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IAEA: Iran adds machines at enrichment plant struck by blast

Yeah. I believe some of the Turkish members on PDF left the forum because they have created their own forum. I remember we had more Turkish members before. Nevertheless, PDF is an active forum with lots of members from different nationalities. I have been here for over 10 years and I can tell you that compared to few months ago, things have become much more civilized which shows that the moderators have done a very good job in my opinion. There are still some trouble makers on PDF, most of them are not Turkish and come here to insult Iran, probably with false flags. But things have become much better.
When I see it, I report it. You can ask any Mod that can see my report logs. It doesn't matter whether I am the addressee of the content or not. The most important thing is our discussion culture, and only in this way can the opposing views of each other be listened to.. Forums provide opportunities for people to leave their comfortable space in their world of thought and look outside. I am really upset when I see someone trying to spoil this environment. In order not to look like spamming the thread, I don't go any further. I believe you understand me.
Well, I'm quite certain Pakistan has better land forces than Iran in terms of equipment and training because they share a land border with a 1 billion pop nation

you wrong

you dont know Foj of Pakistan very well ,
I advise you to study Pakistan Army before you make such assumption,
Pakistan never own single war against anybody,

I understand you want to be nice to Pakistani brother but reality does not change,
I go one step feather, even in nuclear field they are behind so it cant be more clear then that

no disrespect to that Pakistani brother
you wrong

you dont know foj of Pakistan very well ,
I advise you to study Pakistan Army before you make such a sunshine,
Pakistan never own single war against anybody,

I understand you want to be nice to Pakistani brother but reality does not change,
I go one step feather, even in nuclear field they are behind so it cant be more clear then that

no disrespect to that Pakistani brother
Bro, this comment of you is really unnecessary and ''por roo'', i am sorry.. Even if the stuff you said is true you shouldn't say it like that.. Iranians are known as civilized and respectful people. We are in a struggle with the Israelis ourselves.. we have no time to pick on our neighbours.
Well, I'm quite certain Pakistan has better land forces than Iran
I have dealt with Pakistan for past ** years, I even had to learn Urdu, and very well informed on structural power in Pakistan and it history & and it nuclear weaponization so i know what i'm talking about

Pakistan has weakest GF in subcontinent region, I mean between major powers including Iran,
and weakest in combat capabilities
Bro, this comment of you is really unnecessary and ''por roo'', i am sorry.. Even if the stuff you said is true you shouldn't say it like that..
you right brother , but i made sure that mention no disrespect
.. we have no time to pick on our neighbours.
I didnt, I mean i wasn't trying too,
I was only trying to give Iranian members and our People who follow IRIran very good understanding, so they can understand better and calculate better
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I have dealt with Pakistan for past ** years, I even had to learn Urdu, and very well informed on structural power in Pakistan and it history & and it nuclear weaponization so i know what i'm talking about

Pakistan has weakest GF in subcontinent region, I mean between major powers including Iran,
and weakest in combat capabilities

you right brother , but i made sure that mention no disrespect

I didnt, I mean i wasn't trying too,
I was only trying to give Iranian members and our People who follow IRIran very good understanding, so they can understand better and calculate better

I'll take your word for it.

I just look at how little investment is done on ground forces in Iran, while knowing if a country like SA or UAE or Israel shared the same boarder with us, we'd be investing billions on ground forces in that case.

That being said, I assumed considering Pak's enemy and their shared border, their primary concern would be investment on land.
I assumed considering Pak's enemy and their shared border, their primary concern would be investment on land.

Pakistan don't have much of economy, and usually been run by receiving aid, free oil, soft loan (from china) and invasment & IMF ex..............

second the Military intervention in Politics
like Imran-Khan ( selected government) and continues miltary coups, and corrupt government ( like Zardari mr 10% ex ...)
so it is going no where

Third, Pakistan does not have foreign policy ,and foreign is derived by Army, GDSI and ISI

so no hope .....
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Pakistan don't have much of economy, and usually been run by receiving aid, free oil, soft loan (from china) and invasment & IMF ex..............

second the Military intervention in Politics
like Amran-Khan ( selected government) and continues miltary coups, and corrupt government ( like Zardari mr 10% ex ...)
so it is going no where

Third, Pakistan does not have foreign policy ,and foreign is derived by Army, GDSI and ISI

so no hope .....

Pak built nuclear weapons in 80's more than 3 decades ago while you are still struggling to make in 2021 and you said Pak is behind Iran in Nuclear field. Then Pak Army is bigger than Iran's and better trained and equipped. Shooting down the civilian plane in 2020 in fear of enemy's retaliation is the height of incompetency. Sabotaging the nuclear site in Pak is unthinkable unlike Iran.

