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India-Iran Relations: Past, Present and Future

Errr... You posted this:

I wrote about the origin of the two words....and you posted a screenshot about Shudras again saying it was of possible Iranian origin, I used the same source to show that the author actually meant otherwise. Nothing more to it.
I had read the exact sentences on a website 2 nights back before I made my 1st post on this thread. But I could not find the link to it yesterday so I posted what came close to it. But why're you after my life now??? Lol
we arnt talking abt yr south indian few isolated pockets muslims who dont have a connection with their roots and Muslim world.

You dont have the IQ and Qualification either by Religious or by Scientific standards to judge some one with the capacity of Dr. APJ Kalam , holding 40 Doctrates and who is held as a father , a teacher and a True patriot commonly by Hindus and Muslims in India.

In India you dont need to hold RADICAL views to be labled a Muslim. In India Muslims Like Azim premji, APJ Kalam have started a Jehad of self awareness and Progressive Thinking.

You might feel proud to be the Self Declared Nuclear Champion of Islam, but then Islam and asa matter of fact the people following Islam are far far far ahead in every aspect in UAE , SA , India and even Bangladesh.

Stay stuck with Islam , Jehad , Nukes and Kashmir and soon, even the FOURTH DECADE ( 1980 + ) Gets Lost while India after conquering Moon and Mars races ahead.
You dont have the IQ and Qualification either by Religious or by Scientific standards to judge some one with the capacity of Dr. APJ Kalam , holding 40 Doctrates and who is held as a father , a teacher and a True patriot commonly by Hindus and Muslims in India.

In India you dont need to hold RADICAL views to be labled a Muslim. In India Muslims Like Azim premji, APJ Kalam have started a Jehad of self awareness and Progressive Thinking.

You might feel proud to be the Self Declared Nuclear Champion of Islam, but then Islam and asa matter of fact the people following Islam are far far far ahead in every aspect in UAE , SA , India and even Bangladesh.

Stay stuck with Islam , Jehad , Nukes and Kashmir and soon, even the FOURTH DECADE ( 1980 + ) Gets Lost while India after conquering Moon and Mars races ahead.
sure i dont have abt a person who was an average scientist.
are u shia?

Like many countries, Pakistan too has both shia and sunni and many people are both and many colors. so it is not question here. Islamic IRAN is the Key and game changer. Lets learn to respect Islam (peace) and not aggression.
Like many countries, Pakistan too has both shia and sunni and many people are both and many colors. so it is not question here. Islamic IRAN is the Key and game changer. Lets learn to respect Islam (peace) and not aggression.
so u are u shia eh........Stop worshiping iran. Or else consequences will be there. In the world over from Hizbullah to Syria to Iraq yr being killed for a reason.:azn:

If Pakistan is yr only paradise its because us majority who r more tolerant towards yr jingoism. However it wont last forever.

so u are u shia eh........Stop worshiping iran. Or else consequences will be there. In the world over from Hizbullah to Syria to Iraq yr being killed for a reason.:azn:

If Pakistan is yr only paradise its because us majority who r more tolerant towards yr jingoism. However it wont last forever.


very naive post just like your signature. wahabi policies lead to nowhere.

worship Iran ?
who worship Iran ?
your lies do not stop just like your leaders.

This reminds of your criminal leader who passed same threat to the Pious Family of Prophet pbuh "those who worship Muhammad should listen that Muhammad is now dead"

Who worshiped Prophet Muhammad pbuh ? there was none but to whom the threat was passed.

so you are Losers and end of Losers is Near.

this is your another fool that you are a Majority. This is another fabrication. Just kick out indian immigrants from punjab you will be in minority. the enemies of PAK already did the worst they could do to our country. They are now at their last.

so you people have only seen our love, tolerance. not experience our wrath.

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very naive post just like your signature. wahabi policies lead to nowhere.

worship Iran ?
who worship Iran ?
your lies do not stop just like your leaders.

This reminds of your criminal leader who passed same threat to the Pious Family of Prophet pbuh "those who worship Muhammad should listed that Muhammad is now dead"

Who worshiped Prophet Muhammad pbuh ? there was none but to whom the threat was passed.

so you are Losers and end of Losers is Near.

this is your another fool that you are a Majority. This is another fabrication. Just kick out indian immigrants from punjab you will be in minority.

you people have only seen our tolerance. not experience our wrath.

yr warned. Keep crying but i wont take it seriously.
yr warned. Keep crying but i wont take it seriously.

omg. you are a big loser. see your naive signature. :lol:

first take kashmir only then you can talk seriously. only a baloon filled with air.
omg. you are a big loser. see your naive signature.

first take kashmir only then you can talk seriously. only a baloon filled with air.
Goodbye son, and think abt what i said or like iraqi shias u will soon be rooting in hell.
1 2 3 - all on target.

This all is proof of how much pak is friendly and close to Islamic IRAN.

the previous Pak generation was not infested by the wahabis. the new generation is spoiled and living in own contradictions and fully deviated. very few among them are realistic and most are supporter of monarchists.

It is due to the ancestral push most have positive views about IRAN despite they are cut off from Iran by saudi mafia.

Saudi wars in the region and their supporters.

Hammer on head there !!!

Meaning of "Contradiction"? Many of our misinformed support Saudi monarchy which is the other side of the Wahabi coin. This monarchy is the biggest supporter of USA and at the same time in it's actions in bed with Isreal. Yet this group inside Pakistan supports Saudi and is at the same time against Isreal. Go figure ???
dude, the world is changed. your wahabi kingdom will be falling soon.
it is a decision. we want all of you go to Jewhad soon. :lol:
lets wait for ''soon'' till mehdi arrives.:rofl:

Hammer on head there !!!

Meaning of "Contradiction"? Many of our misinformed support Saudi monarchy which is the other side of the Wahabi coin. This monarchy is the biggest supporter of USA and at the same time in it's actions in bed with Isreal. Yet this group inside Pakistan supports Saudi and is at the same time against Isreal. Go figure ???
he is a Shia, who is a sold out to iran. Dont waste yr time.
lets wait for ''soon'' till mehdi arrives.:rofl:
he is a Shia, who is a sold out to iran. Dont waste yr time.

Petro dollars have drown you all. you can't come out now. just a waste :rofl:
In my previous I mentioned about the Indian sucking upto the Isreali's and American's as us and them "Muslims" who apparently are replicating in suge numbers that they pose threat to the "Yindoos" as in Yehud and Hindoo. If you go to India and look for "Persian culture" the closest thing you will find is amongst the Muslim's there. The Indian's Muslim's are after all the legacy in terms of heritage etc of the Persian speaking Moghuls. This is reflected in language, clothes, food. Well read this thread and see the 1,0000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 Hindu's are in danger of being swamped by this community. So here they are croaking about their presumed connection with the Persians but at home they are threatened by a community who carry more above average Persian culture then the Hindu population.

Alarming! India 2011 Census religion data !

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