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If Bipin doesn't need an extension then why does Bajwa need one?

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So basically you are just anti PTI and want the previous thieves in power. Well that speaks volumes about you and what you want for Pakistan.

I don't obsessively follow this over-hyped "thief" mantra. Sorry brother.

PTI used to preach $10 billion leaves Pakistan each year. Now, since PTI has been in power for 16-months, it no longer preaches that nonsense anymore but also hasn't bothered to mention where is this invisible $10 billion during PTI tenure so far.
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I don't obsessively follow this over-hyped "thief mantra. Sorry brother.

PTI used to preach $10 billion leaves Pakistan each year. Now, since PTI has been in power for 16-months, it no longer preaches that nonsense anymore but also hasn't bothered to mention where is this invisible $10 billion during PTI tenure so far.
And why you think that retrieving 10 Billion is that easy, all systems are corrupt Included, its takes time to get things straight
In other words Indian Chief Bipin trying to snub our Army Chief and show how it should be.

But Pakistan should consider why it remains under developed still after 70 years while its military booms massively.
I don't obsessively follow this over-hyped "thief mantra. Sorry brother.
Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country. – Karl Kraus
You turned facts upside down. The only institution closest to and legacy of British is the military. It dress code, it's rules, it's regulations, it's structure, it's units, it's pedigree date from British era. Even Kakul or ISI were set up by British officers. If there is one place you want to find strongest legacy of British rule, that would be army bases.

On the contrary there is nothing 'British' about Nawaz, not his dress code, not his manners, not his etquette. Nawaz is 100% pure desi. Banjwa on other hand is not all that differant from his British counterpart.

Pakistan military is the only institution that has been turned into pro pakistan and do not serve british empire interest anymore. Nawaz sharif is nothing less then a Dajjal who has been deceiving Pakistanis by pretending to be like them.
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?

the bigger question is, Why does it bother you
How? All they ever do is fight America's wars and lose Pakistan's wars.

Right this very moment, they're just standing at LOC and watching India annex Kashmir through absolute cruelty and brutality.

Seriously you are Indiot rat who is pretending to be british pakistani.
Pakistan tried to annex kashmir back in 65 however it turned out to be full scale war which Pakistan with smaller military and economy could not sustain for long period of time but inflicted heavy losses on Indian side.
71, had east and west pakistan not been geographically separated India would have never been able to defeat us.
Kargil, Pakistan occupied Indian territory for more then 2 months and india had to resort to air strikes in addition to unlimited supply of reinforcements and weapons.
With Pakistan's standing in world stage, all what pakistan do is watch! We should not go to war over kashmir and risk lives of half billion people!

the bigger question is, Why does it bother you
because he is indiot rat who is serves his master nawaz pig..
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There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
Are u qualified to question that decision? Or was that decision for the extension illegal? I don't understand why it's a big deal. If he is doing his job right...and the extension granted is well within the legal framework then what is the issue? If for some inexplicable reason his extension is still a huge issue then proceed to pass a law that bans extensions of army chiefs during peacetime. In the meantime everyone should get a move on instead of acting as an expert.

On a separate note why r u comparing Bajwa to Bipin? It's like comparing apples to oranges.

I request mods delete this idiotic thread as it serves no purpose @The Eagle @waz @Dubious
I don't obsessively follow this over-hyped "thief mantra. Sorry brother.

PTI used to preach $10 billion leaves Pakistan each year. Now, since PTI has been in power for 16-months, it no longer preaches that nonsense anymore but also hasn't bothered to mention where is this invisible $10 billion during PTI tenure so far.
They are all thief's and every politician is a trained liar. You should think of the best person for Pakistan. PTI also has many thieves that jumped ship and joined up.
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
Cuz we're not indiots.
So when is Imran Khan government issuing red notice in light of the verdict against former Chief of Pakistan Armed Forces, Mr. Musharraf.
Why would khan govt face the consequences now when zardari & nawaz presented guard of honor to musharaf during their rule, taklu even let him go abroad when he was PM... Both govts never want decision tobe made during their terms because they were well aware establishment will never rule them if case goes against Musharraf
Its the victorious who gets the extension not the loser one.:coffee:
In a video I saw Gen Bajwa going to meet Baskan Recep Erdoğan. Bajwa was visibly nervous and jittery. The guy pales in comparison to the lion we had in form of Gen Raheel Sharif. General Raheel pioneered several things in Pakistan and Pakistan Army. He revived ISPR which had become a dead/defunct department.

He also pioneered military diplomacy which Bajwa is trying to uphold and likes of Haqeeqat TV etc wrongly credit Bajwa for military diplomacy.

OTOH we have in Pakistan unfortunately a culture of bashing our own armed forces as forces of oppression and evil. This sentiment emanates from and is propogated by Indian RAW, they first started using this chooran in 1971 and even before by Shaikh Mujeeb.

Whereas, if you look at America it's history is replete with Presidents who were generals and became politicians and presidents after retirement.

Heck even George Washington was an army officer. Armymen by nature of their job are polymaths and excellent administrators. Look at our Prophet alai salam, sahaba, khulafa and kings of old all were excellent warriors and statesmen.

We should have benevolent dictators ones who, instead of seizing power all of a sudden in a coup d'étate, complete their military service and then through a genuine political struggle become national leaders. This will yield more positive hollistic and long-lasting outcomes for the country.

Please do away with the Parliamentary system of eternal internal bickering that never seems to end, Parliamentary nizam only suits the gora. Limit the number of political parties in Pakistan, limit weird flags other than national banner only to halls/buildings of political parties. And for God's sake make new relevant laws and bring Pakistan out of gora rule of 1800s.

That is the way forward.
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