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India drops out of 2012 PISA test


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
always try to keep up on China and India test score news, since the topic offers us important clues about the future of the world. From the Times of India:

After an earlier, embarrassing show, India has backed out of this year's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a global evaluation process by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretariat that gauges where schoolchildren stand alongside their peers from other countries.

This academic Olympics measures the performance of 15-year-olds in their reading, math and science abilities.

... In the last assessment, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, showpieces of India's education and development, were put through the PISA evaluation and they performed miserably. The idea was that the entire country would participate in the next round of assessment. However, that plan was also dropped.

Steve Sailer's iSteve Blog: India drops out of 2012 PISA test
What is going on here no india in the 2009 pisa results either
Indians are among the highest numbers of foreign students in top universities especially in US who clears GRE,SAT and GMAT. Indians are still in plenty major US industries especially Fortune 500. How could these students perform if they have low IQ and bad English and Math skills.

Well if we are really lack the mental ability, how the hell we are still continuing our Space program, building own super computers etc.

So I will go with other indicators of India's IQ level than just one test.

P.S. Hope MODs see the motive of this thread as it is clearly evident. :enjoy:
Funny that when this news paper publishes anti-China, anti-Pakistan news it is called TOIlet newspaper.

Come on guys. Next time believe what TOI says.

This time I am accepting what this news paper said. :D
Funny that when this news paper publishes anti-China, anti-Pakistan news it is called TOIlet newspaper.

You can see there is a clear conflict of interest when they are reporting about "enemy" countries compared to their own country. :P

Anyway, if India did not back out of the PISA tests, then we'll see the results soon enough regardless.
Poor PISA score: Govt blames ‘disconnect’ with India - Indian Express

The NCERT in its report concluded that “non-exposure of students (especially in rural areas) towards the items tested in PISA” was a critical factor in the poor performance by Indian students. They cited questions relating to ATMs and use of air bags in cars.

Had PISA been done in a city like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, the score would have been different. Instead of pulling out of PISA they should have restricted the tests to First tier and second tier cities only.
You can see there is a clear conflict of interest when they are reporting about "enemy" countries compared to their own country. :P

Anyway, if India did not back out of the PISA tests, then we'll see the results soon enough regardless.
Just read what Roybot said and quoted. how can you expect students to perform on areas which they are not exposed off.

When I appeared for Central Board of Secondary Board of Education test, coming from Regional BSE, I performed bad. The items on which I was tested was nothing that I ever faced. But when given exposure to these fields of testing, I scored very well in CBSE exams at 10th and 12th standard.

The OP needs to understand the reality rather than taking shots.

Like I try to understand your POV and conditions in China, so should you guys. Instead of targeting, better ask us why they failed ?

I am not saying ask any Indian, you don't like many but you can ask me anytime.

Poor PISA score: Govt blames ‘disconnect’ with India - Indian Express
Had PISA been done in a city like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, the score would have been different. Instead of pulling out of PISA they should have restricted the tests to First tier and second tier cities only.
Thanks a lot buddy for posting it. This information will clear many doubts.
Just read what Roybot said and quoted. how can you expect students to perform on areas which they are not exposed off.

When I appeared for Central Board of Secondary Board of Education test, coming from Regional BSE, I performed bad. The items on which I was tested was nothing that I ever faced. But when given exposure to these fields of testing, I scored very well in CBSE exams at 10th and 12th standard.

The OP needs to understand the reality rather than taking shots.

Like I try to understand your POV and conditions in China, so should you guys. Instead of targeting, better ask us why they failed ?

I am not saying ask any Indian, you don't like many but you can ask me anytime.

The reality is you indians never accept is it your fault but always come up with lame excuses
More than a third of engineering graduates can't do basic maths
6 May 2012

A bag is full of 20 bananas and no other fruit. Rajeev draws a fruit from the bag. What is the probability that he will draw a banana?

An embarrassing 30 per cent of the country's (india's) engineers cannot solve a problem as simple as the one above, a study has found.

Their ineptitude, however, is not limited to just sums of probability. It's worse as over one-third engineers do not possess mathematical skills needed in day-today life for doing simple transactions, counting and arranging.


In other words, they have a weak understanding of concepts as elementary as decimals, powers, operations, ratio, fractions and the ability to apply these concepts to real-world problems.

