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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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Is there any difference between marriage functions between Arabs and SA muslims? Do Arabs have mehndi ceremony?
Yes and no...
And these thread is also not about minorities in India.This is about Indian culture aka Hinduism.
And we dont use these 'adultered' like term for ones personal choice.
It is...Esp when more and more of you are showcasing intolerance of anything that doesnt want to bow to your gods!
Please dont judge us by the impure Indian population...When they are polluted with Hinduism god only knows what other things have polluted them!
Your wish they leave is another showcase of your intolerance!
I pray we remain impure this way, and may you attain higher levels of purity. :)

Note: I am intolerant to the intolerant.
There is no way to worship a God which you have build by your own hand

What's wrong in that ? God is everywhere in different forms to us even we are part of same supreme soul.....
Ha ha trolling ?
You are conviently ignoring the points that you yourself made here.
@Lord Zen is a Christian and he is a proud Indian and proud about our heritage .So whats your point?

What do you mean by these purity and 'adultered'?
Pure ONLY 1 god to worship
Adulterated: bowing at hindu gods on the side!

Ok i've read every word of it. Now... There we so many people/civilization who worshipped fire and nature and knew nothing about Islam. Were they considered as muslims aswell...since they go against the basic tenets of Islam?
As the Quran says: TO EVERY NATION we sent a messenger ...So if they did not heed the warning most nations were destroyed (Noah's flood, volcano eruptions, earth engulfing whole civilizations - hence why archaeologist have to "dig"), the sea eating up oppressors (Pharaoh of Egypt) and others...
And our forefathers were primates...so what their religion is? Ignore if felt offensive.
If they were primates they were not human...what to judge? If they were not primates they were 1st human as Adam and Eve from heaven then this statement with dilemma doesnt exist!
Indiannesss is not confined to bowing at something you make out of your own hands!
To answer the question - its Hindutva. As per Supreme Court's (1995) ruling it's the 'essence of India'. :D
And all Indians are bound and I repeat - legally bound to bow to the motherland.
I pray we remain impure this way, and may you attain higher levels of purity. :)

Note: I am intolerant to the intolerant.
And again a proof of intolerance! tolerance will be when you learn to accept purity without imposing your own believes!

Good for you and what you pray for! :tup:
Pure ONLY 1 god to worship
What if I say that your idea is false? :azn: What proof do you have to refute my statements? Let's not discuss merits of theology. Trust me, you are on far shakier grounds than I am. :P
To answer the question - its Hindutva. As per Supreme Court's (1995) ruling it's the 'essence of India'. :D
And all Indians are bound and I repeat - legally bound to bow to the motherland.
Motherland is not an idol molded by your hands! so bowing to motherland is not the same as bowing to a man made thing!
Motherland is not an idol molded by your hands! so bowing to motherland is not the same as bowing to a man made thing!
And the symbols. The Indian flag for example, the entity we call Bharatmata.
Yes and no...
It is...Esp when more and more of you are showcasing intolerance of anything that doesnt want to bow to your gods!

What was my first post in these thread ?
Did I told about enforcing anyone in that post ?
We dont need harvesting souls and blasphemy for the existense of our culture.Here people have complete freedom for their beliefs.
Noone need to follow Hinduism strictly for being Hindu.People might chose other religion.But their motherland is India and so also have rights in our culture.
And As an Indian I know how they follow that culture .Those who have compulsory terms like purity and adultered should be the last one to ask us about tolerance and intolerance.
Mehndi ceremony is cultural heritage mostly limited to the sub continent, just because Pakistanis follow Islam doesn't mean they have to get done with it.
As per Akheilos mam, they would have but continue because it is not forbidden in Islam. :) Right mam?
That makes no sense. And especially not from a religious standpoint. Hindu heritage is for Hindus, why should the rest be 'proud' of it if they believe all of it to be, pardon my French, BS? The last thing a Muslim needs is to be proud of a temple where all sorts of false idols were worshiped. And that's just an example.
Hindu Heritage is not limited to "false" idol worship. Dharmic( which is a more proper term) heritage is integrated with the very fabric of Indian culture & civilization... No body is saying that they need to go to a temple or pray to Hindu gods. And like i said before there is no compulsion & nobody is forcing anyone to accept anything. Just a recognition would be more than enough. After all it's always an individual choice.
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