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India-Iran Relations: Past, Present and Future

InshaAalah It will. Did u Read my Post ?
lol u just contradicted yrself by using the word inshallah. Its a arabic term means if Allah wills. Muslims around the world use this term.
lol u just contradicted yrself by using the word inshallah. Its a arabic term means if Allah wills. Muslims around the world use this term.

Yes, In India, a man called APJ Kalam, a Muslim, by the will and blessings of allah did make Agni Missiles.
India is a unique Country to enjoy the Strength and Power of Both Ram & Allah.

You have written a HUGE essay to Serpentine trying to portray India as negatively
as you think BUT please remember THOUSANDS of Iranians come to India every year
They can very well decide for themselves where India stands

In today's world what matters is SIZE of your Economy ; your Technological competence
your Industrial STRENGTH ; the DIVERSITY of your Exports and the capability of your HUMAN resources

In all these areas Pakistan is NOTHING compared to India

SO Dear Think tank Consultant ; instead of imagining things wake up and GET REAL
You should know where your country stands in the world
Yes, In India, a man called APJ Kalam, a Muslim, by the will and blessings of allah did make Agni Missiles.
India is a unique Country to enjoy the Strength and Power of Both Ram & Allah.
we arnt talking abt yr south indian few isolated pockets muslims who dont have a connection with their roots and Muslim world.
Sometimes it amazes me how the Persians have influenced India. The persian's phonetic problem with the letter 'S' turned the word Sindhu into Hindu.
They were the ones who brought a 4th caste into existence, also known as Shudras. The word Kshatriya is also derived from a Persian word Ratheshwar.
That post actually has a lot wildly inaccurate, to down right fantastic stuff.

The word Kshatriya is actually derived from the Ksthara ,which means Sovereign/authority/power. The word Shudra comes from the Rig Veda in the Purusha Sukta, who are basically blue collar workers.

In the Persian system Priests are called Zaotar, warriors are Nar and Pastoral cattle grazers are referred to as Vastar.

Atharva means unshakable/stable, (hence possibly implying yogi) - also a legendary rishi who along with Angiras composed the Atharva veda. In the context of the Avestan Atar means fire but in vedic terms fire has always been Agni. The word for Lightning in sanskrit is Vidyut.

And many many more.

When you get to the point where it mentioned Atlantis and Lemuria (Kumari Kandam for dravidian nationalists lol), the nature of the material is quite obvious :P.
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That post actually has a lot wildly inaccurate, to down right fantastic stuff.

The word Kshatriya is actually derived from the Ksthara ,which means Sovereign/authority/power. The word Shudra comes from the Rig Veda in the Purusha Sukta, who are basically blue collar workers.
Persians have influenced us in many ways and vice-versa.
Purusha sukta was added to Rig Veda around 1200-1300BC and Shudra was the last caste to be added to the list of castes, I don't think it's a mere a co-incidence. What I've mentioned is just a possibility among many others. Since I was not born in 1300BC, I can not vouch for the veracity of such info that I read on diff sites and books. Lol
A screenshot...

Persians have influenced us in many ways and vice-versa.
Purusha sukta was added to Rig Veda around 1200-1300BC and Shudra was the last caste to be added to the list of castes, I don't think it's a mere a co-incidence. What I've mentioned is just a possibility among many others. Since I was not born in 1300BC, I can not vouch for the veracity of such info that I read on diff sites and books. Lol
A screenshot...

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I wish someone would make series of movies on the early formative years of India i.e. circa 1000 BC and before. Ofcourse it would be speculative like anything but would give a nice frame of reference to youngsters. The writing of Vedas, the formation of caste system, rise and decline of Aryan Civilization to subsequent Invaders. Try as much as i might, I can't visualize - books have given me an intellectual understanding but I can't put a face to the names. Now I know kings of Mauryan and Gupta Empire are well known but still there is much lacking.

I found this snapshot of yours very interesting, can you refer me the book from which it is borrowed.
I found this snapshot of yours very interesting, can you refer me the book from which it is borrowed.
The screenshot belonged to the book "
Foreign Influence on Ancient India"-by Krishna Chandra Sagar.
i was talking abt in in specific USA's context and its waging influence.

building fake muslim terror structures to re-conquer countries cannot work again while it worked millennium years ago but will fill now.

Muslims are in better position today. Thanks to Powerful Islamic IRAN.
Persians have influenced us in many ways and vice-versa.
Purusha sukta was added to Rig Veda around 1200-1300BC and Shudra was the last caste to be added to the list of castes, I don't think it's a mere a co-incidence. What I've mentioned is just a possibility among many others. Since I was not born in 1300BC, I can not vouch for the veracity of such info that I read on diff sites and books. Lol
A screenshot...

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The part you posted basically says some shudras were recruited to fight in Xerxes's battles in the (5th-4th century BC)...nothing more.

Please read the entire section, it talks about Indian influence, or Vedic influence on Persia, posting here:

From the book you posted:


Acc to this book, The origin of the varna in Persia is attributed to Zarathusthra,(7th century BC), and is pretty much a carbon copy of the Indian one,the RV version being far, far older (you mentioned 1200 BC), and rejects any persian influence in it, and actually implies the reverse.

Guess this book is a bit old, still uses AIT, which even Witzel and Thapar have given up on.
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The part you posted basically says some shudras were recruited to fight in Xerxes's battles in the (5th-4th century BC)...nothing more.

Please read the entire section, it talks about Indian influence, or Vedic influence on Persia, posting here:

From the book you posted:


Acc to this book, The origin of the varna in Persia is attributed to Zarathusthra,(7th century BC), and is pretty much a carbon copy of the Indian one,the RV version being far, far older (you mentioned 1200 BC), and rejects any persian influence in it, and actually implies the reverse.
We are not talking about unidirectional Osmosis here, instead it's about the influence of two cultures on each other. I have already said that I might have been wrong about Shudras and Kshatriyas but I refuse to believe that Persians did not influence our culture at all. Is that what you're adamant about? Or have I got it wrong?
We are not talking about unidirectional Osmosis here, instead it's about the influence of two cultures on each other. I have already said that I might have been wrong about Shudras and Kshatriyas but I refuse to believe that Persians did not influence our culture at all. Is that what you're adamant about? Or have I got it wrong?

Errr... You posted this:
They were the ones who brought a 4th caste into existence, also known as Shudras. The word Kshatriya is also derived from a Persian word Ratheshwar.
I wrote about the origin of the two words....and you posted a screenshot about Shudras again saying it was of possible Iranian origin, I used the same source to show that the author actually meant otherwise. Nothing more to it.
building fake muslim terror structures to re-conquer countries cannot work again while it worked millennium years ago but will fill now.

Muslims are in better position today. Thanks to Powerful Islamic IRAN.
are u shia?

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