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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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Either you are trolling or you just dont know what is tolerating!
Tolerating doesnt include adulterating!

Call a spades a spades for once!

Thank you for a balanced reply...But every Indian here is opposing what you are saying!

Ha ha trolling ?
You are conviently ignoring the points that you yourself made here.
@Lord Zen is a Christian and he is a proud Indian and proud about our heritage .So whats your point?

What do you mean by these purity and 'adultered'?
There is similarity between the christians , judaism , Muslims ...... They all beleive in one God but not The hindus they have thousands of Gods
Ha ha trolling ?
You are conviently ignoring the points that you yourself made here.
@Lord Zen is a Christian and he is a proud Indian and proud about our heritage .So whats your point?
What do you mean by these purity and 'adultered'?
@sreekumar bhai
Your post contains just one inaccuracy bhai & it's about my faith. For me my religion is a very personal thing. And certainly i'm NOT a Christian.
Please read my signature.
all suggest you can be any religion but never drop the Hinduness out of it! Or adapt a bit of it...Its like a person is saying I dont drink...You put it in his water anyways...
How can an Indian drop the Indian-ness out of him? o_O

Btw - do you know what is the most popular synonym of 'Hindu-ness'? :D
Nobody is asking you to believe. Just asking your opinion.. Since you said allah is the only god, what about Lord Buddha according to muslims? And what about those prophets before mohammad himself? They didnot follow quran...so were they not muslims?
Since you asked I will answer...but since you asked you WILL HAVE TO LISTEN...Ask again if you dont understand!

Like all religions, Islam doesnt believe it was born at a particular time...It has been the religion of the planet since before time coz Islam literally means one who bows to god's will...

The worshiping 1 god has always been the msg of ANY msgr! We believe in all....it is the fundamental belief without it you cant be Muslim...We have 6 articles of faith..Go against even one makes you no longer a Muslim:

Believe in the
Oneness of God - the shahadah is the entry ticket and the article is re-establishing it!

Messengers and Prophets of God - We have no exact number..Jewish sources tell us there were over 14k (hence why we believe that any book/ scripture talking about 1 god was indeed from 1 of the many prophets and the religion got adulterated later on)....but only 25 are named in the Quran so we cant reject a single one!

There is a verse in the Quran which says for EVERY NATION and age we sent a msgr as a warning...

Holy books - 4 are mentioned by name: Zabur (Daud/ David), Torah (Musa/ Moses), Injeel (Isa/ Jesus) and Quran (Muhammad) but some are called SUHUF given to other prophets...Each was for their tribe and their time except Quran which is complete for everyone and until day of judgement...

Angels - We believe in them and that they are made of light and some have been used as msgrs to pass the msg from GOD to his chosen human (prophet)

Day of judgement - that there will be a day where it all ends and our good and bad deed will be judged before our GOD the just!

Predestination - where we believe GOD knows everything that is going to happen coz HE is god ABOVE all...the MOST knowledgeable! Why somethings are done (silver linings) are either to teach us to be stronger (harm, diseases), stopping a larger calamity from hitting us (a girl/ boy leaving us, getting lower grades than we expected), knows whats best for us (why we got so and so as a spouse over our choice) and so on...

Now those who believed in the books and the prophets during their time were Muslims...as everything comes from the same 1 god...

I did not question that.
I'd asked if its true that Hinduism influenced other religions? Just that..
Ahh sorry my bad please read the above post
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We Indians irrespective of our religion should be proud of our rich Hindu heritage.

That makes no sense. And especially not from a religious standpoint. Hindu heritage is for Hindus, why should the rest be 'proud' of it if they believe all of it to be, pardon my French, BS? The last thing a Muslim needs is to be proud of a temple where all sorts of false idols were worshiped. And that's just an example.
You used thesr 'adultered' term several times.That itself show the difference between you and me.
You are talking a lot about purity .Then What is the difference between your concept and Nazis concept.?
What do you mean by these purity?
Reducing the minority population like that is happening in your nation.Compare the minority perecentage in India and Pakistan both in 1947 and 2014.
I am talking about a religion a choice a man makes not about his race something he cant control! Even pointing that out shows how little you know about RELIGION!

As for Pakistan...this isnt the thread it will derail everything!

do u ask any iranian to drop his persian heriatage and pride assosiated with belonging to one of the greatest civilizations ever existed on earth jst because there ancestors chose an other faith ??
I am talking about Muslims in India so for Muslims in Iran:

As long as his pride and heritage doesnt contradict with the Quran...

Persians were known to be fire worshipers and when they accepted Islam they clearly showed they no longer do that...those who do have their own religion...They dont mix it with Islam nor force the converts to the new religion to accept their old heritage...

