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I am quite sick of Hindutvwadi creeps. Dum ghut raha hai.

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For you its a lip service only bcz you prefer religion over development. So You can't see the development but beef.

On the contrary, it is the Hindutvwadis who are putting religion over development by banning beef.

If that is not religion then what is?

Its pretty ripe to do something as per your own religion, and then transfer the blame on others when they protest about it. Saying that they are being religious.

That's nonsense.

Come out of this religious mentality and start behaving like an 'Indian' and not a 'muslim'
Why only muslims have problem but Christians, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists are able to assimilate without any effort? Because they are not blinded by religion like you are.

As for the land, your ancestors were a part of creation of a separate land and many have happily moved and I have heard honey and milk flows there. Something to think about. There. Just saying!

We have chosen our land.

Why don't you move if you do not like sharing it with us?
To tell you the truth I do not see this as a Hindu thing at all. But a class divide. Lower classes who have been humped for centuries are now tasting political and some economic power.

And they are going bananas with their smelly poo. Instead of acting dignified and showing that they can be better than the chandaals whose loins they sprang from.

I think ugly black Hindutvwadi turds will be buying the market dry of Burnol soon.

This thread is about the ugly pustules he brought out from their holes with him.

Only ugly black vermin who are hiding behind the veil of this ancient faith to stroke their tiny ... egos.

This thread is not to fight. It is to say that I am feeling claustrophobic in my country because of turds.

Smelly black ugly ones.

Add 3. Why are radical Hindutvawadis so butt ugly that it offends the senses even before they open their mouths?

It is my country as much as it is of the ugly Hindutvawadi retard.

What racial profiling? Calling someone ugly is not racist. Its not politically correct. But not racist per se.

Sorry to tell you this, being a Hindu guy yourself, but its painfully evident that Muslims are better looking than most Hindus.

And then off course there was the process of gene selection and mixing of better looking races into our gene pool over the past 1000 years.

The thread is about ugly Hindutvawadis climbing

I have said from the first post that Hindutvawadis (ugly black ones ....) are beginning to piss me off.

And why I cannot eat cow beef in my own country because self same ugly black Hindutvawadi cannot?
Lol. I bet he would be happy if those Hindutvawadis were whites. His issue is with Hindus (ugly black ones as he says).
We don't control the rest of the world, but India is Hindu. Here eating cows is both disrespectful to Hindus and doubling down on hubris. Feel free to eat cows elsewhere in the world, your being a Muslim or German don't matter.

So its not cows per se that are religious for you.

Its just important to score a point by stopping Muslims from eating them.

Because you can.

For now.
so its 'us' vs 'you' now? your ignorance cannot be cured.

It becomes us vs you when you not very subtly ask us to move to Pakistan.

Why should we? Because you feel we should?

Don't make me laugh.
We don't control the rest of the world, but India is Hindu. Here eating cows is both disrespectful to Hindus and doubling down on hubris. Feel free to eat cows elsewhere in the world, your being a Muslim or German don't matter.

That's right. India is a Hindu majority country. Everyone should follow the Will of the majority. If the consumption of beef insults Hindus then why allow it? Ban it everywhere. In fact as the 'cow' is considered a deity in India killing it, consuming it or even exporting it should be illegal and punishable. Hindu country, Hindu rules. I agree 100%.
On the contrary, it is the Hindutvwadis who are putting religion over development by banning beef.

If that is not religion then what is?

Its pretty ripe to do something as per your own religion, and then transfer the blame on others when they protest about it. Saying that they are being religious.

That's nonsense.

We have chosen our land.

Why don't you move if you do not like sharing it with us?
No, banning beef is not religious. Actually no Hindu can be religious bcz their is no concept of religion in Hinduism.
But it is scientifically proved that an alive cow is more beneficial than dead one.
No, banning beef is not religious. Actually no Hindu can be religious bcz their is no concept of religion in Hinduism.
But it is scientifically proved that an alive cow is more beneficial than dead one.

And a dead Muslim is more beneficial to India than an alive one. Yes, we all get it now expect for your Indian 'Muslim' friend here who seems to think that the State of India wants him alive and well.
No, banning beef is not religious. Actually no Hindu can be religious bcz their is no concept of religion in Hinduism.
But it is scientifically proved that an alive cow is more beneficial than dead one.

We do not care about your science. We are cutting our own cows and eating them. Not stealing them from you.

I think every citizen who can be trusted to vote for his nation's leader, can be trusted to know what's best for him.

And what best for me is cow in my mouth. Buffalo for milk.

Maybe that does not work for you or your "science." But here's the thing. Its my cow. Not yours. Not the state's.

My cow.
We do not care about your science. We are cutting our own cows and eating them. Not stealing them from you.

I think every citizen who can be trusted to vote for his nation's leader, can be trusted to know what's best for him.

And what best for me is cow in my mouth. Buffalo for milk.

Maybe that does not work for you or your "science." But here's the thing. Its my cow. Not yours. Not the state''s.

My cow.

Are you really Muslim?
And a dead Muslim is more beneficial to India than an alive one. Yes, we all get it now expect for your Indian 'Muslim' friend here who seems to think that the State of India wants him alive and well.
For every 1 dead muslim for religious reasons in India, there are 100 dead ahemadis, Shias, Christians, and Hindus in Pakistan....bdw just for your knowledge, India is 6 times more populated than Pakistan.
So its not cows per se that are religious for you.

Its just important to score a point by stopping Muslims from eating them.

Because you can.

For now.

It is cow per se, but we are practical people too. We will not go ape shit crazy because of what happens in somewhereelse land. But we have to do what is right in our own land.

It is the Muslims trying to finger Hindus and not the other way around. You behave as if Hindus are killing you of starvation by not letting you eat beef. Muslims don't have a good history in this country or any part of the world for that matter. They are not known for assimilation or for living in spirit of cooperation anywhere. You are just reinforcing that perception. Too bad you could not break out of that mold.
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