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How Pakistanis view others but do not get the same respect and dignity

You missed the whole point sunshine.

What point? You mean like:
- They are 2nd/3rd generation Pakistani
- They are 2nd/3rd Generation Kashmiris
- They are 2nd/3rd Mirpuris
- They are new Pakistani immigrant
- They are new Kashmiri immigrant
- They aew new Mirpuri immigrant

Either way, y'all Brit Pakistani community to me and to Brits :-)
What point? You mean like:
- They are 2nd/3rd generation Pakistani
- They are 2nd/3rd Generation Kashmiris
- They are 2nd/3rd Mirpuris
- They are new Pakistani immigrant
- They are new Kashmiri immigrant
- They aew new Mirpuri immigrant

Either way, y'all Brit Pakistani community to me and to Brits :-)

Again, you missed the point sweetie. I’m too tired to explain. Catch you tomorrow?

FYI: Not Mirpuri.
yea man, Pakistan is corrupt but is Pakistani/Kashmiri community in Britain any better? All I hear is they live on welfare and groom little girls. Isn't it kinda weird coming from one corrupt community to another corrupt community and asking others to 'value' you because of some foreign passport?
The ones involved in grooming teenage girls are thugs, life's lowest gutter people. These people have zero levels of education both secular and Islamic and mainly the young men are free to do whatever they want. It is inportant to stress not every British Pakistani man is a sadistic ruthless criminal. Many are very decent law abiding citizens. However we are overshadowed by a minority of deranged misguided individuals. Living off welfare is a myth used by far right white nationalists. Many Brit Pakistanis own thier own businesses from small grocery stores to restaurants. Many work as taxi/cab drivers.

My apologies.
Good night
A few months ago I started a new thread about grooming white British girls by men of Pak/ Kashmiri origins. However il be more than happy to share my knowledge about Brit Paks with you as i hail from a small English town divided by Pakistanis, white British people and the Indian Muslim & Hindu community.
Dude, east or west, grooming is wrong, simple as that. Pakistani/Kashmiri community in UK were never known to be highly contributing one anyway.

And yea, people should value everyone equally, agree on that part.

Another thing, I have hard time understanding your comments about sleeping around. Are you against pre marital sleeping around?

Idiot i am talking about respect from our own Pakistanis at the airport who are always hungry for money but never do this to European foreigners.
You asking about Contribution? what about Pakistanis at home what can they contribute?

Azad Kashmir don't run Pakistan. Let See what Pakistanis in paK contribute?
1. drugs, opium, guns
2.Murre with your curry alcoholic drink wah wah islami mulk.
3.Sell their own women to Saudis and middle east. ask sharifs.
4.Dumb quam votes for same crooks
5.nothing ever works load shedding
6.increase in inflation and ripping people off
7. people are selected based on favoritism and bribes no real talent for contribution.
8.Allowed drones, GMO, vaccines, NGO, EvEn black water is free
9.sold afia sadidiqui
10. Bhuttos broke pak in two
11. Generals are well known for ummah that why they have secret whore parties
12. leaders talk big but allow USA to dictate.
13. molvis like molvi diesel who use islam for thier own agenda.
14. will go out of the way to treat goray but kick their own in the face and vip culture.
15. allowed usury in to the country imf Rothschild central bank.
16. foreign media dividing peoples.
17. always begging for aid.
18. They make simple tools and suddenly throw fanfare that it is something advance
19. Education does it produce talent or simple dead beats that follow orders.
20. Stealing resources from other provinces and oppressing these groups if they complain.
21. Everybody is textile worker great.
22. Dumb sons of bit ches importing food that is taking toll on their health and ruined the farmers.
23. Raymond davis kills isi agent and guess what paisey is above principles mashallah .
24. Like bunch of monkeys in a zoo the way they behave on talk shows.
25. Rehman malik contributed so much that he sold data to British that is a fcukng huge security concern.
26. Rumors of food is contaminated and drinks by CIA because Pakistani people are always hungry for that bara note.
27. Donkey meat is now halal.
28. Corrupted talk shows which you know are written by outsiders to corrupt the youth.
29. Wtf we are Muslims right then why the fcuk their are no health and hygiene. People dumping and cheating.

In Nut shell contribution is take bribes and take more bribe and worship lighter skin, eat roti, enslave the masses, blame others and steal some more.
A few months ago I started a new thread about grooming white British girls by men of Pak/ Kashmiri origins. However il be more than happy to share my knowledge about Brit Paks with you as i hail from a small English town divided by Pakistanis, white British people and the Indian Muslim & Hindu community.

I don't want you to waste your time with me trying to paragraphs after paragraphs. But if it's possible please share the thread link. Thanks :-)
Idiot i am talking about respect from our own Pakistanis at the airport who are always hungry for money but never do this to European foreigners.
You asking about Contribution? what about Pakistanis at home what can they contribute?

