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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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The problem starts when some self proclaimed religious guardians make provocative statements. The fact is every religion has its morons.
This whole debate is ridiculous , everyone is proud of his - background - his religion and so on.

The problem isn't abt people fighting against self proclaimed religious guardians , bt when these people target only one religion in particular , and the way they try to project anyone who is assosiated wth hindu religious group to be a fascist ..
But in India you can see Muslim shrine with a Hindu temple.
Its not about digesting but the very fact you can see that...shows that the Indians never accepted Islam (monotheism) :tsk:

No wonder you lot cant understand basic Islam ...

Yes, but religion also have their own heritage. If India is only about Hinduism, people of other faith would not feel comfortable and being inclusive in the country of India. But I'm certain that is not the case so it's best for Indian government to emphasize on being more inclusive
good luck trying to tell them what the difference is! :tup:
I'm sure that Muslims or Christians are more proud of their own heritage.

it is indian heritage we are talking abt . fortunately or unfortunately most of the indian heritage is assosiated with hindu heritage...there is no wrong in indian muslims/christians feeling proud of their own heritage but tat shouldn't be at the cost of trying to undermine hindu/indian heritage...
Hinduism is a very complex religion.once i have tried to read about Hinduism and it was hard for me to know the basic knowledge of hinduism.infact i don't even know who's considered the most supreme in hinduism,rama,krishna or the rest of the avatars and what is the real definition of Bhagwan

There is nothing called the most supreme in Hinduism, at least not in the way it is in Abrahamic religions. The Hindu way of life, and its teachings are based on realizations made by people about human life and society over a period of time and passing that experience to the next generation so that there can be progress.

The stories and the teachings involving Ram or Krishna are means of delivering that experience so that people can relate, understand and learn easily.
Cultural heritage and religion are not the same thing. I really don't understand how are you drawing the parallels here.

As for example, a Muslim in Nigeria and a Muslim in Saudi Arabia have different cultural heritage but a common religion.

So is the term Hindu not a religious tern, but a cultural term? There should be a distinction and use of another terms if same two words have dif meanings.
What really irritate others is when you use the term Hindu Muslim and Christians. They are Muslims or Christians, not Hindu Muslims or Hindu Christians. I don't have to be in India to know that your catorgorization of other faith will irritate them. Also, just because someone visit another's place of worship does not make them part of that religion. Try to be respectful of another religion.

Who the F are you to talk on the behalf of Muslims and Christians in India?
Again I amasking you what do you know about India ?
I am an Indian.And I know the feelings of Christians and Muslims in our country where other religions go for Hindu festival and happily participating.I know christians and Muslims that are firm belivers of Hindu deities.
Now tell me what is your concept of feelings about these Indians some feelings that I dont even heard about?What do you know about them.If you are talking about fractional nutjobs then we can see such morons in Hinduismalso .And we dont give a shit about them.
Again I am telling you .Dont try to argue with us about a subject that is you dont have any idea and knowledge.

What really irritate others is when you use the term Hindu Muslim and Christians. They are Muslims or Christians, not Hindu Muslims or Hindu Christians. I don't have to be in India to know that your catorgorization of other faith will irritate them. Also, just because someone visit another's place of worship does not make them part of that religion. Try to be respectful of another religion.

Who the F are you to talk on the behalf of Muslims and Christians in India?
Again I amasking you what do you know about India ?
I am an Indian.And I know the feelings of Christians and Muslims in our country where other religions go for Hindu festival and happily participating.I know christians and Muslims that are firm belivers of Hindu deities.
Now tell me what is your concept of feelings about these Indians some feelings that I dont even heard about?What do you know about them.If you are talking about fractional nutjobs then we can see such morons in Hinduismalso .And we dont give a shit about them.
Again I am telling you .Dont try to argue with us about a subject that is you dont have any idea and knowledge.
So is the term Hindu not a religious tern, but a cultural term? There should be a distinction and use of another terms if same two words have dif meanings.

Why you always participate in India related threads? I mean always that is.... ALWAYS....

Go and give your highly esteemed and much valued theories/ philosophies in that Paris thread or that Nigerian massacre thread.

Truth be told, for an US citizen :lol: (sorry couldn't stop myself) anyways, you are too much interested in India and Indians. I have spent enough time in the US and am yet to find an American having so much love for India.
I'm sure that Muslims or Christians are more proud of their own heritage.
Yes my dear Chinese friend .They are proud to be Muslims & Christians since it's their religion. But it doesn't mean that they shouldn't be proud of their nations culture & Heritage, which Hinduism ( Dharmic beliefs) is an integral part of.
I'm also really proud of Christian heritage of India which is much older than the British Christian heritage. Actually Christianity arrived in India nearly 100 year before it arrived in Britain & Christian heritage in India is unique by itself.
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Its not about digesting but the very fact you can see that...shows that the Indians never accepted Islam (monotheism) :tsk:

No wonder you lot cant understand basic Islam ...

good luck trying to tell them what the difference is! :tup:

I have muslim friends s.AFAIK some of them have firm beliefs in Hindu Gods.And I know Hindus that have belief in mosques .
You are right .I dont know more about Islam and its conceptsof monotheism.But with my experience I can tell you our Muslims brothers have very nice feelings about their beliefs and they are living quite happier than some other Arab states and nations that is living solely for Islam beliefs (their own beliefs)
We Indians irrespective of of our religion should be proud of our rich Hindu heritage.
Hinduism is not just a religion. It by itself is also our culture, our heritage , a symbol of our civilization... Hinduism is indeed a way of life & it is much more than a religion. It along with other dharmic faiths is the soul of Bharat.

