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China is Cheating the World Student Rankings System Read more: World Student Rankings: China Is Che

As sure as sh1t this JayAtl is butt hurt much. All his time he spends is to look for Anti-Chinese articles. Very normal for having extremely inferiority complex.
Pretends and wannabe white, while the white man commands him to kiss their boots. :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
When did the circus come to town?

I even come to think that JayAtl is indeed a paid shill to troll around PDF to stir the endless conflicts :flame:and ignite the hatred :flame:between the TWO LARGEST RACES on earth!

Just recalling the old trick of colonial times, "devide et impera", widely used by the British East India Company; Dutch East India Company or VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie); and practically ALL COLONIALS incl. the USA learned and deployed the time-tested tricks!

It's true that he always claims to be of an Indian descendant living in USA but well, only God knows his true origin :bounce:

I wish all the sane members of PDF to take into account this probability, paid trolls working pretty hard around the many online forums worldwide, and PDF is not an exception, to bring about their paymaster's agendas!!!

And to try to reason with any troll or shill is absolutely futile!

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I even come to think that JayAtl is indeed a paid shill to troll around PDF to stir the endless conflicts :flame:and ignite the hatred :flame:between the TWO LARGEST RACES on earth!

I don't write the articles nor do I force your china to cheat. If you like to be in a country where only positive news is allowed by the leaders. Move back to China.
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This is junk media at its best. Americans, like Indians, are butthurting that China came up top.

In PISA test, there is no such thing as "national data." Every country selects the strongest state/city to carry the country's flag. US is represented by Massachusetts, the best state for education. Yet US high school kids couldn't break into top 10.

I was thinking about you when I read the article PISAholic :lol:

I even come to think that JayAtl is indeed a paid shill to troll around PDF to stir the endless conflicts :flame:and ignite the hatred :flame:between the TWO LARGEST RACES on earth!
Just recalling the old trick of colonial times, "devide et impera", widely used by the British East India Company; Dutch East India Company or VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie); and practically ALL COLONIALS incl. the USA learned and deployed the time-tested tricks!

It's true that he always claims to be of an Indian descendant living in USA but well, only God knows his true origin :bounce:

I wish all the sane members of PDF to take into account this probability, paid trolls working pretty hard around the many online forums worldwide, and PDF is not an exception, to bring about their paymaster's agendas!!!

And to try to reason with any troll or shill is absolutely futile!


Funny you don't have similar thoughts for Shuttler, Fatty Acids, Hongu Wu (BTW what happened to him?) and such obvious chinese trolls?

Yeah that's a nice way of saying Indians are not very smart people.

Spin it how you want to, India will be stuck where it is forever.

The PISA tests and IQ proves India will never ever beat China in anything.

We don't want to beat china buddy...hope you soldier on and do well in PISA etc. :D
This is junk media at its best. Americans, like Indians, are butthurting that China came up top.

In PISA test, there is no such thing as "national data." Every country selects the strongest state/city to carry the country's flag. US is represented by Massachusetts, the best state for education. Yet US high school kids couldn't break into top 10.
You have to write your reply in more simplistic terms. Our Indian friends may not be able to comprehend and they will twist your logic and have you explain to them multiple times.

See? thats what i have been telling everyone. all this including their IQ stats are fabricated.

they dont come anywhere near us in actual high level education

IIM Ahmedabad among top 39 elite business schools in the world
Lol. Fattyacids already debunked this indian survey ranking. Lol.
Yeah that's a nice way of saying Indians are not very smart people.

Spin it how you want to, India will be stuck where it is forever.

The PISA tests and IQ proves India will never ever beat China in anything.

That's why the chinese have stolen our Buddhism? Is their not an original thought in all of china? Why must you people steal our religion?
Hindu along with Muslim prosecuted and slaughter Buddhist in India subcontinent, Indian never value the teaching of Buddha. Buddha wasn't Indian, he was born in Nepal and he is not an Indian base on historical fact. Wise person will adopt Buddha teaching to understand our body and mind in other to generate healthy mind to promote peace and love in this universe. Only Indian fool to claim other stolen Buddhism from India.

That's why the chinese have stolen our Buddhism? Is their not an original thought in all of china? Why must you people steal our religion?[/quote
Hindu along with Muslim prosecuted and slaughter Buddhist in India subcontinent, Indian never value the teaching of Buddha. Buddha wasn't Indian, he was born in Nepal and he is not an Indian base on historical fact. Wise person will adopt Buddha teaching to understand our body and mind in other to generate healthy mind to promote peace and love in this universe. Only Indian fool to claim other stolen Buddhism from India.

Buddha was Indian from an Indian kingdom that is now located in Nepal. Look at where Lumbini is right at the border. Buddhist teaching is uniquely Indian. The ideas are Vedic in origin. Please develop your own belief, culture stealer.
There isn't a kingdom name India before the arrival of British empire. Learn your history before you spill your nonsense. Vedic is a Hindu and Buddhism denounce the Hindu belief with your inhuman practice of caste system and marginalized the untouchable in your society.

Buddha was Indian from an Indian kingdom that is now located in Nepal. Look at where Lumbini is right at the border. Buddhist teaching is uniquely Indian. The ideas are Vedic in origin. Please develop your own belief, culture stealer.
Buddha was Indian from an Indian kingdom that is now located in Nepal. Look at where Lumbini is right at the border. Buddhist teaching is uniquely Indian. The ideas are Vedic in origin. Please develop your own belief, culture stealer.

lol there was no such thing as India before the British. They gave you everything from legal system, education system, sports, English language, railways and other infrastructure, etc.

Without them you would still be the same religious crackpots your ancestors were. They brought you into the modern world. They civilized you.

The British conquered the subcontinent by defeating kingdom after kingdom and once they defeated all the kingdoms, they unified it under British rule. The Sikh kingdom was the last kingdom Britain defeated. That's why Sikhs want to regain their own country and leave this fraudulent union called 'India'.

Without Britain, you would still be scratching each other's backs inside caves.
Does anyone feel there was a conspiracy to kick out India from participating this year? After all, they did so badly in 2009 that they brought shame to the organizers. When India said they would refuse to participate, it was agreed to in advance to let them save face.
Does anyone feel there was a conspiracy to kick out India from participating this year? After all, they did so badly in 2009 that they brought shame to organizers. When India said they would refuse to participate, it was agreed to in advance to let them save face.

I don't blame India, they know their limitations.
lol there was no such thing as India before the British. They gave you everything from legal system, education system, sports, English language, railways and other infrastructure, etc.

Without them you would still be the same religious crackpots your ancestors were. They brought you into the modern world. They civilized you.

The British conquered the subcontinent by defeating kingdom after kingdom and once they defeated all the kingdoms, they unified it under British rule. The Sikh kingdom was the last kingdom Britain defeated. That's why Sikhs want to regain their own country and leave this fraudulent union called 'India'.

Without Britain, you would still be scratching each other's backs inside caves.

Everything you have is a highjacking of others. cheenia are the original thieves. Your legal, political and educational systems are stolen from the Russians. Your technology is a second hand copy of others. Your culture is primitive you must steal others beliefs. You worship your ancestors like the bushmen Africans and feral Native Americans. Your people are the least trustworthy in all of humanity, needing constant reminders from the Japanese to Mongolians of your place. Your people are devoid of empathy and sympathy, which separates man from animal. cheen, and cheenia, are loathed by every country save for pakistan and North Korea.
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