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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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May 2, 2013
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You will not find me adorned in saffron and shouting hoarse in a crowded market place or at a public gathering that I am a proud Hindu. Neither will you hear me speak of the hidden truth of the great Hindu scriptures or sermonize an unwilling entity on the Vedanta philosophy over buttered scones and tea. I have never found a reason to do any such thing simply because I lack adequate knowledge and even if I were to possess enough of it for arguments sake, I would not see a reason to blow my trumpet unless I am ‘pushed’ to do it. When would I be ‘pushed’ to do such things? If somebody scorns or mocks at the tenets of which Hinduism is based upon, I would then deem it necessary to argue rationally on the merits of the case without making a spectacle of myself. But, this is a highly individualistic display and there are many who well and truly cannot help but make a spectacle of themselves simply because their emotions get in their way. Frankly, even I am not sure as an educated individual if I could garner the gumption to be rationally argumentative and not emotionally argumentative. There is something about religion that always touches the ‘ raw’ nerves. At some point or the other, each one of us have fallen victims to this ‘soft’ spot and even borne the brunt of being termed a bigot.

The fundamental tenets of Hinduism are based on pluralism. In a 1995 judgment, theSupreme Court of India ruled that “Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism … it is a fallacy and an error of law to proceed on the assumption … that the use of words Hindutva or Hinduism per se depicts an attitude hostile to all persons practicing any religion other than the Hindu religion … It may well be that these words are used in a speech to promote secularism or to emphasize the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos, or to criticize the policy of any political party as discriminatory or intolerant.” Crystal clear in my opinion, what more needs to be explained. When somebody talks of how intolerant Hindus are, I simply say to them that they cannot be following the Hindutva way of life, the one that universally embraces the same values and aspirations.

There is a group that raises its powerful head quite often; lets call them the Illuminati for now. This is a highly educated, influential and affluent group. You will find this group in all walks of life, influencing behavior of others with an agenda best known to them. They pretend they are not religious, they pretend to be democratic and yet they carry with them a sword that tears into every audible murmur that a Hindu will make and will try to take him to the gallows at every given opportunity. The Illuminati at the same time turns a blind eye to reason, facts and factualism are usually relegated to the back burners. If their target so as to dares to substantiate a point of view with credence, the target is immediately zeroed in and labeled as an enthusiastic member of the saffron brigade. They are also termed as the bigots who are tearing down the very fundamentals on which the constitution of this country is drafted upon. You will never hear the last of the logic of the Illuminati; usually blaring at you from those tiny squares on prime time lop sided TV debates. Pretty much like the Illuminati of the yesteryears who were however more productive, this not so secret society conspires to establish a new world order. You will find them peeping in movies, magazines, newspapers, television shows and yes, you will find them pulling the strings. More recently, you will also find them laughing and jeering at the ongoing Science Congress which until recently has probably not even dared to rake up the science of the Vedas. It is not about examining into evidences of flights of fantasy that were taken by Indians a long time before Pratibha Patil took them, it is about debunking, refuting the probability of this concept entirely without examination. To the Illuminati, Hinduism is a myth; the sacred texts of the Ramayana and Mahabharata are a mythology in its exact sense even if all other sacred texts that bear no relation with Hinduism are factual Science. But what is their agenda one may ask and the reason for this rather well organized and well funded display of solidarity against all things Hindutva? For one, the core agenda is to shake the roots of which the principles of Hindutva are based upon and to stunt the growth of Hinduism. I must agree with Shashi Tharoor who rightly stated – “To mock the credulous exaggerations of the Hindutva brigade, you don’t need to debunk the genuine accomplishments of ancient Indian science!”

A stone Ganesha cannot drink milk and plastic surgery on the elephant God is labeled ludicrous. Yet a stone Mother can weep blood and the veritableness of Immaculate Conception is not debated upon. Our texts state that even many Hindu Gods and Goddesses had their holy offspring’s via immaculate conception. Why not discuss the significance of these events so carefully drafted in religious scriptures as the foundation for modern day reproductive techniques like IUI and IVF? But, will it be discussed? I am a proud and devout Hindu. I enjoy debating and I strongly encourage multiple narratives, I am a liberal, I am not ashamed of my religion and I will not permit my religion to be made a mockery of and will air my ‘limited’ knowledge without fear of being run down. But how many do?

Times Of India | Blogs

I can't find words to describe it , an excellent article that projects the inner feelings of every self respected hindu towards the so called liberals who are at great service to the nation in protecting its secular fibre from evil hindus....

@Soumitra , @ranjeet, @SarthakGanguly ,@Lord Zen ,@Tshering22 , @levina , @Sidak your thoughts ??
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We Indians irrespective of our religion should be proud of our rich Hindu heritage.
Hinduism is not just a religion. It by itself is also our culture, our heritage , a symbol of our civilization... Hinduism is indeed a way of life & it is much more than a religion. It along with other dharmic faiths is the soul of Bharat.
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No body stops anyone from being a proud Hindu , or any other faith. The problem starts when some self proclaimed religious guardians make provocative statements. The fact is every religion has its morons.
This whole debate is ridiculous , everyone is proud of his - background - his religion and so on.
There is nothing to be ashamed of being a hindu. I agree with the Supreme court that Hinduism is a way of life. A very good definition of Hinduism that I read long time ago and posted here too

