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How The Far-Right Could Cause Genocide In India | The Mehdi Hasan Show NBC

Wtf has that got to do with this video? Your posts becoming more suspect and others have reported the same i.e. you’re pretending to be Pakistani.
Go post another thread.
My point is that its extremely hypocritical to call out India for mistreating its minorities when we aren't much better in that aspect, it looks extremely bad on our behalf.
My point is that its extremely hypocritical to call out India for mistreating its minorities when we aren't much better in that aspect, it looks extremely bad on our behalf.

Political leaders are not calling
for mass expulsions, rape or anything else.
It’s a crazy comparison stop making it.
Mehdi hassan is a known Islamist, there was a video of his were he was showering absurdities on kafirs, i think the video is no longer available.
'could' cause genocide?? Considering the history of the sub continent, it is clear that hindus have been genocided by invaders and not the other way around.
Mehdi hassan is a known Islamist, there was a video of his were he was showering absurdities on kafirs, i think the video is no longer available.
'could' cause genocide?? Considering the history of the sub continent, it is clear that hindus have been genocided by invaders and not the other way around.

Regardless of any accusations you level at Hassan, fundamentally he is right, India is turning into a hindutva extremist communal cesspit
Their is no argument to be had here it's a reality that is undeniable at the moment

Even Indian Muslims are waking up to this reality now

Now comes the question of providing the Indian Muslims a defence to this Hindu poison
Mehdi hassan is a known Islamist, there was a video of his were he was showering absurdities on kafirs, i think the video is no longer available.
'could' cause genocide?? Considering the history of the sub continent, it is clear that hindus have been genocided by invaders and not the other way around.

Well we "could" start killing muslims and eating pigs.

We "could" start nuking others.

We "could" meet aliens and plot taking over earth with them.

All these possibilities does require a tv show to make the public aware of what "could" be. After all Conspiracy Theories should not be confined to tin hats and asylums. General public must also participate in this hysteria and celebrate it. Especially when it can help your dual cause of spreading Hindu-phobia and earning TRP.
Mehdi hassan is a known Islamist, there was a video of his were he was showering absurdities on kafirs, i think the video is no longer available.
'could' cause genocide?? Considering the history of the sub continent, it is clear that hindus have been genocided by invaders and not the other way around.

He is a well known 'islamist' blah blah. Well he's commenting on well known fascists so I guess its even.
Please do show that video on another thread.
Yes Hindus were killed as were many other people.

Let's use a rule of thumb from the sanghi manual for refuting the attacks on Muslims.
"The Indian Muslim population has grown so how can there be oppression".

How about; "The Hindu population massively outnumbered the Muslim population, and 1,000 years later still does outnumber the Muslim sub-continent population, so how did genocide take place"?
Wtf has that got to do with this video? Your posts are becoming more suspect and others have reported the same i.e. you’re pretending to be Pakistani.
Go post another thread.
Really? you want to dig through my past posts and see my love and affection for Indians? go ahead. The fact is that members on here are soft and cant stand opposing viewpoints which ends up in their feelings hurt so they start reporting.
Really? you want to dig through my past posts and see my love and affection for Indians? go ahead. The fact is that members on here are soft and cant stand opposing viewpoints which ends up in their feelings hurt so they start reporting.

Over the years I've seen the "mix it up" type posters from the across the border who changed tacts when they used to be caught out. Yes they will abuse their own kind, India etc just for the right opportunity to stir $hit among Pakistanis.
But anyway focus on the topic.
Regardless of any accusations you level at Hassan, fundamentally he is right, India is turning into a hindutva extremist communal cesspit
Their is no argument to be had here it's a reality that is undeniable at the moment

Even Indian Muslims are waking up to this reality now

Now comes the question of providing the Indian Muslims a defence to this Hindu poison
The so called Indian muslims woke up to the direct action day in 1947 called forth by jinnah and started genociding the hindus.... This is the reality of the sub-continent that people forget.
The people that were killed, their temples destroyed and driven from their historic lands were the Hindus. Never forget who started the killings.
The so called Indian muslims woke up to the direct action day in 1947 called forth by jinnah and started genociding the hindus.... This is the reality of the sub-continent that people forget.
The people that were killed, their temples destroyed and driven from their historic lands were the Hindus. Never forget who started the killings.

