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I am quite sick of Hindutvwadi creeps. Dum ghut raha hai.

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Discuss with civility that why do you support or deny cow's ban in India.Avoid trolling.
...you CAN NOT move even if you wanted..
pakistan doesn't accept Indian muslims ...it stopped it in 1950s...
..now you can try your luck in Bangladesh..

As I told our other compatriot, we have made our choice. We remained Indians.

Why don't you move if you do not like sharing this space with us?
We do not care about your science. We are cutting our own cows and eating them. Not stealing them from you.

I think every citizen who can be trusted to vote for his nation's leader, can be trusted to know what's best for him.

And what best for me is cow in my mouth. Buffalo for milk.

Maybe that does not work for you or your "science." But here's the thing. Its my cow. Not yours. Not the state's.

My cow.
So, carry on dude. Nobody is stopping you to slaughter your own cow.
As I said in another thread, why should we finger you man?

I mean do you really matter so much to our everyday life that it is imperative to finger you??

Can you not understand the concept of free will being taken away from a free citizen of a free democratic country?

And take it for what it is. Liking beef. Wanting to eat beef. Because its beef. Not because we are poor. Or starving. Or feeling lucky that unlike Syria we are not being blown up?

Think. Who is acting like the religious nuts here.

There is no absolute freedom or absolute democracy anywhere in the world. Every country in the world has some sociocultural norms it adheres too. Most Western countries have banned horse meat because of the cultural importance they attach to horses. Western pro freedom liberal voices get outraged at China's dog meat eating tendencies. So everyone has their lakshman rekha.

Plus it is enshrined in the constitution of India's directive principles that the cow and its progeny will have protected status.

With a million one choices available to you to eat if you are insisting on just one particular food knowing it is being insensitive to the vast majority of your countrymen, it should be obvious to you now who is the fanatic here.

Do you ban the export of it? Didnt think so.

Yes the export of it is banned. What is exported from India is carabeef (buffalo meat). Though our illiterate press report it as beef.
i dont . . yes we have political cum religious differences . .but i dont hate you.

its a very strong word to use against fellow "patriotic" Indian.


i just said being PM could have promised to end power problems instead of bringing communal words.. but this guy response..


he said she took lakhs to accuse bjp.. i just told him you don't have proof.. but his response is kinda hilarious..
The social fabric of India is being tested.

And for a change Muslims are doing their bit.

So I do not begrudge Hindus some fanaticism.

But I want my cow and I will have it.
The social fabric of India is being tested.

And for a change Muslims are doing their bit.

So I do not begrudge Hindus some fanaticism.

But I want my cow and I will have it.

LOL!!! Can you get anymore obvious? Are you really a Muslim?
BJP is not the first one to ban beef. Even if BJP remains or goes out of power, ban will stay. So this discussion is pointless. I personally want ban to be lifted though :-).
The BJP and Modi will survive if our market and manufacturing and agriculture till the next election rocks.

Otherwise Modi will be voted out by the same Hindus who voted him in.

Therein lies the difference between Afghanistan, and indeed Pakistan, and our India.

Exactly !
As I told our other compatriot, we have made our choice. We remained Indians.

Why don't you move if you do not like sharing this space with us?
..you are sick of..xxx, yyy,zzz.. u have silly issues with all. the onus of making a move rests with u..although, u will still make excuses for not making one..(angoor khhatte hai)..because u are helpless, poweless to make one..
since u r rich, u can always buy a green card for half million USD...but u won't..u are like the rotten smelly wound of our society, that keeps on blaming all for ur woes.
wish , I could wish u to get well, but with such a sick attitude...I don't feel so..
am not sure who is getting exposed... but i wpuld like to see modi talk about future.. he should have ignored cong.. they are done... do they deserved to be discussed or be mentioned in every speech of pm.. I would support if modi speed up enquiries on all those allegations.. instead of giving political speech..

BJP's Fight against corruption is on and it will take some time. There is no such thing as permanent power seat (permanent leader) in democracy.

There are only interests of India and then there is politics behind it.
BJP's Fight against corruption is on and it will take some time. There is no such thing as permanent power seat (permanent leader) in democracy.

There are only interests of India and then there is politics behind it.

well you support BJP, because you believed in them.. someone support Aap or cong or another because they like those parties... but tagging every one who oppose bjp or rss as anti national is wrong..
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