I am a Hindu, hence I am a muslim, a christian, a jew, a man of all faiths. If the basic requirement of a muslim is to pray to Allah with whole heart, I can do so without any prick of my conscience, in any mosque. I can pray my heart to Jesus in any church. I can pray to any god, with form or formless. I've been to temples many and prayed to gods many. I every often see new local deities being formed and have no problem in praying them too. At different points in my life, I had visited churches and mosques and prayed in them. In a way, I am an atheist too as my religion has taught me to be detached from god. My religion had trained me to focus only on faith and not God, much like atheists focusing on self-belief. I use god only as a means for faith. I can pray the same thing to many gods at the same time, without a flutter. I see god in my environment, in living and non-living things. I can pray to animate and inanimate objects. And it is my strength and not a weakness. I am a Hindu and I am proud of it.
Pray I will, to any God, for sanity to prevail in this world.
All religion has supernatural events. But it become ridiculous when these events are interpret as ancient scientific achievements of modern inventions. That is why many people, including a majority of Indian, are irritated by these ancient Indian scientific claims.

If it's supernatural, keep it that way. Don't need to mix religion with science.

Finally, I believe people of all faith should be proud of their religion.
Hinduism is not a private property of some religious people .Hinduism is the property of entire Indians including Muslims,Christians,Sikhs,Buddhists,Parsi etc .
I dont like these aeroplanes statement without any proof.But I am proud about our ancient science and also contribution of our Hindu saints to medicine,mathematics like Pythagoras theorem and Algebra of Baudhayana etc.
Some of the statements of a few fractional sections is quite Bogus and Ridiculous.We have proof about ancient science but neither about aeroplanes nor about intergalactic journey.
Even Elixir can become a poison if we consumed more than needed.

So we should separate Hinduism from over religious angles.Entire Indians irrespective of their religion have rights in Hinduism .
We Indians irrespective of of our religion should be proud of our rich Hindu heritage.
Hinduism is not just a religion. It by itself is also our culture, our heritage , a symbol of our civilization... Hinduism is indeed a way of life & it is much more than a religion. It along with other dharmic faiths is the soul of Bharat.

I'm sure that Muslims or Christians are more proud of their own heritage.
All religion has supernatural events. But it become ridiculous when these events are interpret as ancient scientific achievements of modern inventions. That is why many people, including a majority of Indian, are irritated by these ancient Indian scientific claims.

If it's supernatural, keep it that way. Don't need to mix religion with science.

Finally, I believe people of all faith should be proud of their religion.

We have freedom of expressionin our nation.Every moron can make statements in here.But we will analyse and accept it if we want.
Some statements about planes are ridiculous and was just plane imagination.
But plastic surgery of Susruta,Latitudes and longitudinal calculation of Varahamira,Advanced metallurgical techs like that iron pillar in Saranath ,Pythagoras and Algebraic theorem of Varahmihira.Concept of Atom by Kanada etc have proofs and theories and we are proud about stuffs like that.

I'm sure that Muslims or Christians are more proud of their own heritage.

If you dont know anything about India the Shut the F up.
Because in India we can see majority Indian Hindu Muslims and Hindu Christians .Have you ever heard about as Christian singer visiting Hindu Goddess temple as a Hindu for his 75th birthday ?
So dont pass comments about things that you have zero knowledge while sitting in US .(not sure American. citizenship);)
Hinduism is a very complex religion.once i have tried to read about Hinduism and it was hard for me to know the basic knowledge of hinduism.infact i don't even know who's considered the most supreme in hinduism,rama,krishna or the rest of the avatars and what is the real definition of Bhagwan

Cant digest that.I know that.
But in India you can see Muslim shrine with a Hindu temple.

Hinduism is a very complex religion.once i have tried to read about Hinduism and it was hard for me to know the basic knowledge of hinduism.infact i don't even know who's considered the most supreme in hinduism,rama,krishna or the rest of the avatars and what is the real definition of Bhagwan

Most supreme one is a Goddess.
We have freedom of expressionin our nation.Every moron can make statements in here.But we will analyse and accept it if we want.
Some statements about planes are ridiculous and was just plane imagination.
But plastic surgery of Susruta,Latitudes and longitudinal calculation of Varahamira,Advanced metallurgical techs like that iron pillar in Saranath ,Pythagoras and Algebraic theorem of Varahmihira.Concept of Atom by Kanada etc have proofs and theories and we are proud about stuffs like that.

If you dont know anything about India the Shut the F up.
Because in India we can see majority Indian Hindu Muslims and Hindu Christians .Have you ever heard about as Christian singer visiting Hindu Goddess temple as a Hindu for his 75th birthday ?
So dont pass comments about things that you have zero knowledge while sitting in US .(not sure American. citizenship);)

What really irritate others is when you use the term Hindu Muslim and Christians. They are Muslims or Christians, not Hindu Muslims or Hindu Christians. I don't have to be in India to know that your catorgorization of other faith will irritate them. Also, just because someone visit another's place of worship does not make them part of that religion. Try to be respectful of another religion.
I'm sure that Muslims or Christians are more proud of their own heritage.

Cultural heritage and religion are not the same thing. I really don't understand how are you drawing the parallels here.

As for example, a Muslim in Nigeria and a Muslim in Saudi Arabia have different cultural heritage but a common religion.
Cultural heritage and religion are not the same thing. I really don't understand how are you drawing the parallels here.

As for example, a Muslim in Nigeria and a Muslim in Saudi Arabia have different cultural heritage but a common religion.

Yes, but religion also have their own heritage. If India is only about Hinduism, people of other faith would not feel comfortable and being inclusive in the country of India. But I'm certain that is not the case so it's best for Indian government to emphasize on being more inclusive
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