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If Bipin doesn't need an extension then why does Bajwa need one?

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There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
Beep beep also barks like a mad dog abt what happend in feb, last year.

They want to get rid of him or he will be barking more and making the IA into an even bigger clown.

Speaking of clowns, how's your daddy Nawaz doing?
Neither does Pakistan. The difference is that its not the CoAS asking for extension, rather its the external interlocutors who infer this and the government of the day, keeping in mind the Afghan peace talks, has decided to make a play for it.

Otherwise, there are more than enough other senior leaders in the army to take on as chief of staff.
In other words Indian Chief Bipin trying to snub our Army Chief and show how it should be.

But Pakistan should consider why it remains under developed still after 70 years while its military booms massively.
India is developed country??? What boom military has???

And what did your experienced NAWAZ and ZARDARI better for this country please tell me
They did alot better loot khsoot and hire these turds to rant on SM
Generally people trust the institutions when it comes to decisions regarding situation with India. Thats a positive. 100% consensus is impossible.
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
I have another question, it is prerogative of PM to grant extension or not, why the MF Judges are interfering in the powers of executive to take Pakistan back into 20 century ?
In reality, Bipin Rawat is on extension, in any other professional army he would have been fired after dismal failure on 2/27

General Bajwa is given an extension because it is the government's prerogative to keep the chief of Army, Navy or Airforce as long is it wants. there is no prescribed tenure for any of the service chiefs.

There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
The answer is a political one. The theory that the new chief takes time to adjust is horsesh-it, a few top Generals are replaced, most importantly the CGS and the ball is rolling again, there's no change mostly in the Operational level command.

Here, in Bajwa's case, Prime Minister wants him to stay because he feels his Government will remain safe if Bajwa is the COAS. He doesn't want to take a chance on that, this is the reason for his U-turn on his historic stance about "Generals not getting extensions even in wars".
Because India dont have Afghanistan in its backyard ( Taliban talks , border management e.t.c ) , nor it has 6 times large country its enemy ( Pakistan has India ) ,nor it has polititions who want to go Pakistan ( Altaf want to go to India ) , Kashmir Situation , LOC , FATF e.tc are also important to mention here but who will satisfy U ? because u are full of hate for Army n IK .
bipin is incompetent and moron while Pakistani Army chief is educated and professional.
Cuz we don't follow anyone's example in any matter, especially the likes of indians' bippin rawat! It's called being a sovereign nation, look it up!
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
There is no disaster pro noon types are in self destruct mode
There's no crises taking place with Indian Army Chief General Rawat Bipin's retirement at the end of this month. But our Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa must have an extension because time is very nazuk on the Pakistani side.

Can Pakistan Army not handle the Indian pressure without General Bajwa?

What's so special about General Bajwa that he must stay no matter what and create a political and judicial disaster in the country during this very nazuk time in Pakistan?

Why is it always nazuk time on Pakistani side only?
PM decision to make - especially considering Pakistan's history or martial laws.
Now why are you specifically so picky about this? Come on spell out the "real" reason here and don't hide behind examples of your role models.
I would explain my reasoning but first would like you to come clean on this.
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The simple answer is, there is NO justification for any extension to any Army Chief under any circumstances and the reason for this is that the Army is the most professional and competent institution where all officers who rise to the rank of Lt. General are the cream of the crop and with further rise not only eligible but also deserving of achieving the highest rank.

The general perception amongst all, whether they accept it or not, is that the extension is to continue the unwavering support and hence extension of stability in the Government and PM-ship of IK. Because, let's face it, a new Army Chief may not have all this faith in the incumbent PM and Government.
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