What your independent foreign policy gave to you other than complete economic collapse even then you have oil. You guys have nothing other than cheap rhetoric which you do all the time from ordinary civilians to president. The whole world knows you wont do anything other than rhetoric even after killing of top general, top scientist, blasts in nuclear sites etc.
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Pak built nuclear weapons in 80's more than 3 decades ago while you are still struggling to make in 2021
nonsense, usually expected from Pakistan members,

can anyone here say Pakistan is head of North Korea when it comes to nuclear weapons ? does anyone believe in that
just be cause you tested bomb in 1998 that does not means anything,
all Pakistan has achieved tactical Atom bomb
and now
China is Investing $57 Billion Into Pakistan
and china construction rtue mountain road in pakistan
and guess what trust me under does mountain China not only building road the upgrade to Atom bomb statues

if you should know before Pak we tested nuclear device


The 2011 IAEA Iran report : the 1990 Marivan large-scale nuclear test .
which guess what U.S has provided to IAEA the satellite pictures .
this is IAEA websilte NOT ME

so before talking learn bit

final: how much North Korea spend on its nuclear program ? and then understand how much I spend on its nuclear program? all i can say more than its missile program or any other program in country

Pakistan scientist Dr Abdul Qadir Khan was big ZERO when it comes to Iran nuclear........ program. just smok screen to keep IAEA busy for 15 years.
google sreach Vyacheslav Danilenko former soviet thermonuclear weapon expert.


This is United Nation nuclear agency not me

UNSCR 2231 has recognized iran as nuclear power if you should know . to educate yourself please google search nuclear power country so to find out what it meaning by international law and understand it does not mean at all nuclear electricity .
UN website NOT ME
resolution 2231 (2015) - the United Nations

2nd: The 2011 IAEA Iran report : the 1990 Marivan large-scale nuclear test .
which guess what U.S has provided to IAEA the satellite pictures .
this is IAEA websilte NOT ME

3rd: also known as PMD ( previous military dimension )

Frontline- April 13, 1993 (Iran and the Bomb)


Iran Exploding-bridgewire Wire detonator (EBW)
EBW references from IAEA Board of Governors’ reports


Project Midan: Developing and Building an Underground Nuclear Test Site in Iran

The secret part the Iran nuclear deal with US ( JCPOA )
U.S John kerry told IAEA not to publish the photos,
Obama's secret Iran deals exposed


People just google sreach Vycheslav V. Danilenko former Soviet scientist nuclear weapons expert .
our program had multi ................route, it would been even unwise and unreliableto to only relay one route, . and if you follow and study IRI Iran they are never interested in anything that the China offers them and always after Russian or western technology .
AQ Khan in our program was big zero compared to soviet union Vycheslav V. Danilenko thermonuclear weapon experts . AQ Khan was IAEA ghost chess before Israeli American quote Iran with real stuff

Vycheslav V. Danilenko former Soviet scientist nuclear weapons expert then you come to realization thatAbdul Qadeer Khan story has almost zero rule in Iran program and AQ Khan it was just smoke screen cover up to keep IAEA busy by iranians to be used before we (iran ) got quote red handed

Vyacheslav Danilenko
he November 8, 2011 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards report on Iran identifies a foreign expert that may have been important to Iran’s development of implosion detonation systems used in nuclear weapons. The Agency writes in the report that it has “strong indications that the development by Iran of the high explosives initiation system, and its development of the high speed diagnostic configuration used to monitor related experiments, were assisted by the work of a foreign expert who was not only knowledgeable in these technologies, but who, a Member State has informed the Agency, worked for much of his career with this technology in the nuclear weapon programme of the country of his origin.”

Information in other IAEA documents reviewed by ISIS identifies this person as Vycheslav V. Danilenko1. Born in 1934, Danilenko worked in the nuclear weapon complex at VNIITF, Chelyabinsk-70 for three decades. At VNIITF in the early 1960s, he was a member of the gas dynamics group and became involved in the study of the manufacture of synthetic diamonds. He worked with leading explosives experts in the Soviet nuclear weapons program and developed understanding of the fundamentals of detonation, including shock compression. In 1960, the head of VNIIF, B. I. Zababakhin, launched the institute’s research into the possibility of diamond synthesis by using the shock compression of graphite. Leading Soviet nuclear weapons experts were leaders in this effort in the early 1960s. In a recent book chapter Danilenko says that “experiments aimed at developing methods for synthesis were highly classified; for security reason, the results were initially contained only in secret reports from VNIITF.”2 According to IAEA officials, he likely had knowledge of the application of high explosives in the Soviet nuclear weapons program. Given his background and experience, this ex-Soviet nuclear weapons expert was well versed in key aspects of developing nuclear weapons.

Danilenko also has experience in the important area of the diagnostics of high explosions. His publications include work on high-speed photography and describe optical techniques by which fiber optic cables are used to capture the time of arrival of explosive shock waves.

