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India-Iran Relations: Past, Present and Future

to all Indian friends . as Iranians stated we Iranians have made mistake and admit that we have made mistake so we hope our Indian friends forgive us for our past mistakes .

but we need to look to the future .
I ask all the Indian members here please please judge it by our future actions . the past wars between India and Pakistan have past and gone and mistake are been made by Iran in past and it cannot be returned .
what our Indian friends and Indian members here need to look at is the future wars which may happen between India and whom ever .

I ask to all our Indian friends and Indian members here
what do you think is going to happen in future wars ??
you think we Iranians will make same mistake ??

all i can add is look at Syria or Iraq or Yemen or lebanon .Iran is standing in one side and US and their alias . and see how much iran is prepared to stick his neck out for its friends

You are an Iranian ? I am doubtful.
Everyone's having a go at sucking Irans ballz.
You are also invited but I think you are already occupied :haha:

listen gandu fugla deshi when discussion between members of two great nations (with thousands of years of rich history) going on members from insignificant countries like Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Vanuatu should stay away
No disrespect for Bangladesh please:disagree:
Iran, under the Shah regime had actively helped enemies of India, that's a part of history we should not forget.

It is perfectly fine to have diplomatic relations more close to one than the other. But, Iran did help Pakistan in war against India. That catches attention.

Iran under the Shah regime was fearful of the Soviet Union, hence the anti-India stance.

Communism creeping in Iran would have meant overthrow of the Shah.
Indians always like brothers have helped us. We should be their best friends.

Can you name just one of the cases that Indians have helped Iranians?
2800, you are always very naive. You don't know Indians, exactly in the same way that you don't know Arabs, westerners, ... Indians will never care for anyone except for themselves, and even if world powers tell them to jump, they always just ask how far? You don't know them.
Pakistan got screwed up starting from Zia ul-Haq era because of his islamist policies. Not surprisingly, these Shia-Sunni non-sense wars restarted at his time as well. But, the point is that Pakistan is Iran's neighbor which shares 1000 km border with Iran. It borders the most underdeveloped part of Iran, and shares the common problems at borders with Iran. Before JundAllah activities, there were zero problems with Pakistan, and they were the most friendliest neighbor of Iran. Islamism and stupid foreign policies has screwed up both of Iran and Pakistan, but it will not last forever. Finally, both countries will come to their senses, and throw out islamism. Then, they will become natural allies again. Anyway, Pakistan is a neighbor, and being against a neighbor which shares 1000km borders with your country, is plain stupid.

Pakistan is neither pro shia or sunni country and neither does Pakistan has blind relations with KSA anymore otherwise we would had sent our soldiers to yemen for them.Just imagine Pakistani soldiers and KSA money in yemen operation would had changed the dynamics of the recent campaign in yemen.
The word anymore in your post is a key word. BTW, not having blind relations with KSA, is a good sign of maturity from your politicians. After all, you don't owe anything to saudis.
You should know that in Pakistan,iran is the most neglected neighbor as Iran has nothing to offer to pakistan with Afghanistan having far more importance in our foreign policy than iran.

I don't know why people of iran are concerned about shia in pakistan when Pakistani shia doesn't even look toward iran for help.I know Shia in Pakistan have positive feeling for iran but unlike as believed by many in iran,they doesn't give this much importance to Pakistan.
Typical Iranians are not concerned with anything except for security of Balouchestan, and activities of JundAllah. Before JundAllah, I am sure that many Iranians(maybe half of them) did not even know that they border Pakistan(or could not remember the name of Southeastern neighbor), because there was zero problems with Pakistan, back then! Iranians did not even know Pakistan has shias, but when there are news of extremists groups attacking shias, they realized their problems. If you want your country have a positive image among Iranians, that's not difficult to achieve. You need to increase security of Balouhestan, and cooperate in removing JundAllah, and also need to increase security of your country. Also, you need to give info to Iranian public about your country, and emphasis on common cultural, historical, ... stuff.
Iran welcomes India private investment for Chabahar Port project.
Published August 16, 2015 | By

Iran is open to Indian private companies investing in the development of Chabahar Port, says Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, during a visit to New Delhi.

India and Iran had signed a deal in May to develop the strategically important port in southeast Iran.”Our work together, co-operation together in Chabahar Port in Iran, Afghanistan, India transit co-operation and all these will help create better economic environment,” said Zarif.

A container and cargo terminal at the Chabahar Port would allow India to provide landlocked Afghanistan with access to the sea, reducing its reliance on Pakistan.

