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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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As a Muslim we believe in all the religions...as time passed it got adulterated some of your Indian pals here even admitted...

Really ??
But the news from these Muslim states talks otherwise.Shall I post some links?

As a Muslim we believe in all the religions...as time passed it got adulterated some of your Indian pals here even admitted...

Really ??
But the news from these Muslim states talks otherwise.Shall I post some links?

Must be a coincident that today a friend was showing a youtube video and similarities between hinduism and some other religion...like for example Brahma became Abraham and his wife Saraswati became sara. Ahemmm
@SarthakGanguly @SledgeHammer @OrionHunter @thesolar65 - somebody help me.:undecided:
I have heard about a text Manusmriti.Couldnt read it until now.I think we can see something like that in that book.
And this is a new knowledge for me.
This is why I said you never cant understand India,Indians and their beliefs.Recently I have heard about the visiting of a muslim DIG (extremely senior IPS officer) in our nearby temple due to his personal beliefs .You can see crores of Muslims in India having beliefs in Hinduism.
I know a few people with PhD worshiping things (materialistic desires)....Level nor the no. of years on earth changes what one believes!

There is believing in Hinduism and then there is practicing as one! ONLY happens in India where bowing to a statue still makes you a Muslim! To understand the difference you might need to know what a belief is...

Whenever there is a festival occassion of Hinduism.or any other religion groups .Entire Indians irrespective of their religion will participate in it.
Pakistanis participate in Holi too...no biggy of anything here! Just coz you participate and dont do anything that counters your own belief is not an issue...

Seriously I dont blame you .Because original Islam dont allow such practices.But in India you can see amazing beliefs like that.But they are also true Muslims and their god is Allah.But that doesnt restrain them from their personal freedom. Same goes to Christians case.
My dad and his uncle used to go to the church to see the difference...personal freedom is allocated to everyone..I have been to a Russian Orthodox church just to see the difference, My sister has been to an Anglican and has been sprinkled with holy water...

That doesnt make any of us Christians....WE STILL BELIEVE IN 1 GOD and dont bow to any other! The fundamental belief in 1 god and no other has not been shattered nor adulterated to fit in!

THAT is religious freedom! Not changing and adulterating another's religion and then allowing them access only to the adulterated version while demoralizing the pure one!

I didnt compare with any other Arab country .And I dont have to know more about Islam.But our Muslims have opportunities and happier life in India.They dont have any problem with their variation in the intensity of their beliefs
good for you guys!
Like by stating they blow themselves up and harsh remarks like that...No wonder real Muslims are rare in your land when you push them and force them with you jeering ....that is worse than a sword and many of you are proud of it :tsk: I am not sure who is happier when they cant practice their pure religion and only can showcase the adulterated one!
As a Muslim we believe in all the religions...as time passed it got adulterated some of your Indian pals here even admitted...
I did not question that.
I'd asked if its true that Hinduism influenced other religions? Just that..

I have heard about a text Manusmriti.Couldnt read it until now.I think we can see something like that in that book.
And this is a new knowledge for me.
me too..though I had always doubted Abraham's name.
There was no such thing as Hindu or Hindu religion till the British coined it.
We Indians irrespective of of our religion should be proud of our rich Hindu heritage.
Hinduism is not just a religion. It by itself is also our culture, our heritage , a symbol of our civilization... Hinduism is indeed a way of life & it is much more than a religion. It along with other dharmic faiths is the soul of Bharat.
I am a Hindu, hence I am a muslim, a christian, a jew, a man of all faiths.
Hinduism is not a private property of some religious people .Hinduism is the property of entire Indians including Muslims,Christians,Sikhs,Buddhists,Parsi etc
Muslim shrine with a Hindu temple.
it is indian heritage we are talking abt . fortunately or unfortunately most of the indian heritage is assosiated with hindu heritage...there is no wrong in indian muslims/christians feeling proud of their own heritage but tat shouldn't be at the cost of trying to undermine hindu/indian heritage...
You are trying to impose 'The Islam' or 'Pure Islam'. Won't work here. Those who do end up blowing themselves up or getting arrested for tweeting for terrorism or ISIS. The rest who follow Islam to the letter don't talk to non Muslims. We are mostly mixed in here. :)

And yes, we have rejected Abrahamic Concept of God almost entirely. That is true.
all suggest you can be any religion but never drop the Hinduness out of it! Or adapt a bit of it...Its like a person is saying I dont drink...You put it in his water anyways...
Me too.. I don't care about religions and castes.. and I am a True Hindu. Two of my family members married from other caste. Real Indians don;t have any religion or caste. Proud that am born in India.
Dont get me wrong..a genuine question.
In one of your posts you said the basic pillar of islam is believing in only one god allah. So, what are other places of worship considered as?
Places of worship of other religions...Whatever they may choose them to be so! What has that got to do with us...Their personal space, their religion...why should we want to mingle (force down ours as hinduism is doing all over this thread) with it?

