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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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Upanishads is a remarkable scripture which gives me deep satisfaction and influence
You asked about Islam I talked about Islam....

You want to talk about Muslim states, ask UK why it chose the house of Saud to rule over Saudi in return for the Israel/ Palestinian crap they created!!

May I ask why so?

Noone asked about Islam in here.I was just talking about minorities generally in here.
I dont need to know about IsraelPalestine shit.You are the one that overemphasised so much about so called minority persecution in my nation.
You can convet many have become Hindu

Its impossible because one is born in caste system which is essential part of hinduism. Even now only 10-13% of hindus are high caste and rest of hindus are low caste. In which caste hindus are being converted in to? Conversions is Abrahamic concept and alien to hindus.

Its impossible because one is born in caste system which is essential part of hinduism. Even now only 10-13% of hindus are high caste and rest of hindus are low caste. In which caste hindus are being converted in to? Conversions is Abrahamic concept and alien to hindus.

There is no such thing as 'caste' in the holy texts you are mistaken it is a man made formation
Nobody should be ashamed of being a Hindu. I am also proud of my Hindu heritage. Its sad that one has to write an article to prove that he is proud of being a Hindu.
Its impossible because one is born in caste system which is essential part of hinduism. Even now only 10-13% of hindus are high caste and rest of hindus are low caste. In which caste hindus are being converted in to? Conversions is Abrahamic concept and alien to hindus.
When converting you can choose a caste, that is what the organizations converting people to Hinduism do.
Caste system was also found in France and UK with the nobles, peasants, aristocrats
These what happening when you are playing oversmart with half baked knowledge.Tolerance is the culture of Hinduism.We didnt behead any one in the name of blasphemy and we gave protection to Jews,Zoroastrians,Muslims,Christians in India.
Can you deny that ?
If you want to know more about it then you should visit India.
No but you have done something equal...letting them live without allowing them their religion....coz without them seeping in your religion (gods/ temple or whatever) you wouldnt accept them...THAT in English is intolerance! They are alive but suppressed!
When converting you can choose a caste, that is what the organizations converting people to Hinduism do.

You can not choose a caste, it is by merit only
I am talking about Muslims in India so for Muslims in Iran:

As long as his pride and heritage doesnt contradict with the Quran...

isn't it hypocrasity ?? whle iranians can be proud of their heritage .. indian muslims shouldn't ??
You and a practicing 'pure' Muslim will NEVER be on the same boat when it comes to faith. To him/her you will always be considered a follower of a false cult. You may consider his way legitimate as well(Sarba Dharma Sambhava) but don't expect the same in return. :)
We didnt expect anything .Neither Hinduism also @SarthakGanguly.
We can accomodate stranded religion and people and can give protection to it.
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