Zarif sought India’s cooperation in tackling militancy, which he said was a common problem for both countries.

“ISIS is a common threat. People should deal with ISIS, not at an opportunity. Unfortunately, some of our friends in the region see ISIS or have seen in the past ISIS as an opportunity for tactical gains. I think that has to change. I think they have to realize by co-operation nobody will lose,” said Zarif.

The Iranian foreign minister’s visit to India comes after the country’s historic nuclear agreement with six world powers – the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

On the second day of his India visit, Zarif called on Vice President, Hamid Ansari and held bilateral talks with counterpart Sushma Swaraj.

Similarities between Ancient Persian and Hinduism
The settlers who lived in Persia and later, in India, had a lot in common by way of phonetics, language, spirituality and reverence for nature…

Hinduism pertains to Hindus but the word Hindu itself is actually a Persian word coined by Cyrus the great in the 6th century B.C. to describe people who lived beyond the river Indus which was the eastern boundary of the ancient Persian empire. The Persians had a phonetic problem with the letter ‘S’ hence, Sindhu became Hindu just as Rigveda’s Soma came from Zend Avesta’s Hoama. Such fascinating phonetic affinities!

Even the word Shudra in Hinduism’s caste-system came from the Persian word Hatoksha. Originally, there were only three castes but the camp followers collected by Persians on their travels were called Hatokshas. The Romans, who separated from the original Aryanstock at a much earlier date than the Brahmins called fire Athar. In old Sanskrit, lightning is called Atharvan. In ancient Persia Arthvan meant a priest and this word evolved to become Brahmin.

Persian herders of cattle were called Vastrayosh and after they settled down from their nomadic existence to become cultivators and later, traders, the word evolved into Hinduism’s Vaishya caste. In the Vedas, waters are called Apo-Devi and in the Avesta, Apo-Vanghuish. Also, the prominent deities of the Rig Veda like Surya, Varun and Aryaman have come from the Avesta.

In fact, originally, the Rig Veda was written in the Kharoshti script which like Persian is written backwards i.e. from right to left. The Brahmi script came much later and our Devnagri script even later than Brahmi. In Lemuria, Atlantis and Babylon, there was the Akhadian script, found on Babylonian tablets during excavations, from which the Pali script evolved. This is why, since ancient Persia was the melting-pot of civilisations, Sanskrit sounds like old Persian e.g. Veeg the seed became the Sanskritised Beej.

The Aryan settlers who lived in Persia and later, in India, had a lot in common by way of phonetics, language, spirituality and reverence for nature. The five elements of nature called Panchamahabhoot were worshipped, with fire and it’s apex in ancient India. This idea came from Persia and the oldest religion in the world viz. Zorastrianism which as and still is, the most eco-friendly religion in the world. It is a cardinal sin for a Parsi to defile any of nature’s elements which is why, a corpse, a filthy shell after it’s pranic energy has left it, is never to be burnt on fire. That would be a grave sin to the element of agni.

Rather, a Parsi feeds the fire within a fire-temple with sweet-smelling sandalwood and frankincense.

Persian warriors were called ratheshwars, and this word evolved into kshatriyas. Even wars were fought in a noble fashion through there’s nothing noble about a war to my way of thinking. In the ancient world, man lived with nature. He depended on nature for his food, shelter and livelihood. To him, the forces of nature and her five elements appeared to be pulsating with life. The sun, moon, stars, clouds, earth, springs, rivers, oceans, trees, grass, flowers were, he believed, presided over by invisible intelligences which is a cosmic fact. Geofrey Hodsun has proved this through his clairvoyant theosophical books.

In return for nature’s bounties and blessings, man gave homage which took the form of the various hymns and prayers in the Avesta as well as the Rig Veda. Hence, there are so many similarities and spiritual parallels between Ancient Persian theology and that of the pre-vedic and vedic times. The Persian Goddess of water was Ahurani, similar to the vedic Asurani. Feeding the sacred fire was common to the Persians as well as the pre-vedic society. So many similarities, so much in common, because, in the final analysis, it’s the same supreme energy we all worship!
:yahoo: :yahoo:

