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How Pakistanis view others but do not get the same respect and dignity

bro it is blocked by channel 4, i cant view it.

lolz kaptaan he just too educated for us.

The guy asked the Pakistani kid 'what do you think non-Muslims think about Muslims these days?'.

Pakistani kids replies 'we don't give a **** about them really. Like if they're gonna hate let them hate innit. You know what I'm sayin. It's just us, we're livin a better life. You know what I'm sayin, so it's normal. But **** them anyway.'


Had me in tears
In recent times due to Brexit, UK leaving European Union has resulted in an upsurge of Pakistanis from Spain and Italy arriving here. Majority of them hail from the city of Gujurat and surrounding villages. I'm not aware of any Balochis however there is a large Pak Punjabi community in Norway and Denmark who are well established and mainly reside in Oslo and Copenhagan. Pakistan and Britian will always share a historic link. Many Muslims from KPK Balochestan Punjab died fighting for Britian in both world wars. Unfortunatly only educated white British citizens know the common 'gora' has no idea.

Besides Oman, there is good proportion of Baloch in Norway and they are doing quite good. Infact, Pakistani community in Norway is apparently doing better than I thought.


While we are at it, let's enjoy some music ;)
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The guy asked the Pakistani kid 'what do you think non-Muslims think about Muslims these days?'.

Pakistani kids replies 'we don't give a **** about them really. Like if they're gonna hate let them hate innit. You know what I'm sayin. It's just us, we're livin a better life. You know what I'm sayin, so it's normal. But **** them anyway.'


Had me in tears

You mean like "yeah man what you saying? in it bro" that kind of language skills.
I'm Punjabi and all of my family in the UK live in Scotland.
Many families from Faisalabad (Arain background) settled in Scotland. Many are wealthy and highly educated.

If u dont mind can i ask your ethnic group or mother town in pakistan?
I am 4th generation of British Pakistani heritage. I have very little connection with Pakistan as almost all relatives settled across the United Kingdom.
it must be better than india we don't elect religious bigots as our Pm or Cm either do our politicians have to spread religious hate to win public support unlike Butcher who had to murder 2000 Muslims to become and Prime minister of shithole called India
or The Yogi scum who openly asked to kill Muslims and rape their dead women in his election campaign

first, try to liberate your country from Hindutva goons then talk about democracy
yeah .. glorious law like blasphemy and declaring certain sects non Islamic was done by RSS! you dont elect religious bigots as your Pm or CM !! really ! so what u elect secular govt ?

our government doesn't kill them either
Pakistani equivalent of BJP is Jamat e Islami in Pakistan but they have around a dozen seats in NA while BJP won clear majority in India
The Ghar wapsi movement is in Full swing in India and full support of BJP government the speeches of BJP leaders are on record promoting violence against Muslims
yeah ! that explain conversion of minor non mulsim girls in Live TV and massacre of minority muslim sects !
yeah .. glorious law like blasphemy and declaring certain sects non Islamic was done by RSS! you dont elect religious bigots as your Pm or CM !! really ! so what u elect secular govt ?
calling spade a spade isnt crime or is it? only in India one have to kill minorities to win hearts of majority

yeah ! that explain conversion of minor non mulsim girls in Live TV and massacre of minority muslim sects !
you talking about Ghar wapsi?
Pakistanis should learn to respect themselves first and then others will start respecting them. The most pessimistic, thankless people around who use "Alhamdolillah" so very fashionably yet don't understand that we can't be such ingrates with so much to be thankful for. This is one of the reasons that in TI polls, the same Pakistanis rate themselves and their own country at the bottom of the world each year despite progress being made in each and every field.
Pakistanis need to understand there are people in the world that don't want you to exist, hate what you are and will look to harm you at every opportunity. They will belittle your successes and offer you crocodile tears when you suffer. It doesn't matter how nice you are they will never change. This is the way it is.

So stop trying to appease others, tell them to f**k off to their face, become strong and prosperous then dominate them. This is the road you must take.

Nobody likes a militarily strong Muslim country, just ask Iran and Turkey, their character is questioned daily so I don't understand why these countries don't do more to collaborate with each other and put any differences aside for the greater good.

To summize Indians and Americans are not your friends, they are everything which I have described above so tell them to f**k off permanently because unless you dominate them their ideology which is anti Pakistani, will never change.

Build connections and collaborate with nations with good intentions and good things will happen.

Generally speaking I don't give two shits about Indians or Afghans, I care more about Pakistanis no matter what their religion or political beliefs. I hope that we as Pakistanis can at-least unite on one platform and that is Pakistan.

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