I echo your thoughts man doesn't matter if you are Hindu,Muslim,christian etc you should feel proud of our rich heritage & culture
The problem isn't abt people fighting against self proclaimed religious guardians , bt when these people target only one religion in particular , and the way they try to project anyone who is assosiated wth hindu religious group to be a fascist ..
Part of it is because when they target the others.....bad things happen to them.

In other words, violence deters them.
The problem isn't abt people fighting against self proclaimed religious guardians , bt when these people target only one religion in particular , and the way they try to project anyone who is assosiated wth hindu religious group to be a fascist ..
It is just an insecurity of some people. For example whole Sikhism was targeted during Khalistan insurgency & nowdays innocent Muslims are also targeted in the world due to acts of some jihadis. All I want to say is that morons of X religion target the whole religion for acts of morons of Y religion.
It is a clear fact that there is no threat to Hinduism or any other religion in the country & not every hindu religious group is Fascist. But there are few fascist groups that are trying to impose Hindutva on people of other faith. They are ones who defaming Hinduism not secular minded people. Due to bad mouthing elements of these organisation people target whole religion in reaction.
Its not about digesting but the very fact you can see that...shows that the Indians never accepted Islam (monotheism) :tsk:

No wonder you lot cant understand basic Islam ...

hinuduism isn't exactly a polytheistic religion , it is mostly either a monotheist or a henotheist religion , which is wrongly perceived to be polytheist religion..

For Hindus God, as is, is beyond any attributes of form, color, shapes ... That is, God does not have any specific form or name. In this state God is referred to as nirguNa brahman (attributeless god). However God takes forms as perceived by humans and this perceived form is called saguNa brahman (god with (good) attributes). These forms could range from calm to fierce to yogic (1). Each form has its significance. For example when one is depressed and sees the form of God Strong and Powerful, the seeker feels the moral boost that God would definitely be the support for the right thing. Similarly when in an auspicious ceremony would like the God to be the calm provider of boons. In a spiritually elevated state, the choice would be the yogic form of God. The forms provide a basis for the Hindu worshipper to easily pursue the otherwise incomprehensible Supreme. So Hinduism supports both form as well as formless worship of the God. Whether one worships in saguNa or nirguNa way, it is ultimately the same God.

Hindu Concept of God

hope the above para helps u in understanding the concept of god in hindusim..
Yes, but religion also have their own heritage. If India is only about Hinduism, people of other faith would not feel comfortable and being inclusive in the country of India. But I'm certain that is not the case so it's best for Indian government to emphasize on being more inclusive

Forget linguistic or regional diversities, just religion only. India is the birth place of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism among a few others and all of them still exist and thrive in India. India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the World who have been living here for last thousand years.One of the biggest Islamist revivalist movements, Deobandi, is based in India. India has many states where Christians are in majority. All forms of Christianity, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox are practiced in India. India has very last of the very few Zoroastrians remaining, probably they have ceased to exist in Iran itself.

India is a boiling pot for all kinds of people having different language, culture and faith. We celebrate accordingly too.

I am a Hindu and I celebrate Christmas, its a national holiday. My friend is a muslim and he celebrates Durgapuja with me.

So, let me assure you, India is not just about Hinduism only.
Its an old World and we have our own culture and heritage, which is again affected by language, region, and religion. Generalization of the same from a singular perspective will be a naive thing to do.
I have muslim friends s.AFAIK some of them have firm beliefs in Hindu Gods.And I know Hindus that have belief in mosques .
We dont BELIEVE in ANY god but ALLAH that is the testimony of faith...Anyone going against the 1st pillar is not a Muslim AUTOMATICALLY!

Hindu's belief in mosques? what is that to mean? I dont think you even know the meaning of belief and monotheism....Obviously one has to belief something they can see, touch...

You are right .I dont know more about Islam and its conceptsof monotheism.But with my experience I can tell you our Muslims brothers have very nice feelings about their beliefs and they are living quite happier than some other Arab states and nations that is living solely for Islam beliefs (their own beliefs)
Why would you want to compare Arab states? You see the typical lack of knowledge makes you think Arabs as the fathers of Islam or something..Islam began from there but in the Prophet's last sermon he mentioned that no Arab is greater than any....only in good deeds...meaning Arab is not a measuring stick!
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