Raising serious questions about the quality of education in schools and engineering institute, the study states, 'These skills are required in all engineering and analytics jobs in the knowledge-based industry. For instance, an engineer who cannot multiply/divide decimal numbers (the total being an alarming 42 per cent) would face difficulty in doing basic engineering calculations.'

The study, released by Aspiring Minds, is based on the results of more than 55,000 students from over 250 engineering institutes who took AMCAT test. The engineers had graduated in 2011.

Aspiring Minds, started by MIT alumnus Varun Aggarwal and IITDelhi graduate Himanshu Aggarwal in 2008, this standardised tests, whose test scores are used by top companies to recruit freshers.

Almost 30,000 students take this test every month. The report also raises concern over the language skills of the fresh engineering graduates.

Given the importance accorded to a candidates fluency in English during the interview process, the report states that a sizeable chunk of the engineers are far from impressing the recruiters they don't have the 'English comprehension skills to understand engineering school curriculum'.

'Twenty five to 35 per cent engineers cannot comprehend English usage even in day-to-day conversations.
'Since engineering education is in English, this is a key concern for colleges, as such a lack inhibits students from grasping concepts in other subject areas as well,' the report states.

To illustrate the weak vocabulary, the study states that more than half the number of students did not understand words such as absurd, generic, cease and adamant, among others.

It's probably not surprising why less than 25 per cent of the enginneers joining the workforce every year are seen as unemployable by the industry.

There are, however, people who are sceptical of the findings. According to S.S. Mantha, chairman, AICTE, the report should not be believed entirely as the sample size of students is small.

'There are 1.5 million students at the entry-level in engineering students. Even if we assume that one million graduate as engineers, then a sample size of 55,000 students is too small to make such sweeping comments on the mathematical and language ability of all the students,' Mantha said.
Just read what Roybot said and quoted. how can you expect students to perform on areas which they are not exposed off.

These tests are designed by Westerners. So all Asians face the same disadvantages in this situation.

However there are THREE categories in the OECD Pisa tests: Reading, Math and Science.

The last two (Math and Science) are quite universal.

And they are all ranked separately, so you can look at the Math and Science results on their own.
The reality is you indians never accept is it your fault but always come up with lame excuses
Ask anyone around when it comes to accepting our shortcomings, I am the first one to do that.

Just explain your ROFL after your article. What does it signify. ?

You want to make mockery of Indians and laugh at them and yet expect them to answer you rationally rather than getting emotional and defensive against such threads.

If you really want Indians to discuss our problems rationally, change your approach.

And the reason I quoted and Roybot provided holds true.

Be reasonable, ask sincerely rather than mocking the Indian education system which has yet to achieve at primary and higher educational level. I know what these kids study, you don't.

And provide an answer for what I raised. Why there are so many Indians in top universities if we have low IQ ?
And provide an answer for what I raised. Why there are so many Indians in top universities if we have low IQ ?

IQ tests are not a reliable indicator of intelligence.

The only thing an IQ test can prove, is how good someone is at doing IQ tests.

The OECD Pisa results have everything to do with education systems.
These tests are designed by Westerners. So all Asians face the same disadvantages in this situation.

However there are THREE categories in the OECD Pisa tests: Reading, Math and Science.

The last two (Math and Science) are quite universal.

And they are all ranked separately, so you can look at the Math and Science results on their own.
The content of text books, the major areas of understanding and level of mathematical skills taught also means a lot.

Your way or western way of education are different. We don't have to make projects and get grades. We appear for tests - two mid terms and one final term. The syllabus is distributed according to it.

Most of the Indian students never even present an article before their class in the regions where these tests are considered.

The approach of the subject means a lot. Indians are not good in innovating like US students reason is, the way they are taught.

We can't provide visual/audio aid for presentation. Hardly every school has computer education. The regions where these tests were taken, their economic condition and availability of resources should also be taken into account.

How can you expect a student from India who has just read his books, perform competitively with a Western student, who not only have read books but also have internet to search for more information, have Youtube tutorials and experimental education. ?

I published research article when I was in college where as I have met people who were yet to publish one paper in their PhD , especially those who were doing it in normal universities. Am I more intelligent than them, nope, but I had the exposure to work with ex-NASA scientist, his research papers, his guidance and Journal subscription provided by my university.

How could that guy compete with me if I had the upper hand on the resources ?

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