What are other gods referred to as? Arent other gods believed to be gods? Other religious figures/prophets after Mohammad are considered what?
Other gods are not our concern...Now if tomorrow someone says the tv is a god should we believe him? Well we dont have to believe him nor be apologetic and include it in our religion...

All we do is we say to you be your way of life/ religion/ dharm and to ours be ours!

We can go to their temples, churches...no harm its called freedom to practice...But freedom to practice doesnt mean we have to adapt it or bow to the same gods...that is imposing!
all suggest you can be any religion but never drop the Hinduness out of it! Or adapt a bit of it...Its like a person is saying I dont drink...You put it in his water anyways...

do u ask any iranian to drop his persian heriatage and pride assosiated with belonging to one of the greatest civilizations ever existed on earth jst because there ancestors chose an other faith ??
Yes, but religion also have their own heritage. If India is only about Hinduism, people of other faith would not feel comfortable and being inclusive in the country of India. But I'm certain that is not the case so it's best for Indian government to emphasize on being more inclusive

You don't know a damn thing about the topic man,better keep silent
I know a few people with PhD worshiping things (materialistic desires)....Level nor the no. of years on earth changes what one believes!

There is believing in Hinduism and then there is practicing as one! ONLY happens in India where bowing to a statue still makes you a Muslim! To understand the difference you might need to know what a belief is...

Pakistanis participate in Holi too...no biggy of anything here! Just coz you participate and dont do anything that counters your own belief is not an issue...

My dad and his uncle used to go to the church to see the difference...personal freedom is allocated to everyone..I have been to a Russian Orthodox church just to see the difference, My sister has been to an Anglican and has been sprinkled with holy water...

That doesnt make any of us Christians....WE STILL BELIEVE IN 1 GOD and dont bow to any other! The fundamental belief in 1 god and no other has not been shattered nor adulterated to fit in!

THAT is religious freedom! Not changing and adulterating another's religion and then allowing them access only to the adulterated version while demoralizing the pure one!

good for you guys!
Like by stating they blow themselves up and harsh remarks like that...No wonder real Muslims are rare in your land when you push them and force them with you jeering ....that is worse than a sword and many of you are proud of it :tsk: I am not sure who is happier when they cant practice their pure religion and only can showcase the adulterated one!

You used thesr 'adultered' term several times.That itself show the difference between you and me.
You are talking a lot about purity .Then What is the difference between your concept and Nazis concept.?
What do you mean by these purity?
Reducing the minority population like that is happening in your nation.Compare the minority perecentage in India and Pakistan both in 1947 and 2014.
Places of worship of other religions...Whatever they may choose them to be so! What has that got to do with us...Their personal space, their religion...why should we want to mingle (force down ours as hinduism is doing all over this thread) with it?
Nobody is asking you to believe. Just asking your opinion.. Since you said allah is the only god, what about Lord Buddha according to muslims? And what about those prophets before mohammad himself? They didnot follow quran...so were they not muslims?
all suggest you can be any religion but never drop the Hinduness out of it! Or adapt a bit of it...Its like a person is saying I dont drink...You put it in his water anyways...
For centuries the Persians , the Greeks, the Romans, the Mesopotamians all identified us as Hindus in their respective languages. The term "Hindu" is still used to identify Indic people in Arabic , English and many other languages. So Indians irrespective of their personnel beliefs should not feel uncomfortable to recognize the rich cultures of their ancestors.
But there is no compulsion & nobody is forcing anyone to accept anything.
all suggest you can be any religion but never drop the Hinduness out of it! Or adapt a bit of it...Its like a person is saying I dont drink...You put it in his water anyways...

Christians and Muslims from India posted a lot about that in here and they are already proud with these heritage .Then what is your problem?
Cant accept the tolerating nature of India??
Christians and Muslims from India posted a lot about that in here and they are already proud with these heritage .Then what is your problem?
Cant accept the tolerating nature of India??

Either you are trolling or you just dont know what is tolerating!
Tolerating doesnt include adulterating!

Call a spades a spades for once!

For centuries the Persians , the Greeks, the Romans, the Mesopotamians all identified us as Hindus in their respective languages. The term "Hindu" is still used to identify Indic people in Arabic , English and many other languages. So Indians irrespective of their personnel beliefs should not feel uncomfortable to recognize the rich cultures of their ancestors.
But there is no compulsion & nobody is forcing anyone to accept anything.
Thank you for a balanced reply...But every Indian here is opposing what you are saying!
all suggest you can be any religion but never drop the Hinduness out of it! Or adapt a bit of it...Its like a person is saying I dont drink...You put it in his water anyways...
You dont understand. Hinduism is not a religion in convention sense that you may say for islam or chistianity.

We are not the people of the book who follow/rever a single entity. Hindusim is a way of life. there is nothing called hinduness
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