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I am quite sick of Hindutvwadi creeps. Dum ghut raha hai.

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So I am arguing about my rights as an Indian.

Most of the Indians here are bringing in my faith.

I want to eat beef because I can. You do not eat beef because you cant.

You stopping me from eating beef because you can.

So I have to now make sure that instead of concentrating on whats best for my country, I have to fight for my stomach first. That's a waste of one good Indian.

All for a friggin cow.

I argue with many here... looks like everyone hates me.. lol..
Yeah apparently the Japanese massage the cows every day and feed them high quality Sake. Probably hard to kill them after that though.

I wonder how much the Filet mignon of one of those would cost...

They feed them beer not Sake but some say it's just a rumor.. :-), A happy cow would give you better meat

A Wagyu fillet mignon would pocket you out for like $120/- per pound, But if it's Kobe Wagyu which is the premium it'll be more
Off late the liberals and leftists are getting exposed of their dubious stand on various issues, every time there is an expose it is making things clear that these guys are against Hindu dharma ,culture and nativity.

9 out of 10 Hindu radicals believe that humans are equal and all religions lead to GOD.

The latest developments are because of paranoia and fears created by things in Middle East and else where.

Give some time and trust the constitution . Things will become normal again.

India stands for unity in diversity.

am not sure who is getting exposed... but i wpuld like to see modi talk about future.. he should have ignored cong.. they are done... do they deserved to be discussed or be mentioned in every speech of pm.. I would support if modi speed up enquiries on all those allegations.. instead of giving political speech..
I am starting this thread in this section for Indians. Pakistanis please bahti Ganga mein haath na dhoyein.

I am now getting quite sick of these Hindutvwadi turds.

Wtf man. This is not their personal nation. This is mine as well. My ancestors have been born and have bled and died here.

What is this crap of not being able to eat beef first of all?

To tell you the truth I do not see this as a Hindu thing at all. But a class divide. Lower classes who have been humped for centuries are now tasting political and some economic power.

And they are going bananas with their smelly poo. Instead of acting dignified and showing that they can be better than the chandaals whose loins they sprang from.

I am also pissed off with Modi. Note no ji. He's been giving one brain fart after the other these past 3-4 months. The anti rich budget has sealed it for me. No vote for you next time gujju bhai. Ghere jao ne fafda khao.


One last question. Why are frothing Hindu radicals so butt ugly man? 9 times out of 10, man or woman, they seem to have been given a doozy by God.
As you are sick of Hindutvawadis, Hindutvawadi are also sick of Islamists .
They too have cultural sentiments like you have some religious sentiments.
I suggests both side to respect each other sentiments.
I have seen in real Hindutvawadis don't get offended easily but Islamists.
You have spent 25 years(as I assume your age) in eating beef bcz Hindutvawadis didn't stopped you to eat it then. They sacrificed their sentiments for your tongue taste only.
Now it is your time to sacrifices your taste for their sentiments. @adil_minhas
Respect each other.
They feed them beer not Sake but some say it's just a rumor.. :-), A happy cow would give you better meat

A Wagyu fillet mignon would pocket you out for like $120/- per pound, But if it's Kobe Wagyu which is the premium it'll be more

Quite a bit more than I like to spend for a regular dinner, I'll tell you that. :enjoy: And that's only the main course too.

I saw on a TV programme that in most slaughterhouses they use a special piece of equipment to kill the animals instantly and painlessly. If they are stressed then I guess the meat would become a lot more tough and stringy.
Are you a kid who is badmouthing fellow countrymen just for food? Open your eyes and see the world, the amount of freedom you have in India is unparallel compared to any other country. If you hate it so much why do you live here? Love it or hate it, beef ban will remain. Sorry for being so blunt but you don't deserve my respect
I bought the pen, I bought the paper , I drew with my creativity, you will get offended. Because Prophet is holy whether you draw it or me or some one else right.

So cow is holy whether it is owner Rajasthai, Gujrati, Muslim, or Christan

Hope this time you got it
Spot on...
Those cl eat beef should draw Charli Hebdo cartoons too...:yahoo::yahoo:
As you are sick of Hindutvawadis, Hindutvawadi are also sick of Islamists .
They too have cultural sentiments like you have some religious sentiments.
I suggests both side to respect each other sentiments.
I have seen in real Hindutvawadis don't get offended easily but Islamists.
You have spent 25 years(as I assume your age) in eating beef bcz Hindutvawadis didn't stopped you to eat it then. They sacrificed their sentiments for your tongue taste only.
Now it is your time to sacrifices your taste for their sentiments. @adil_minhas
Respect each other.

