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I am quite sick of Hindutvwadi creeps. Dum ghut raha hai.

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JS is a gentleman. Idealistic.
I don't mean to compete. No fun in being tough on the Internet. I speak what I feel. I am liberal in some ways, extreme in others. It depends on the topic in discussion.

Alright, alright, ceasefire. We start again tomorrow. Anyway, if you come across Mr Sheaer, tell him that this forum is a poorer place without him. You gys should have done more to keep him here. What a shame.
Alright, alright, ceasefire. We start again tomorrow. Anyway, if you come across Mr Sheaer, tell him that this forum is a poorer place without him. You gys should have done more to keep him here. What a shame.
If I ask him to come, he will never come. :tup:
He claims to have last time and now threatening not to vote BJP hereafter.

Anyone who had voted for Modi would not change his vote because he has delivered on most items.

The only people who now claim to be disenchanted are those who never voted for him. I tend to take such claims with a pinch of salt.
Anyone who had voted for Modi would not change his vote because he has delivered on most items.

The only people who now claim to be disenchanted are those who never voted for him. I tend to take such claims with a pinch of salt.

Maybe he was lying all along since now he claims to be Poonawallah and is upset at my disbelief.
Then you wonder why Pakistan is turning into a desert and losing even its agriculture potential.
Pakistan is turning into a desert because I pay to eat something that eats grass, and is Holy only to idiots?

If it's so holy, how can I eat it and make it so Holey? ;)
No. There is a Muslim look. A Muslim knows another Muslim.
By the way this is how Mughals actually looked.

Pakistan is turning into a desert because I pay to eat something that eats grass, and is Holy only to idiots?

If it's so holy, how can I eat it and make it so Holey? ;)

Look even to learn something, a person must have some basic level of IQ. Since you have not yet evolved to that level yet, I cannot explain or teach you anything. Even holding a conversation with you would be tough given your subpar language skills. So excuse me.
Look even to learn something, a person must have some basic level of IQ. Since you have not yet evolved to that level yet, I cannot explain or teach you anything. Even holding a conversation with you would be tough given your subpar language skills. So excuse me.
Indians have lower average IQ than Pakistanis. If you ever actually bothered to ever research, you'd realise the cow is a lazy animal that just eats all day and does nothing else. Some god it is.
By the way this is how Mughals actually looked.

Lets not get into a debate on well known fact. This is true across both genders. And especially so for our women.

Have you taken a look at the Pakistani models and actresses thread here. Lets face it. We were (and are) a pretty ordinary looking race (races actually) and the good looks have come from foreign invaders.

The degree of good looks being proportional to how much the native genes have been diluted.

This is hopefully not seen as racist, for which I have gotten a warning. Its just what most sub-continental Muslims believe.

Being honest here. Does not mean I love my country or less good looking Indian brothers and sisters any less. We should face facts.
Lets not get into a debate on well known fact. This is true across both genders. And especially so for our women.

Have you taken a look at the Pakistani models and actresses thread here. Lets face it. We were (and are) a pretty ordinary looking race (races actually) and the good looks have come from foreign invaders.

The degree of good looks being proportional to how much the native genes have been diluted.

This is hopefully not seen as racist, for which I have gotten a warning. Its just what most sub-continental Muslims believe.

Being honest here. Does not mean I love my country or less good looking Indian brothers and sisters any less. We should face facts.

Cmon, I had not taken you for a fool so far. Indians (not just Indian Muslims) were considered majority Aryans, you know that? It was on basis of bone structure and looks. The Aryan invasion theory has been debunked now though, but the Europeans self identified with Indians because of our looks, dark skin notwithstanding. They don't identify with the semites of Arabia. Even Persians have not been purely Persian for they have mixed too much with Arabs.

I have taken a look at Pakistani models and actresses and they look very similar to Indian models and actresses. If anything Indians look much better and with lesser make up.
I have taken a look at Pakistani models and actresses and they look very similar to Indian models and actresses. If anything Indians look much better and with lesser make up.

Must be personal taste then.
For every 1 dead muslim for religious reasons in India, there are 100 dead ahemadis, Shias, Christians, and Hindus in Pakistan....bdw just for your knowledge, India is 6 times more populated than Pakistan.

Keep it to cows and beef, ma'am as per to topic before I show you your real shiny India....Pakistanis never did politics on minority nor it is a issue in our mainstream like you have over there in your country like beef ban....

We have a biggest Christian cross in Asia...What do you have, beef ban, anti national comedy regarding Muslims?

Countering your fellow Indian by doing propaganda against Pakistan. Ran out of argument..hmm...It means situation is not right in India? No?

What the fuk?

Dear @Jungibaaz @waz ....the person I have quoted is Indian...U banned him because he was a false flagger...Why allowed him now?

Guess what there are more Pakistanis drooling over Deepika's looks than Indians. Just go to any Bollywood video featuring Deepika. Btw, not just Pakistanis, but half the Latino world also seems smitten by her.

Must be personal taste then.

Well true, beauty is subjective, but the fact stands that not a single Pakistani actress or actor could make it to the top of Bollywood. This despite there having been the charade of Aman ki Asha for well over a decade and Bollywood giving special preferences to Muslims from Pakistan in pursuit of Aman and Asha.

Also our TV serials have far better looking actors than Bollywood and almost 90% of them are all Hindus.
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