After leaving VNIITF in either 1989 or 1991, Danilenko moved to Ukraine and established the company ALIT in Kiev, producing ultra-dispersed diamonds (UDD or nanodiamonds). He experienced economic difficulties by the mid-1990s. According to the IAEA, he contacted the Iranian embassy in mid-1995, offering his expertise on UDD. At the end of the year, he was contacted by Dr. Seyed Abbas Shahmoradi, who headed the Physics Research Center and also worked at the Sharif University of Technology.3 Danilenko signed a contract with Shahmoradi, according to IAEA documents.


Thanks to Obama for PMD

before Yukio Amano IAEA chief visit to Iran suddenly floods in Tehran province and Parchin area
Sep 20, 2015

samples taken by Iranian experts from Parchin military site with no IAEA inspectors present before close IAEA PMD case \ basically Iran curry out inspection itself and guess what Iran came out clean

and then

IAEA Board of Governors closes Iran PMD case

CNN news analysis North Korea nuclear weapon program and miniaturization in 2013
people can draw their own conclusions

connect dots together then people can get good Idea where Iran nuclear program is and how it has come about

the rest of his comment is not worth even responding so .......................
realities can not be changed with few nonsensical comment in this forum,
and He thinks he is patriotic and defending Pakistan
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nonsense, usually expected from Pakistan members, can anyone here can say Pakistan is head of North Korea when it comes to nuclear weapons ? does anyone believe in that

just be cause you tested bomb in 1998 that does not means anything

if you shiuld know before Pak we tested nuclear device


The 2011 IAEA Iran report : the 1990 Marivan large-scale nuclear test .
which guess what U.S has provided to IAEA the satellite pictures .
this is IAEA websilte NOT ME

so before taking learn bit

final how much North Korea spend on its nuclear program ? and then understand how much I spend on its nuclear program? all i can say more than its missile program or any other program in country

Stop living in fantasies. Since you cannot quote anything related to Nuclear so you quoted North Korea. Pak has close to 200 nuclear warheads. How many warheads North Korea has. Less than 10. Pak even gave you the designs of cetrifuges. Pak is generating electricity from nuclear double than Iran's and 1 more GW of electricity will be added very soon from nuclear.

You guys only excel in proxies, making big announcements and rhetoric.
Stop living in fantasies.
you are in fantasies.

here is International Atomic Energy Agency UN NOT me or Pak dreaming , we done it before you ,
by international records, not your fantasy

The 2011 IAEA Iran report : the 1990 Marivan large-scale nuclear test .
which guess what U.S has provided to IAEA the satellite pictures .
this is IAEA websilte NOT ME

i am sure you got more to say
Pakistan and its tactical atom bomb is not burden of technology

Abadeh is Marivan (Revised and Updated): A Key Iranian Former Secret Nuclear Weapons Development Test Site

Pakistan 1998 successful test Chagai-I
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you are in fantasies.

here is International Atomic Energy Agency UN NOT me or Pak dreaming , we done it before you ,
by international records, not your fantasy

The 2011 IAEA Iran report : the 1990 Marivan large-scale nuclear test .
which guess what U.S has provided to IAEA the satellite pictures .
this is IAEA websilte NOT ME

i am sure you got no more to say
Pakistan and its tactical atom bomb is not burden of technology

The 1st nuclear reactor was built and operated in Pak in 1970's and by mid 80's Pak has made nuclear warhead which was tested in 1998 only after India conducted in 1998.

Your quotation regarding Iran's nuclear capacity does not tell anything. The problem with you guys are that you are willing to quote anything related to Iran's nuclear achievement regardless of how insignificant it is and willing to leave tons of materials even from Iran's official sources which states Iran does NOT have nuclear weapons capacity.

Only this week your officials stated Iran plans to start enrinching uranium 60% while atleast 90% enrinchment required to build warheads. Stop claiming which you don't have.
The 1st nuclear reactor was built and operated in Pak in 1970's
i did not say Pak didnt, what i said was
because you started nuclear program does not mean you are head in technology and capabilities

Iran had it first reactore in 1967 and operated with 90% ebreach uranium
This is the guy who gave you the design of centrifuges.
100% true

but our nuclear w***** program has nothing to do with AQ Khan

google sreach Vyacheslav Danilenko former soviet thermonuclear weapon expert.
i did not say Pak didnt, what i said was
because you started nuclear program does not mean you are head in technology and capabilities

Iran had it first reactore in 1967 and operated with 90% ebreach uranium

100% true

but our nuclear w***** program has nothing to do with AQ Khan

google sreach Vyacheslav Danilenko former soviet thermonuclear weapon expert.

With 5 fully functional Nuclear reactors and one more available soon and close to 200 nuclear warheads and still you think Pak is behind Iran with respect to Nuclear then good luck with that.

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