Since I am not an Islamist, there is no reason for equivocation or tu quoquesue mutual respect for a Hindutvawadi.

I have no issue with the definition of Hindutva as put forth in the BJP website. That speaks of cultural nationalism.

However, since Modi has come to power, it is obvious that such is only lip service. What it actually means is Hindu nationalism.

But sorry guys, but we are not Hindus. So an identity that is driven by religious lines that seems to harmonize and standardize is just not going to work.

This is once more I repeat, not as big as Babri. But is the beginning of a resentment.

And it is unnecessary when you realize that Hindus and Muslims have been living together while observing each others sentiments. And still eating what they wished to eat.

A party that rules India is one that leads all Indians. Not just one type of Indians.
Quite a bit more than I like to spend for a regular dinner, I'll tell you that. :enjoy: And that's only the main course too.

I saw on a TV programme that in most slaughterhouses they use a special piece of equipment to kill the animals instantly and painlessly. If they are stressed then I guess the meat would become a lot more tough and stringy.

Ahhh.. I tell you brah it's worth it, I mean good steak is not your everyday meal anyway, It's for special occasions, Once or twice a year

Yep that's true, Thats why beef from main producing countries like Australia, The US, Argentina, Japan and Europe taste best, Because elsewhere like India meat usually come from working animals, Often killed after being too old to be used in transport or in farms, So the meat isn't very good
Are you a kid who is badmouthing fellow countrymen just for food? Open your eyes and see the world, the amount of freedom you have in India is unparallel compared to any other country. If you hate it so much why do you live here? Love it or hate it, beef ban will remain. Sorry for being so blunt but you don't deserve my respect

And I intend to fight for the continuance of those freedoms. As is my birthright.

This is my land and that of my ancestors.

The ban will not last. Take it in writng from me that the ban will last as long as the BJP lasts.

And based on what I see, the BJP will not last. They have squandered a once in a lifetime mandate on stupid cow politics and ghar wapsi and love jihad nonsense. Instead of attacking the real big issues.

Modi is increasingly a disappointment. Especially to a Muslim who gave him the benefit of the doubt for Gujarat and voted for him.
Since I am not an Islamist, there is no reason for equivocation or tu quoquesue mutual respect for a Hindutvawadi.

I have no issue with the definition of Hindutva as put forth in the BJP website. That speaks of cultural nationalism.

However, since Modi has come to power, it is obvious that such is only lip service. What it actually means is Hindu nationalism.

But sorry guys, but we are not Hindus. So an identity that is driven by religious lines that seems to harmonize and standardize is just not going to work.

This is once more I repeat, not as big as Babri. But is the beginning of a resentment.

And it is unnecessary when you realize that Hindus and Muslims have been living together while observing each others sentiments. And still eating what they wished to eat.

A party that rules India is one that leads all Indians. Not just one type of Indians.
For you its a lip service only bcz you prefer religion over development. So You can't see the development but beef.
I asked you a simple question.

Do you get offended when Germans eat Holsteins?

Or only when your Muslim brothers eat desi cows?

We don't control the rest of the world, but India is Hindu. Here eating cows is both disrespectful to Hindus and doubling down on hubris. Feel free to eat cows elsewhere in the world, your being a Muslim or German don't matter.
And I intend to fight for the continuance of those freedoms. As is my birthright.

This is my land and that of my ancestors.

The ban will not last. Take it in writng from me that the ban will last as long as the BJP lasts.

And based on what I see, the BJP will not last. They have squandered a once in a lifetime mandate on stupid cow politics and ghar wapsi and love jihad nonsense. Instead of attacking the real big issues.

Modi is increasingly a disappointment. Especially to a Muslim who gave him the benefit of the doubt for Gujarat and voted for him.
Come out of this religious mentality and start behaving like an 'Indian' and not a 'muslim'
Why only muslims have problem but Christians, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists are able to assimilate without any effort? Because they are not blinded by religion like you are.

As for the land, your ancestors were a part of creation of a separate land and many have happily moved and I have heard honey and milk flows there. Something to think about. There. Just saying!
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