to hide the fact I don't like India. I am gonna speak my mind. I don't like it not because so much as religion. No sir. The reason is all the things I don't like about Pakistan India has it 1,0000 times more. More dirt, more filth, more semi naked people, more people sleeping on the streets, more crap on the pavements, more uglines, more emaciated bone poverty than you can even imagine. This is the ugly truth that all Indian's hide. They create fraud to cover this up and present a false image. I give examples.

The country you call India has never existed. The British made it. The Persians named it. The Persians even gave their religion a name Hinduism. Nobody even knows what Hinduism is. The name is only 400 years old. It is like I give use the term "Africanism" and lump everything in Africa into one religin.

India has no history worth speaking of. Most of it is myth. In fact Indians milch everything from Indus region. Check out their fascination for our land. They hate Pakistani's but they cannot talk about "Mother India" without raping Indus basin. Take away Indus basin and "Indic" will exist no more. The so called Indian civilization is in fact 90% Indus basin. The degree to which the fraud goes to is even geography is changed. Ganges basin becomes Indo-Ganges. Why Indo for? Can't you live without Indus? The reason is without Indus basin they are just left with jungles and savages.

This fraud even extends to Bollywood. Ever seen the movies? In all countries movie people tend to be selective cream. However most Hollywood people t least bear some resemblance to Americans. Ditto French movies. Ditto Chinese Movies. Now try Bollywood. Those actors/actress they use are either people of Persian extraction, Pashtun extraction or people from what is now Pakistan. My brother jokes that the Indian's collected a swab of genes in a test tube and they have been replocating them over and over again. Those 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% of India is then used 99.99% on the movies. Everybody knows this. You can tell by te common surnames. The point what Bolywood shows has nothing, I mean nothing relevant to what average Indians look like.

If anybody thinks I am being racist. Sorry go check for yourself. In fact I am not surprised in India there has not been a major demonstration about this selective racism. This fraud contiues on all fronts. History is purged from Indus basin to hide their own jungliness. Persian/Pashtun/Punjabi are culled to fill majority of Bollywood. Clothes are borrowe from Pashtun/Punjabi as in Shalwar Kameez otherwise they would just have strip of cloth called Saree as can be seen in all old photographs of Indira Gandhi and their revered half naked Gandhi. Food? No problem apparently Indians invented Chicken and Balti ghosht and are fully paid up meat eaters. This is the impression they gave in the West.

In short in front of the world their civilization began in Indus basin ( read Pakistan ). they have had relation with Iran from begining of time ( read Pakistan ) they codified language ( Panini - Pakistan ) they gave birth to great Indo-Greek civilzation ( read Pakistan ) they gave the world great architecture ( Taj Mahal read Persian ) they gave the world great food Chicken and Ghosht Balti, pilau ( read Persian or Pakistan ) they apparently always wore sewn clothes ( read Shalwar Kameez ) and lets for now forget about the Saree which today is only found in jungles of India. They have beauty in abundance ( check out test tube Bollywood ) in other words everything that 90% of Indian are NOT.

Anyway back to the subject of Iran and relations. I think nothing is going to change anytime soon. I confess I don't like your Mullahs. I don't like our Mullahs. Both have gained in strength since 1979 and you see the result. Our relatiuons should Pak/Iran instead they have become clothed in religion. Sunni/Shia. I don't think this is going to change anytime soon in Pakistan or Iran. Until than we will have retards on both sides. However things will change just like they did for France and Germany. Look at them today.

On the subject of languages have you ever seen this map. THe same language group extends from eastern Turkey ) Kurds ) to centre of Pakistan and north to Tajikistan.


On the subject Of Indian or Pakistani the truth is their no such thing as that ethnic group, or language group. Both are composites.

Pakistan - the country is built around Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi and Baloch.

India is: Bengali, Tamil, Gujrati, Telangana, Mahratta, Orrisan, Malaylam and dozens more that you can look at. You need to see the India as it is not the fraud that media has created. As regards povery frankly Afghanistan is better in my mind than India. You won't see as much "Bone poverty". The truth is when you have 1,270,000, 000 people only slightly second to China the aggregate figures can appear dazzling.

If you came to Pakistan from Iran you would be disturbed about the poverty and general mess of the place. You go to India and you will beg to get out.

Anyway for now I wish Iran the best. I support Pak 100% with China. Not because I think they are better. I support that because I strongly believe that at a strategic level our interests will be served better. I believe Pakistan needs to move way from USA. The American/Isreal combine is moving toward India.

And trust me Iran is going to have to decide where to go. Isolation is fine if you have oil because it can always see you through hard times but the fact is Iran needs to tap into the world trading order. Had you not gone down the isolation route in 1979 today Iran would have been the a France on the Persian Gulf.

Amazing. No wonder you are a ( India Obsessed ) THINK TANK.

btw you should modify you signature to :

INDIA in Sub Sahara AFRICAN POVERTY with 8% Growth & 3 Trillion Economy which :

- Has CEOs in Microsoft and Google
- Has send Mission to Mars
- Has Best Medical infra in South Asia

But, I dont THINK you got enoght Grey cells to THINK on the above. STOP comparing your Nation with India, to create an IMPOSSIBLE Parity to hide your own failures.

India has problems. but we are Solving it.
Pakistan too has Problems, but instead of solving them you are Busy fighting USA's war.
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Science progress but most people do not and they all do their own experiments.
while scientists do not repeat works and carry forward the work of the predecessors and progress.
you are repeating the same mistake which most people do because you have no clue to the historic wars and agreements. you only know mongols, alexander the great, ghauri, ghaznavi, mughals, saudi, caliphs, ussr ++

no problem. we will watch and while others go to war. :lol:
lol as by science Einstein was also kicked out of school because of his forward thinking and new angles into science that his head master was no able to answer. But time proved otherwise.

Same way when first loud speakers came the traditional molvis gave fatwa against it, but what happened afterwards?

Like i said yr also here so am i. Im not running nowhere, lets wait n watch.
lol as by science Einstein was also kicked out of school because of his forward thinking and new angles into science that his head master was no able to answer. But time proved otherwise.

Same way when first loud speakers came the traditional molvis gave fatwa against it, but what happened afterwards?

Like i said yr also here so am i. Im not running nowhere, lets wait n watch.

lol. both loudspeaker and Einstein remain and no one has concern with their opponents. :lol:
fact remain fact and no one can change it.
The fact is that Islamic IRAN is game changer and changed all the equations.
Equations cannot be set by others. time will prove it next time again.
we will see with our own eyes again.
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Amazing. No wonder you are a ( India Obsessed ) THINK TANK.

btw you should modify you signature to :

INDIA in Sub Sahara AFRICAN POVERTY with 8% Growth & 3 Trillion Economy which :

- Has CEOs in Microsoft and Google
- Has send Mission to Mars
- Has Best Medical infra in South Asia

But, I dont THINK you got enoght Grey cells to THINK on the above. STOP comparing your Nation with India, to create an IMPOSSIBLE Parity to hide your own failures.

India has problems. but we are Solving it.
Pakistan too has Problems, but instead of solving them you are Busy fighting USA's war.
whatever he has written is right isnt it? its quit true. The fraud of yr media wont really last for long. And eventually truth shall come out.

BTW he isnt talking abt yr brahmin elite.

lol. both loudspeaker and Einstein remain and no one has concern with their opponents. :lol:
fact remain fact and no one can change it.
The fact is that Islamic IRAN is game changer and changed all the equations.
Equations cannot be set by others. time will prove it next time again.
we will see with our own eyes again.
i was talking abt in in specific USA's context and its waging influence.

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