Can you name just one of the cases that Indians have helped Iranians?
2800, you are always very naive. You don't know Indians, exactly in the same way that you don't know Arabs, westerners, ... Indians will never care for anyone except for themselves, and even if world powers tell them to jump, they always just ask how far? You don't know them.
Pakistan got screwed up starting from Zia ul-Haq era because of his islamist policies. Not surprisingly, these Shia-Sunni non-sense wars restarted at his time as well. But, the point is that Pakistan is Iran's neighbor which shares 1000 km border with Iran. It borders the most underdeveloped part of Iran, and shares the common problems at borders with Iran. Before JundAllah activities, there were zero problems with Pakistan, and they were the most friendliest neighbor of Iran. Islamism and stupid foreign policies has screwed up both of Iran and Pakistan, but it will not last forever. Finally, both countries will come to their senses, and throw out islamism. Then, they will become natural allies again. Anyway, Pakistan is a neighbor, and being against a neighbor which shares 1000km borders with your country, is plain stupid.

The word anymore in your post is a key word. BTW, not having blind relations with KSA, is a good sign of maturity from your politicians. After all, you don't owe anything to saudis.

Typical Iranians are not concerned with anything except for security of Balouchestan, and activities of JundAllah. Before JundAllah, I am sure that many Iranians(maybe half of them) did not even know that they border Pakistan(or could not remember the name of Southeastern neighbor), because there was zero problems with Pakistan, back then! Iranians did not even know Pakistan has shias, but when there are news of extremists groups attacking shias, they realized their problems. If you want your country have a positive image among Iranians, that's not difficult to achieve. You need to increase security of Balouhestan, and cooperate in removing JundAllah, and also need to increase security of your country. Also, you need to give info to Iranian public about your country, and emphasis on common cultural, historical, ... stuff.
Mate you know I am not that good in english and prefer to don't write long. I think India is much better partner than Europeans countries, Russia and even China. India is a powerful country, they're populated, they have very good economy etc... Moreover India is a beautiful country and most of their people are good people. I know they have problems with Pakistan but their people are good people. Also Iran traditionally is favorited in India. Iran & India relations and trading are historical. It goes back to centuries ago.

Our realatins with India is not anti Pakistan. They're mostly business and trading.
:yahoo: :yahoo:

Mate you know I am not that good in english and prefer to don't write long. I think India is much better partner than Europeans countries, Russia and even China. India is a powerful country, they're populated, they have very good economy etc... Moreover India is a beautiful country and most of their people are good people. I know they have problems with Pakistan but their people are good people. Also Iran traditionally is favorited in India. Iran & India relations and trading are historical. It goes back to centuries ago.

Our realatins with India is not anti Pakistan. They're mostly business and trading.

Iran is close ally to Pakistan , vast trades and businesses and also Muslim brotherhood.
India historical partner from 1400 years ago when Iranian Zoroastrians(Parsi people) moved to India and settled there till now , also good cooperation in economy and trades.
Bangladeshi people are very kind i met some in Dubai very friendly further more they are also Muslim friends.
So no need to have debates here we are all just allies.
to all Indian friends . as Iranians stated we Iranians have made mistake and admit that we have made mistake so we hope our Indian friends forgive us for our past mistakes .

but we need to look to the future .
I ask all the Indian members here please please judge it by our future actions . the past wars between India and Pakistan have past and gone and mistake are been made by Iran in past and it cannot be returned .
what our Indian friends and Indian members here need to look at is the future wars which may happen between India and whom ever .

I ask to all our Indian friends and Indian members here
what do you think is going to happen in future wars ??
you think we Iranians will make same mistake ??

all i can add is look at Syria or Iraq or Yemen or lebanon .Iran is standing in one side and US and their alias . and see how much iran is prepared to stick his neck out for its friends

Agreed. Past is past. Let us hope for a prosperous future for both India and Iran. Both India and Iran have a great history, lands where great innovations were done. Let us draw strengths from our glorious histories and scale new heights. With the sanctions being lifted on Iran, i see a good future for Iran.
Nice thread for competition. :D

Great and informative, thanks very much.

This joker is on about region that is today Pakistan. All he has done is reconfirmed what I said in the inspiration for this thread. This would be like me using part of Iran and saying we have have had close relations with Turkey. Offering West Azerbaijan, Kordestan and Aradabil provinces as proof. Crazy !!!

Iran-Pakistan. The past, now and future.

I just saw this thread now. No harm in competition but have some style, show some originality. Just copy my thread and then even use regions that are today's Pakistan to validate close links. Nuts ......

* Gandara, Maka, Gedrosia and Hendush are in Pakistan. They are like Iranian West Azerbaijhan, Zanjan, Ardabil, Semnan and Esfahan.
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