Apart from the rest: Persian carpet making skills is the pride of any Persian irrespective of their religion! THAT is something to be proud of! Their food goes the same way and so on!
Its not about digesting but the very fact you can see that...shows that the Indians never accepted Islam (monotheism) :tsk:

No wonder you lot cant understand basic Islam ...

good luck trying to tell them what the difference is! :tup:

Monotheism is not only way to reach salvation or is it so ? What's wrong in worshipping many gods/goddess ?
Btw Quran has more specific term to distinct the ppl based on religion however in Hinduism as a way of life has very vast definition since inception.
1) Vasudhev Kutumbakkam( Entire earth is like my family, here do you see any monotheistic or polytheistic philosophical distinction ?)
2) Sarvey bhavantu Sukhina ( May all live in happiness again here do you see any monotheistic or polytheistic philosophical distinction ?)

Bhagwan(God) is panchtatva in Hinduism.....
Monotheism is not only way to reach salvation or is it so ? What's wrong in worshipping many gods/goddess ?
Btw Quran has more specific term to distinct the ppl based on religion however in Hinduism as a way of life has very vast definition since inception.
1) Vasudhev Kutumbakkam( Entire earth is like my family, here do you see any monotheistic or polytheistic philosophical distinction ?)
2) Sarvey bhavantu Sukhina ( May all live in happiness again here do you see any monotheistic or polytheistic philosophical distinction ?)

Bhagwan(God) is panchtatva in Hinduism.....

There is no way to worship a God which you have build by your own hand
You took my post as rude. I did not intend it so. :(

Anyway, considering the higher level of purity in other countries, I prefer this 'impure' yet relatively peaceful and stable country. :)

Those who follow Islam to the letter don't interact with non Muslims, except when trading. They may number around 1% of the population. I wish they leave.
Please dont judge us by the impure Indian population...When they are polluted with Hinduism god only knows what other things have polluted them!
Your wish they leave is another showcase of your intolerance!
Since you asked I will answer...but since you asked you WILL HAVE TO LISTEN...Ask again if you dont understand!

Like all religions, Islam doesnt believe it was born at a particular time...It has been the religion of the planet since before time coz Islam literally means one who bows to god's will...

The worshiping 1 god has always been the msg of ANY msgr! We believe in all....it is the fundamental belief without it you cant be Muslim...We have 6 articles of faith..Go against even one makes you no longer a Muslim:

Believe in the
Oneness of God - the shahadah is the entry ticket and the article is re-establishing it!

Messengers and Prophets of God - We have no exact number..Jewish sources tell us there were over 14k (hence why we believe that any book/ scripture talking about 1 god was indeed from 1 of the many prophets and the religion got adulterated later on)....but only 25 are named in the Quran so we cant reject a single one!

There is a verse in the Quran which says for EVERY NATION and age we sent a msgr as a warning...

Holy books - 4 are mentioned by name: Zabur (Daud/ David), Torah (Musa/ Moses), Injeel (Isa/ Jesus) and Quran (Muhammad) but some are called SUHUF given to other prophets...Each was for their tribe and their time except Quran which is complete for everyone and until day of judgement...

Angels - We believe in them and that they are made of light and some have been used as msgrs to pass the msg from GOD to his chosen human (prophet)

Day of judgement - that there will be a day where it all ends and our good and bad deed will be judged before our GOD the just!

Predestination - where we believe GOD knows everything that is going to happen coz HE is god ABOVE all...the MOST knowledgeable! Why somethings are done (silver linings) are either to teach us to be stronger (harm, diseases), stopping a larger calamity from hitting us (a girl/ boy leaving us, getting lower grades than we expected), knows whats best for us (why we got so and so as a spouse over our choice) and so on...

Now those who believed in the books and the prophets during their time were Muslims...as everything comes from the same 1 god...
Ok i've read every word of it. Now... There we so many people/civilization who worshipped fire and nature and knew nothing about Islam. Were they considered as muslims aswell...since they go against the basic tenets of Islam?

And our forefathers were primates...so what their religion is? Ignore if felt offensive.
Atman = Brahman this is the vedanta
That makes no sense. And especially not from a religious standpoint. Hindu heritage is for Hindus, why should the rest be 'proud' of it if they believe all of it to be, pardon my French, BS? The last thing a Muslim needs is to be proud of a temple where all sorts of false idols were worshiped. And that's just an example.
Is there any difference between marriage functions between Arabs and SA muslims? Do Arabs have mehndi ceremony?
I am talking about a religion a choice a man makes not about his race something he cant control! Even pointing that out shows how little you know about RELIGION!

As for Pakistan...this isnt the thread it will derail everything!

I am talking about Muslims in India so for Muslims in Iran:

As long as his pride and heritage doesnt contradict with the Quran...

Persians were known to be fire worshipers and when they accepted Islam they clearly showed they no longer do that...those who do have their own religion...They dont mix it with Islam nor force the converts to the new religion to accept their old heritage...

Apart from the rest: Persian carpet making skills is the pride of any Persian irrespective of their religion! THAT is something to be proud of! Their food goes the same way and so on!

And these thread is also not about minorities in India.This is about Indian culture aka Hinduism.
And we dont use these 'adultered' like term for ones personal choice.I dont need your certificate for my knowledge.
How can an Indian drop the Indian-ness out of him? o_O

Btw - do you know what is the most popular synonym of 'Hindu-ness'? :D
Indiannesss is not confined to bowing at something you make out of your own hands! If yes than that limited something is not something to be proud of!
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