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China is Cheating the World Student Rankings System Read more: World Student Rankings: China Is Che

You have confused "Indian" with "Chinese," who is lying here? Only 3 states represented US.

"2010 PISA, School systems in Connecticut, Florida and Massachusetts were among the only three states to represent the U.S. in the 2012 PISA study."
Connecticut students remain on par or are outpacing many of their peers globally in areas of math, science and reading, according to a new assessment conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. - Hartford Courant

the lie is that Chinese as NOTED in the article pass off shanghai and HK scores as all of china. You guys do it here too... and it is noticed globally by others too!

nobody is surprised by this...

Does the same china logic work for their IQ BS claims as well, like collect 10 of their smartest kids and test on them and claim as the result of the whole 1.4 billion chinese's IQ?

You think Shanghai has the best students in China??? :rofl:

I will simply give you several provinces/cities (a.k.a. states in U.S.) that will perform better than Shanghai:
(1) Guangdong
(2) Shandong
(3) Jiangsu
(4) Zhejiang
(5) Hunan
(6) Beijing

The list goes on.

Those OECD officials would be even more dumbfounded if they see scores from the above places.

let's hope not, I mean - clear as daylight how China fudged the variables to show themselves as no1 :D ...
You think Shanghai has the best students in China??? :rofl:

I will simply give you several provinces/cities (a.k.a. states in U.S.) that will perform better than Shanghai:
(1) Guangdong
(2) Shandong
(3) Jiangsu
(4) Zhejiang
(5) Hunan
(6) Beijing

The list goes on.

Those OECD officials would be even more dumbfounded if they see scores from the above places.

A Chinese friend of mine always complain about how Shanghai and HK people are snobs and how their education and skills does not match up to their financial wealth.
You think Shanghai has the best students in China??? :rofl:

I will simply give you several provinces/cities (a.k.a. states in U.S.) that will perform better than Shanghai:
(1) Guangdong
(2) Shandong
(3) Jiangsu
(4) Zhejiang
(5) Hunan
(6) Beijing

The list goes on.

Those OECD officials would be even more dumbfounded if they see scores from the above places.

thank you for your CCP stats.

A sentence when its starts with " I will give stats" from a chinese/china- is now the preamble to start rolling on the ground and laughing!
You have confused "Indian" with "Chinese," now it's clear who's trait that is? Only 3 states represented US.

"2010 PISA, School systems in Connecticut, Florida and Massachusetts were among the only three states to represent the U.S. in the 2012 PISA study."
Connecticut students remain on par or are outpacing many of their peers globally in areas of math, science and reading, according to a new assessment conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. - Hartford Courant

Don't bother. These people are used to burying their head in the sand and you could show them evidence in big, flaming letters and they would still try to find excuses.

Look, this is an a typical BS article that was found by a China-basher and he didn't even read through it before re-posted it on PDF. At this point, he is just mounting desperate defense.
British shove English language down Indian throat but Indian false misery in Reading PISA test that just tell you the level of Indian education.
Indian always had the defeated attitude or can not do attitude, they drop out of PISA because they don't want to further be humiliate by the result.
:lol: Indians are showing their IQ here. Pretending to massage their bruised ego.

Shanghai is not even the top Chinese province in domestic exams.

The best Indian province ranked somewhere around 70th, yes, the best Indian province. How's that for stupidity. Their children shows what we have known about their lack of IQ.

So what did India do....they pulled out of the tests.

In 2009, PISA releases other 12 Chinese provinces and they were all above OECD average.

Shanghai will beat any province from any other country including the best American state.

It just goes to show how much East Asians are superior to any other race that East Asians are are in the top 5 or 6 positions.

Jews are smart but they don't have the population size to make a difference. Jews and East Asians have the highest IQ. In fact Chinese from Zhejiang province have higher IQ than even Ashkenazi Jews. Zhejiang province have the smartest humans on earth. This is a fact!
See? thats what i have been telling everyone. all this including their IQ stats are fabricated.

they dont come anywhere near us in actual high level education

Students at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (780) and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (767) have the highest average GMAT scores in the world, well ahead of the leading US institution Stanford (730), and INSEAD in Europe (704), the report said.
IIM Ahmedabad among top 39 elite business schools in the world
See? thats what i have been telling everyone. all this including their IQ stats are fabricated.

they dont come anywhere near us in actual high level education

IIM Ahmedabad among top 39 elite business schools in the world

lol nothing is fabricated. Use your limited IQ to read the article.

The article is about Shanghai as a province is compared to other countries and how that's unfair to compare a province to a country.

Shanghai scores are very real, unfortunately for you.

India's best provinces came near last :lol:

Oh please, Indian IQ score and PISA scores prove the real capability of Indians.

Not a single Indian province will get within touching distance of Shanghai. The funny thing is that it's widely known in China that Shanghai is not even the best Chinese province when it comes to smart students.

Indians try to hide your faults from education levels to intelligence levels. But we see right through you.
LOL buddy you drunk on cowp@ss again? shanghai is a city not a country

British shove English language down Indian throat but Indian false misery in Reading PISA test that just tell you the level of Indian education.

Indians are showing their IQ here. Pretending to massage their bruised ego.

lol nothing is fabricated. Use your limited IQ to read the article.

Well apparently the Chinese got so pissed at being exposed they complained to the webmaster who asked me to stop denigrating the Chinese and showing their true dumb faces. :lol:

Well I am out of here, but @WebMaster can you look at these guys quoted above or is it just a one way street for Indians here.
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