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India chickens out of international students assessment programme again

I dont know how is all this possible. When I came to Canada after doing my grade 10 in India I was put into high school. I did my grade 11 and 12 here and frankly it was a breeze. I almost skipped all the my classes and still gotv 94%. Got into the best engineering school in Canada with a scholorship. I had simply no trouble due to strong basics from India.

Exactly after grade 10 all Indian students care about is the IIT exam which by FARRR is the toughest entrance exam in the world. They don't care about olympiads or PISA etc etc. I didn't even know they these things existed.

stop talking as though you are really special, your kind of experiences happened every where, I m sure if I put an America kid in india school he will tell exactly the same story as you
This is the utter B.S that I've heard from the Indian community. Once upon a time, I had a req open for an engineer. I was of course sent all resumes from the Indian community as the recruiter I was dealing with was an Indian guy (that's what happens now in majority of the US. You guys send your people vs. who's really talented or on merit). Now, I asked this guy if anyone who happens to be a local American applied for this position and that the economy is bad and 13 million Americans are out of work. His answer was that, I've given you the best of the best. These guys either came from IIT or were in there.
I then asked him to send me ALL resumes of ALL applicants, irrespective of this IIT crap. His boss got involved and he shared all resumes with me (he was forced to). I was SURPRISED to see a resume from the MIT and a couple of schools like NYU and Harvard. I was SO mad. I asked this guy if he thought MIT was inferior to the IIT. His answer was yes, the IIT is THE BEST institution in the world. Both his boss and I were just surprised and dumb founded. Not sure how to get him out of his Indian mentality. I then went on to say, just so you know, the light bulb and majority of today's inventions came out of the MIT or its programs or due to its participation. He was so adamant that he refused to agree. Anyway, this was JUST ONE story of how the IIT is thrown to world as the most sacred cow on the planet. It is NOT the case so please. Don't tell us that. People go to MIT and other institutes from across the world. I've yet to see people in the US, Japan, the UK or the France getting excited that they got accepted into the IIT. But, getting into the MIT and the likes is considered a life achievement. Even I was hoping to get in there.

Given a choice between MIT and IIT for undergrad, I, with out even blinking, would choose IIT, however for graduation I would certainly choose MIT.

You don't have any idea how tough it is to get into the top 7 IITs. Students prepare the exams for almost 4 to 5 years a stretch. 5,00,000 students fight for just 3,000 seats.
Given a choice between MIT and IIT for undergrad, I, with out even blinking, would choose IIT, however for graduation I would certainly choose MIT.

You don't have any idea how tough it is to get into the top 7 IITs. Students prepare the exams for almost 4 to 5 years a stretch. 5,00,000 students fight for just 3,000 seats.

Here we go. SAME propaganda again. You are missing the point, IIT may be good according to Indian standards, but it's not MIT or even close to it or Harvard or Yale. Just the fact.
Also, IIT may be one good Indian school per Indian standards and it caters 'smart kids' from a population pool of 1.2 billion people. So of course, from such a big population pool, they will be selective.
This is the utter B.S that I've heard from the Indian community. Once upon a time, I had a req open for an engineer. I was of course sent all resumes from the Indian community as the recruiter I was dealing with was an Indian guy (that's what happens now in majority of the US. You guys send your people vs. who's really talented or on merit). Now, I asked this guy if anyone who happens to be a local American applied for this position and that the economy is bad and 13 million Americans are out of work. His answer was that, I've given you the best of the best. These guys either came from IIT or were in there.
I then asked him to send me ALL resumes of ALL applicants, irrespective of this IIT crap. His boss got involved and he shared all resumes with me (he was forced to). I was SURPRISED to see a resume from the MIT and a couple of schools like NYU and Harvard. I was SO mad. I asked this guy if he thought MIT was inferior to the IIT. His answer was yes, the IIT is THE BEST institution in the world. Both his boss and I were just surprised and dumb founded. Not sure how to get him out of his Indian mentality. I then went on to say, just so you know, the light bulb and majority of today's inventions came out of the MIT or its programs or due to its participation. He was so adamant that he refused to agree. Anyway, this was JUST ONE story of how the IIT is thrown to world as the most sacred cow on the planet. It is NOT the case so please. Don't tell us that. People go to MIT and other institutes from across the world. I've yet to see people in the US, Japan, the UK or the France getting excited that they got accepted into the IIT. But, getting into the MIT and the likes is considered a life achievement. Even I was hoping to get in there.
Cool story bro but I know this is made up. Anyways nice try.
Here we go. SAME propaganda again. You are missing the point, IIT may be good according to Indian standards, but it's not MIT or even close to it or Harvard or Yale. Just the fact.
Also, IIT may be one good Indian school per Indian standards and it caters 'smart kids' from a population pool of 1.2 billion people. So of course, from such a big population pool, they will be selective.

Wrong, IIT entrance standards **** all over other universities anywhere in the world.

The teaching staff are just as qualified, however the equipment, funding etc are not up to par.
stop talking as though you are really special, your kind of experiences happened every where, I m sure if I put an America kid in india school he will tell exactly the same story as you

If you put a very smart American student into Indian system then maybe you could the similiar story. But if you put an average Indian or Chinese student into American school, trust me he will destroy anyone and get top marks. There is a reason why many Unis in North America especially Engineering are dominated by Indians and Chinese.
Wrong, IIT entrance standards **** all over other universities anywhere in the world.

