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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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As the Quran says: TO EVERY NATION we sent a messenger ...So if they did not heed the warning most nations were destroyed (Noah's flood, volcano eruptions, earth engulfing whole civilizations - hence why archaeologist have to "dig"), the sea eating up oppressors (Pharaoh of Egypt) and others...
Nations as in? Todays boundaries are different from 1400 yrs ago. You mean to say volcano eruptions happened coz advise was not heeded? But volcanoes erupted even before humans existed! Some millions of years ago! During the pre historic period!!!

If they were primates they were not human...what to judge? If they were not primates they were 1st human as Adam and Eve from heaven then this statement with dilemma doesnt exist!
Hmm interesting...so, Adam and Eve were muslims where as their parents[who were primates] were not muslims!!??
cool...and this makes you not believe in Abraham but Brahma is ok? :unsure:
yeah because Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma, as it was known back then, is one of the oldest religion in the world.
Caste is the biggest bane of Hindu society. It is a reality. We can't close our eyes by saying that it is not mentioned in religious books. Old cast system was work oriented and one had the option to change it. Later it became a rigid system and a person born in one cast was bound to it forever.

Hinduism has the power to absorb all kinds of faiths in its way of life. Only if there was no caste system, It would have not faced conversions to Buddhism, Christianity or Islam. Hinduism is broad enough to encompass both idolatory with millions of Gods as well as belief in one Supreme God.


There is no such thing as 'caste' in the holy texts you are mistaken it is a man made formation
sachchidānanda brahma
"Brahman is existence, consciousness, and happiness"

my education nvr tot me that heritage is limited to making carpets or mehindi designs...
cambridge dictionaries defntn of wat heritage is..
heritage=featuresbelonging to the culture of a particularsociety, such astraditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historicalimportance:
Sigh...Did your education teach you to give examples? Does it limit the fact that when giving examples you have to mention I AM GONNA GIVE AN EXAMPLE OR TWO....does it limit that examples cant be more than the ones given? What sort of education is that? can you ask for a refund? :pop:
u sound similar to one of those egyptian mullahs who demanded to destroy pyramids and sphink statue bcz they r unislamic....
Did I ask that? How is it I am asking that when I have repeatedly said to you be your believes and to me be mine? Just coz I am not asking the believes to be mixed or seep in and loose their original form means I want them destroyed? What logic?
Where does it go?

Just coz you guys bend easily and nod your heads in acceptance doesnt make you tolerant and just coz I can write the truth doesnt make me intolerant...

Am I forcing them to bow in the masjid? Am I forcing a shahadah out of them? nope!

But Hindus here on this very thread are going on and on about Hindu heritage like other heritage is not worth anything....and that if your dont let Hinduism seep in you cant have your religion...Some like the impurity so this is where you say THERE GOES the tolerance preachings and teachings

how IS THIS better than saying god is 1..you dont believe no problem...To you bee your believes and to us be ours...

As compared to yours: You bow in my temple and at the shrine too? You are Hindu Muslim :unsure:

How hard is it to say no god but ALLAH and then when you see the person who said it bowing to another god? can you not add 2 and 2? What does no god except ALLAH mean?
THAT is intolerance ...

As long as you drink the wine we offer irrespective of your religious believe you are welcome?!

Again I am asking you where did I say about enforcing any one with anything ?
My post was against the narrow mindedness of some Hindutva group and now you are talking me about tolerance BS.
We didnt kidnapp,rape and convert for increasing quantity our beliefs neither did the harvesting souls by using money .We dont have so called emirates and official religion .
We dont force anyone to follow monothesim and didnt see as opposing them as a blasphemy.We didnt force anyone to follow our religion.Yet our people areproud about our Indian Culture aka Hinduism while theyfollowing their own personal beliefs.
Accept this .You cant imagine becauseyou are not an Indian.
Well One dont need extensive knowledge in a religion for their beliefs.People will get that beliefs through their own experiences.
I have seen the some Europeans performing tough Hindu rituals because some how through their experience they have some belief.
Yes Europeans are a lost soul...we have many astramas or whatever they are called advertising Hinduism...IN ITS REAL FORM nothing adulterated! Why cant Hindus allow that in India?
Yes Europeans are a lost soul...we have many astramas or whatever they are called advertising Hinduism...IN ITS REAL FORM nothing adulterated! Why cant Hindus allow that in India?
what Real Form?
Yes Europeans are a lost soul...we have many astramas or whatever they are called advertising Hinduism...IN ITS REAL FORM nothing adulterated! Why cant Hindus allow that in India?

Europeans are lost souls :lol:
Europeans will see everything through science and experience .They are not that dumb to blindly follow preachings and sermons of some persons like Mullahs,Priests
lol our superior dharmic faith your inferior savage abrahamic beliefs
Ekam sat anekah panthah," which means, "Truth is one, paths are many." No one path is correct; we are all striving for the same goal in our own unique way. It is this tolerance and belief in the all-pervasiveness of Divinity that has allowed India to be home to followers of virtually every major world religion for thousands of years. Nowhere on Earth have so many religions lived and thrived in such close and harmonious proximity as in the home of Hindu Sanatan Dharma—India.

Parabrahma manifests in various forms, but He is one and supreme. The Rig Veda proclaims, “Ekam sat viprãhã bahudã vadanti,” meaning “Truth is one, but the wise describe it in many ways.” Hindu Dharma is monotheistic, worshipping one but with respect for all Gods and spirituality. To be more precise, it is henotheistic, meaning the belief in and worship of one Supreme God without denying the existence of other ‘gods’ or forms of the Supreme God.
Then parambrahman created himself the Manu Swáyambhuva, born of, and identical with, his original self, for the protection of created beings; and the female portion of himself .
All are forms of God's to show the right path.

Ahh...then how can an mortal supreme being have a wife?
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Monotheism is not only way to reach salvation or is it so ? What's wrong in worshipping many gods/goddess ?
Btw Quran has more specific term to distinct the ppl based on religion however in Hinduism as a way of life has very vast definition since inception.
1) Vasudhev Kutumbakkam( Entire earth is like my family, here do you see any monotheistic or polytheistic philosophical distinction ?)
2) Sarvey bhavantu Sukhina ( May all live in happiness again here do you see any monotheistic or polytheistic philosophical distinction ?)

Bhagwan(God) is panchtatva in Hinduism.....
brother I will get back to you in a bit I have 17 posts needing attention!
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