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If Bipin doesn't need an extension then why does Bajwa need one?

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There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
Bipin is being given a higher role, specially created for him... "chief of defense staff"
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?

Why do you see yourself through the Indian lense?
Pakistan is an independent nation and its way of governance is different than other nations. Extensions are given by the PM and the President of Pakistan. It is their prerogative and they have the mandate by the people of Pakistan.
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?

Because Army is a critical stakeholder in your country where as it is not the case in India...Here civillian gov is accountable for any win or loss in military front.
There was an interview of Christian Fair she said that every appointment of a general above a certain star(rank) is a political appointment.
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
Here i agree with u for the first time
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?

The fact that you compared india with Pakistan just shows your mental state
India also doesn't have a hell hole called Afghanistan on it's border.
bipin is joining the ruling group like doval did after "retirement" it is very difficult to be heard on this here "Pakistan Defense Forum" so I'll leave it at that.

BTW. has any one noticed that the chief of army haters "oscar" has crawled back here after this joke of a verdict?
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Neither does Pakistan. The difference is that its not the CoAS asking for extension, rather its the external interlocutors who infer this and the government of the day, keeping in mind the Afghan peace talks, has decided to make a play for it.

Otherwise, there are more than enough other senior leaders in the army to take on as chief of staff.
How? All they ever do is fight America's wars and lose Pakistan's wars.

Right this very moment, they're just standing at LOC and watching India annex Kashmir through absolute cruelty and brutality.

I find your above comment very distasteful to be honest.

Firstly Bajwa is not IK uncle or relative, secondly hiring and firing at those levels are done by political masters and if the political leadership thinks Bajwa is needed then this is their choice and as elected government we have to respect their decision.

Have you ever looked at the world map and seen the sheer size of India and compared to Pakistan and resources at their disposal and size of economy and size of their military and how we managed to keep them in check despite of that, Pakistan is never been a walk over state. You must appreciate that despite of the adversary strengths we are still standing tall and still exists on the world map thanks to our armed forces before you do decide to write venomous comments like that.
Pakistan fought US wars out of necessity not for the fun of it otherwise Pakistan as we see today may not even have survived as the forces which were lined against us by USSR in 80's and then by US itself after 9/11.

Kashmir is practically taken away from Pakistan in 40's since then India is ruling them anyway so what have changed since then. Shall we start a war with our neighbour with a weak economy and with your blessing due to administrative change in Kashmir. You really need to wise up a bit and do some research before commenting.
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?

Why does it matter to the British scum? It's none of your business.
Why is propaganda allowed on this forum? Honestly...if it's about voting, someone should create a vote to perm-ban this guy (and any other of his kind)...that way we would be democratic and get the job done.
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
i am surprised you are even asking such questions.
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