Azad Kashmir don't run Pakistan. Let See what Pakistanis in paK contribute?
1. drugs, opium, guns
2.Murre with your curry alcoholic drink wah wah islami mulk.
3.Sell their own women to Saudis and middle east. ask sharifs.
4.Dumb quam votes for same crooks
5.nothing ever works load shedding
6.increase in inflation and ripping people off
7. people are selected based on favoritism and bribes no real talent for contribution.
8.Allowed drones, GMO, vaccines, NGO, EvEn black water is free
9.sold afia sadidiqui
10. Bhuttos broke pak in two
11. Generals are well known for ummah that why they have secret whore parties
12. leaders talk big but allow USA to dictate.
13. molvis like molvi diesel who use islam for thier own agenda.
14. will go out of the way to treat goray but kick their own in the face and vip culture.
15. allowed usury in to the country imf Rothschild central bank.
16. foreign media dividing peoples.
17. always begging for aid.
18. They make simple tools and suddenly throw fanfare that it is something advance
19. Education does it produce talent or simple dead beats that follow orders.
20. Stealing resources from other provinces and oppressing these groups if they complain.
21. Everybody is textile worker great.
22. Dumb sons of bit ches importing food that is taking toll on their health and ruined the farmers.
23. Raymond davis kills isi agent and guess what paisey is above principles mashallah .
24. Like bunch of monkeys in a zoo the way they behave on talk shows.
25. Rehman malik contributed so much that he sold data to British that is a fcukng huge security concern.
26. Rumors of food is contaminated and drinks by CIA because Pakistani people are always hungry for that bara note.
27. Donkey meat is now halal.
28. Corrupted talk shows which you know are written by outsiders to corrupt the youth.
29. Wtf we are Muslims right then why the fcuk their are no health and hygiene. People dumping and cheating.

In Nut shell contribution is take bribes and take more bribe and worship lighter skin, eat roti, enslave the masses, blame others and steal some more.

My my.. that escalated quickly.. I'm sorry if I irritated you but I did say Pakistan is corrupt, right?

Why would anyone ask for bribe at airport? Refuse and Report them.
My my.. that escalated quickly.. I'm sorry if I irritated you but I did say Pakistan is corrupt, right?

Why would anyone ask for bribe at airport? Refuse and Report them.

My my.. that escalated quickly.. I'm sorry if I irritated you but I did say Pakistan is corrupt, right?

Why would anyone ask for bribe at airport? Refuse and Report them.

Because they are called Pakistanis who are always hungry. Report? yeah maybe i should also pay them bribes too.
Because they are called Pakistanis who are always hungry. Report? yeah maybe i should also pay them bribes too.

Man, this is really sickening to read that if a non resident Pakistani comes home he has to pay bribe at the airport. Mind me asking you which airport you frequent? I never heard about any such case in Karachi tbh.

Sorry for your trouble man. Your anger and frustration is just and legit.
Majority of British Pakistanis are trashy and embarrassing. I remember cussing out some punk *** middle aged wanna be English Pakistani working at Manchester airport because he was giving some dadi ji a hard time about misplacing her passport. PS British people and that includes the wanna be Anglo Pakis have nasty *** teeth. Like, do you guys know what a toothbrush is? Lmao

@Azadkashmir this isn't aimed at you because you a real one G.
how about reading a book or two? I would suggest Profiles of Intelligence - Syed Ahmed Irshad Tirmazi
learning is always better than doing useless Randi rona

I want links to all three anti-minority statements of maryum Nawaz she gave in three weeks of this month
if you fail to give you will apologize

I don't think a book would be needed to know something that's common knowledge. Shame Abdus Salam did so much for this country. And your kind wouldn't even let him be buried among is own and today systematically oppress his sect.

Also please avoid using words like "randi rona". I mean I get you're a slave to your upbringing. But this is not your gali mohala.
I don't think a book would be needed to know something that's common knowledge. Shame Abdus Salam did so much for this country. And your kind wouldn't even let him be buried among is own and today systematically oppress his sect.

Also please avoid using words like "randi rona". I mean I get you're a slave to your upbringing. But this is not your gali mohala.
Read a book
I don't want you to waste your time with me trying to paragraphs after paragraphs. But if it's possible please share the thread link. Thanks :-)
I have no links to share only personal experience working with the Brit Pak community.

Majority of British Pakistanis are trashy and embarrassing. I remember cussing out some punk *** middle aged wanna be English Pakistani working at Manchester airport because he was giving some dadi ji a hard time about misplacing her passport. PS British people and that includes the wanna be Anglo Pakis have nasty *** teeth. Like, do you guys know what a toothbrush is? Lmao

@Azadkashmir this isn't aimed at you because you a real one G.
IT is unfortunate you haven't met any decent educated ones which do exist. Good and bad in every community.
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