Rubbish. Indian Muslim civil workers going to Pakistan by train were killed when a bomb planted by a Sikh Jatha went off derailing it.
This whole thing 'the Muslims started it' is lies.
Glad the BBC showed this during their Indian partition summer series of programs.
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He is a well known 'islamist' blah blah. Well he's commenting on well known fascists so I guess its even.
Please do show that video on another thread.
Yes Hindus were killed as were many other people.

Let's use a rule of thumb from the sanghi manual for refuting the attacks on Muslims.
"The Indian Muslim population has grown so how can there be oppression".

How about; "The Hindu population massively outnumbered the Muslim population, and 1,000 years later still does outnumber the Muslim sub-continent population, so how did genocide take place"?
Lol, this is one of the lies that is being told to white wash the genocide. You know that India was 100% Hindu once, now after 1000 years of systamatic annihilation, today the 1 in every 3 person in the Indian subcontinent is a Muslim. There are 600 million muslims to 1000 million Hindus in India. If this is not subjugation then what is??

Rubbish. Indian Muslims civil workers going to Pakistan by train were killed when a bomb planted by a Sikh Jatha went off derailing it.
This whole thing 'the Muslims started it' is lies.
Glad the BBC showed this during their Indian partition summer series of programs.
Yeah yeah you can rubbish everything i can say, but truth cannot be suppressed, everything from the mopillah riots to direct action day and noakhaki riots to present day kashmiri pandit exodus from kashmir is well documented and the instigators are well known.
Rubbish. Indian Muslims civil workers going to Pakistan by train were killed when a bomb planted by a Sikh Jatha went off derailing it.
This whole thing 'the Muslims started it' is lies.
Glad the BBC showed this during their Indian partition summer series of programs.
The violence went both ways, the politicians up top started it and were behind it all. The Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims partaking in the violence were just brainwashed commoners. And to take BBC as a credible source is just LOL, whenever it suits your agenda it suddenly isn't propaganda anymore.
The so called Indian muslims woke up to the direct action day in 1947 called forth by jinnah and started genociding the hindus.... This is the reality of the sub-continent that people forget.
The people that were killed, their temples destroyed and driven from their historic lands were the Hindus. Never forget who started the killings.

Sure and we broke India and created independent Muslim states,

But Indians were retarded and they told all the remaining Indians don't divide into various ethnic or religious states, they told them a bullshit story about a united India for all Indians

But now 70 years later your trying to force hindutva poison upon all Indians and hundreds of millions of Indians did not sign up for this Hindu extremist state

You Hindus have pushed them and they are beginning to organise and push back and it will end in disaster in India

Partition was right in 1947 and it's right in 2022, we can't deny this going forward as Muslims, Sikhs, Christians are the minority they will take the brunt of the Hindu extremism and the consequences but at the same time they will organise and push back,

India AS WE SPEAK IS BEGINNING TO PARTITION with communities starting to make Hindu/Muslim only areas, and this will create local economies with boycotts of the other

With a biased state and police, it is now quick coming to the point where we openly begin to discuss offence and defence strategies for Indian Muslims

War lines are being drawn and civil war inside India if not open will happen

This may not be a whole scale civil war but multiple fights, riots and open targeting of the other

Jinnah was always right, he tried to explain to you saffron turds and Indian Muslims to embrace partition and separate your communities and not trust in a India which is nothing more than a fallacy

The violence went both ways, the politicians up top started it and were behind it all. The Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims partaking in the violence were just brainwashed commoners. And to take BBC as a credible source is just LOL, whenever it suits your agenda it suddenly isn't propaganda anymore.

The politicians didn't start it

It started because their was actual real palpable hatred of the other

Politicians just took advantage of the reality

It's us or them and we have to make sure we defend our own against our enemies
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