The teaching staff are just as qualified, however the equipment, funding etc are not up to par.

I don't think it's that. India has a peculiar attitude that 'Colleges are for studying'. The idea of leading research and thought leadership from universities is not in the average Indian's imagination. That's supposed to be the job of formal labs in govt or private sector. It's an attitude we need to shake off.
Here we go. SAME propaganda again. You are missing the point, IIT may be good according to Indian standards, but it's not MIT or even close to it or Harvard or Yale. Just the fact.
Also, IIT may be one good Indian school per Indian standards and it caters 'smart kids' from a population pool of 1.2 billion people. So of course, from such a big population pool, they will be selective.

An average IIT grad will easily kick the c**p out of any of these places. In India an institute is for 'studying' only.
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You don't even know how to begin solving those questions do you?

In all honesty, even whilst being in 3rd year Engineering/Comm in a Group of 8 University in Australia, I would not get more than 75-80% in that test. And I believe that IIT hopefuls need to score upwards of 95% to even have a chance of getting in.
If you put a very smart American student into Indian system then maybe you could the similiar story. But if you put an average Indian or Chinese student into American school, trust me he will destroy anyone and get top marks. There is a reason why many Unis in North America especially Engineering are dominated by Indians and Chinese.

You answered and ruined your argument by yourself. The students that come from India to the US are not 'average', they are supposed to be the best of the best. That's the idea. When they compare against the 'Average American' in an 'Average American School'....they sure do come on top. BECAUSE they are NOT average if their legal papers speak the truth. I also know Indians who came to the US on Bullsh$t degrees and they have masters now. But if they get caught....those master won't mean anything as their Bachelors isn't complete and they did fraud.
So again, better Indian student who doesn't have to work and pay rent and other things the American kids start to do when they are 16......sure an Indian would do better. Just studying and may be working part time and all that. While the American kid is actually living a real life, paying his own bills, etc, etc. So yes, the Indian student will win.
Now take the above average Indian student to the MIT or the Harvards....I'd love to see how they fare against the Above Average Americans. What exactly did India invent in the past 60 years? Here's a list of stuff that came out of JUST MIT and associated or sponsored research, etc:

Ethernet - Robert Metcalf '68
The Supreme Court building - Cass Gilbert 1880
Campbell Soup - John Dorrance 1895
Theory of the inflationary universe - Prof. Alan Guth '68
GPS (Global Positioning System) - Ivan Getting '33
Lego Mindstorms - MIT Media Lab
Texas Instruments Inc. - Cecil Green '23
Artificial Skin - Ioannis Yannas SM '59
Hypertext - Prof. Vannevar Bush PhD '16
Technicolor - Herbert Kalmus 1903
Evidence of quarks - Professors Henry Kendall and Jerome Friedman
Disposable-blade safety razors - William Nickerson 1876
Plan for Canberra, Australia - Marion Mahony Griffin 1894
Fax Machine - Shintaro Asano SM '61
Spacewar, the first computer game - Steve Russell '60
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Building - I.M. Pei '40
Inertial guidance system - Charles Stark Draper '26
Analog Devices, Inc. - Raymond Stata '57
Discovery of human oncogenes - Prof. Robert Weinberg
The Internet Archive - Brewster Kahle '82
Modern linguistics - Prof. Noam Chomsky
Doppler radar - Bernard Gordon '48
Voice recognition technology - Ray Kurzweil '70
The field of Marketing Science - Prof. John Little
"Car Talk" - Tom '58 and Ray '72 Magliozzi
Credit card holograms - Prof. Stephen Benton '63
Khan Academy - Sal Khan '98, MEng '98
Rockman amplifier - Tom Scholz '69
The World Wide Web - Senior Research Scientist Tim Berners-Lee
Biogen Inc. - Prof. Phillip Sharp
The "butterfly effect" - Prof. Edward Lorenz
Bose stereo - Professor Amar Bose '51
Dropbox - Drew Houston'05 & Arash Ferdowsi'08
Spreadsheets - Daniel Bricklin '73

I let the readers decide what's real and what ain't!

Figure 8 depicts the share of students in selected countries that surpasses the thresholds of 400 and 600 test-score points on the transformed scale of the combined international tests—the same measure and thresholds used in the prior growth analyses. When considering the basic educational achievement of students, the share of students surpassing the threshold of 400 tests core points is a rough threshold of basic literacy in mathematics and science.

PISA is not the only test in the world. Yes states of Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh bombed out in PISA 2009, that does not mean that Indian students are dumb. And as I have said earlier, decision to take part in PISA test should be left to various education boards and not dictated by the government.

P.S: Wtf are Pakistanis so happy about. Just because you didn't take part in PISA test doesn't mean you are smart. :cuckoo:
I disagree and agree with most of you (what does this means I even don't know)... btw have you guys (Not Indians) ofcourse watched a movie called 3 Idiots??? For members who can't understand Hindi I am embedding the movie with ENGLISH subtitles here which actually shows what environment Indian students face and why still India is not doing too well in World music stage, photography, sports etc etc. Watch this move and you would be surprised:

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