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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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Really ??
But the news from these Muslim states talks otherwise.Shall I post some links?
You asked about Islam I talked about Islam....

You want to talk about Muslim states, ask UK why it chose the house of Saud to rule over Saudi in return for the Israel/ Palestinian crap they created!!

me too..though I had always doubted Abraham's name.
May I ask why so?
Pure ONLY 1 god to worship
Adulterated: bowing at hindu gods on the side!

As the Quran says: TO EVERY NATION we sent a messenger ...So if they did not heed the warning most nations were destroyed (Noah's flood, volcano eruptions, earth engulfing whole civilizations - hence why archaeologist have to "dig"), the sea eating up oppressors (Pharaoh of Egypt) and others...
If they were primates they were not human...what to judge? If they were not primates they were 1st human as Adam and Eve from heaven then this statement with dilemma doesnt exist!

There you goes the tolerance preachings and teachings.:lol:
For us God is One and religions are different ways to join the same one
Mehndi ceremony is cultural heritage mostly limited to the sub continent, just because Pakistanis follow Islam doesn't mean they have to get done with it.
As per Akheilos mam, they would have but continue because it is not forbidden in Islam. :) Right mam?

I said yes and no coz even the Jews have mehndi ceremonies...And as what I have read they actually claim it as their culture...

Arabs being cousins of Jews could have adopted it...

But since it is not contradicting with anything from Islam, I dont see your interest in it!

Why do we have to get done with it? Is it coxing us to bow to a different god? :unsure:
We dont BELIEVE in ANY god but ALLAH that is the testimony of faith...Anyone going against the 1st pillar is not a Muslim AUTOMATICALLY!

Hindu's belief in mosques? what is that to mean? I dont think you even know the meaning of belief and monotheism....Obviously one has to belief something they can see, touch...

Why would you want to compare Arab states? You see the typical lack of knowledge makes you think Arabs as the fathers of Islam or something..Islam began from there but in the Prophet's last sermon he mentioned that no Arab is greater than any....only in good deeds...meaning Arab is not a measuring stick!

The very first pillar itself is a very narrow version of god it sounds like my way or highway however Hindus do believe in Allah Jesus or their own gods/goddesses as same ..... Many Hindus pay visit to non Hindus religious shrine from Ajmer Sharif to hazi Ali to Goa churches......
For us God is One and religions are different ways to join the same one
You and a practicing 'pure' Muslim will NEVER be on the same boat when it comes to faith. To him/her you will always be considered a follower of a false cult. You may consider his way legitimate as well(Sarba Dharma Sambhava) but don't expect the same in return. :)
These what happening when you are playing oversmart with half baked knowledge.Tolerance is the culture of Hinduism.We didnt behead any one in the name of blasphemy and we gave protection to Jews,Zoroastrians,Muslims,Christians in India.
Can you deny that ?
If you want to know more about it then you should visit India.

Hindus slaughtered millions in the name of Kali mata before Muslims and British put end to that practice. Make no mistake, hindus like to hide historical facts. Abrahamic religion were much more tolerant then Hinduism ever war. For example one cannot convert to Hinduism because of caste system.
Before the world was created, the Self
Alone existed; nothing whatever stirred.
Then the Self thought: “Let me create the world.”
He brought forth all the worlds out of himself.
(Aitareya Upanishad I: 1-2)

In the beginning was only Being,
One without a second.
Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos
And entered into everything in it.
There is nothing that does not come from him.
Of everything he is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.
You are that, Shvetaketu; you are that.
(Chandogya Upanishad VI: 2, 2-3)
I said yes and no coz even the Jews have mehndi ceremonies...And as what I have read they actually claim it as their culture...

Arabs being cousins of Jews could have adopted it...

But since it is not contradicting with anything from Islam, I dont see your interest in it!

Why do we have to get done with it? Is it coxing us to bow to a different god? :unsure:
Nope it doesn't but minorities in India do take pride in following this Hindu cultural ceremony.
Can we STOP discussing theology? Please?

Discussing Dharmic philosophy and way of life with Abrahamic religions is always impossible. It is meaningless as one recognizes the other as valid, while the other rejects it outright. That is the crux. Let's stop this discussion, shall we?
Hindus slaughtered millions in the name of Kali mata before Muslims and British put end to that practice. Make no mistake, hindus like to hide historical facts. Abrahamic religion were much more tolerant then Hinduism ever war. For example one cannot convert to Hinduism because of caste system.

You can convet many have become Hindu
There you goes the tolerance preachings and teachings.:lol:
Where does it go?

Just coz you guys bend easily and nod your heads in acceptance doesnt make you tolerant and just coz I can write the truth doesnt make me intolerant...

Am I forcing them to bow in the masjid? Am I forcing a shahadah out of them? nope!

But Hindus here on this very thread are going on and on about Hindu heritage like other heritage is not worth anything....and that if your dont let Hinduism seep in you cant have your religion...Some like the impurity so this is where you say THERE GOES the tolerance preachings and teachings

For us God is One and religions are different ways to join the same one
how IS THIS better than saying god is 1..you dont believe no problem...To you bee your believes and to us be ours...

As compared to yours: You bow in my temple and at the shrine too? You are Hindu Muslim :unsure:

You are not qualified to tell anyone what 'pure' is or what 'adulterated' is.
How hard is it to say no god but ALLAH and then when you see the person who said it bowing to another god? can you not add 2 and 2? What does no god except ALLAH mean?
As long as you live within the confines of Indic culture and what is acceptable to us you are welcome, the second you step out of that, you are unwelcome. Our tolerance will remain zero to barbarism.
THAT is intolerance ...

As long as you drink the wine we offer irrespective of your religious believe you are welcome?!
Tch Tch the thread had a good premise to build upon but the discourse has again regressed !

t is...Esp when more and more of you are showcasing intolerance of anything that doesnt want to bow to your gods!

Talking about islam?
good for you guys!
Like by stating they blow themselves up and harsh remarks like that...No wonder real Muslims are rare in your land when you push them and force them with you jeering ....that is worse than a sword and many of you are proud of it :tsk: I am not sure who is happier when they cant practice their pure religion and only can showcase the adulterated one!
You are not qualified to tell anyone what 'pure' is or what 'adulterated' is.

As long as you live within the confines of Indic culture and what is acceptable to us you are welcome in India, the second you step out of that, you are unwelcome. Our tolerance will remain zero to barbarism.
Can we STOP discussing theology? Please?

Discussing Dharmic philosophy and way of life with Abrahamic religions is always impossible. It is meaningless as one recognizes the other as valid, while the other rejects it outright. That is the crux. Let's stop this discussion, shall we?
There is rejection and there is pointing out you can do what you want and we will do what we want no interference no adulterating!

If you cant tolerate, leave the thread no one is forcing you to stay! :enjoy:
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