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Homes of Christians burnt

With reference to one of the previous post, blasphemy’s law main victims are mainly Muslims. After Gojra there is another incidence in which factory’s owner was killed along with another employ.
Pure management dispute, which involved a supervisor and factory owner, supervisor accused factory owner of tearing Quranic verses activated the mob and went to near villages and announced in local mosque.
A “genie” created and released decades ago has become a monster now. Honestly I am scared and feared now what is going to happen?
I am extremely pleased with how the Pakistani government handled this tragedy. All the people involved are being persecuted and sent to jail. A great alternative to the Gujarat riots in India. Nice to see how are nations differ.
I am extremely pleased with how the Pakistani government handled this tragedy. All the people involved are being persecuted and sent to jail. A great alternative to the Gujarat riots in India. Nice to see how are nations differ.

prosecuted??? when and were? in dreams?

This law is used to harness minority, all minority harass or killed by using this law only.
Quicker and easier solution is to get rid of whatever non-muslim minority is left...

Those are cruel words Miles2go :eek: maybe just the words that Narendar Modi follows in Gujrat :tsk:

I am extremely pleased with how the Pakistani government handled this tragedy. All the people involved are being persecuted and sent to jail. A great alternative to the Gujarat riots in India. Nice to see how are nations differ.

:agree: Yes, I agree, at first I was outraged by our Govt.'s lack of action but then,

1) the minister for minorities of Punjab visited the area,
2) the CM himself went there along with concerned ministers and stayed for a whole day
3) and the federal minster for minorities Kamran Michael and
4) the Bishop of Lahore Alexander John Malik also visited them.

Its still not enough but it did act as healing on the wounds :) :agree: :pakistan:
Quicker and easier solution is to get rid of whatever non-muslim minority is left...

This solution has become saturated by Indian extremists, so no one is gonna buy it here now. Market it in India please.
Quicker and easier solution is to get rid of whatever non-muslim minority is left...

How would you feel if every country where muslims were a minority forced them to leave....do you really think I want to go back to Pakistan.
Those are cruel words Miles2go :eek: maybe just the words that Narendar Modi follows in Gujrat :tsk:

Hold on your fires, guys. By getting rid of minorities, I didn't mean 'kill them'. There must be other ways. Something on the lines of Saudi Arabia.

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Christian community protests in Lahore against Gojra incident
5 AUGUST 2009

LAHORE: Christian community staged demonstration against the tragic Gojra incident here at Ferozpur Road on Wednesday.

The enraged protesters burned tyres and blocked the road. Chanting slogans, they pelted the passing busses with stones smashing their windowpanes.

The protesters were carrying banners inscribed with demands to arrest the people involved in orchestrating Gojra tragedy.

Heavy contingent of police reached the protest site to disperse the protesters.

Later, the protesters ended the demo and opened the road for traffic after talks with the police.

Source: Geo TV
Editorial: State and intolerance

Taking a cue from Gojra, some people on Tuesday killed the owner of a factory in Muridke just outside Lahore. Before killing him they accused him of having “desecrated the Holy Quran”. Ridiculously, they announced an old calendar on the owner’s office wall as the Holy Quran before committing the heinous crime. In Gojra, the announcement from the mosques had alleged that the Christians had defiled the Holy Quran. No evidence was in place.

Many people ask the question: why has intolerance increased after the enactment of the laws against blasphemy and desecration of the Quran? A law is brought in to stop a criminal trend, but why has the opposite happened in the case of Pakistan? No satisfactory answers are given, but that doesn’t mean that there are no answers. One straightforward observation is the weakening of the state in the face of elements that propagate a severe interpretation of the faith.

The next question is: why has the state become weak? The answer should be sought in what the state has done in the last quarter of a century. The state has relied on the military strategy of using non-state actors in covert wars in Afghanistan and Kashmir. The Mujahideen were selected from the seminaries and religious parties who were made to develop their jihadi wings. This empowerment — nursing fully armed warriors within civil society — dictated the negative transformation of Pakistan as a society.

The state that promotes jihad with non-state actors will have to brace itself against change that might come from the jihadi mind. In Pakistan’s case, the state reacted “homoeopathically”; it changed itself through laws that appeased the new tough approach to matters of religion. The blasphemy law was enforced in violation of all norms of law-making. Section 295-C says: “Use of derogatory remarks, etc; in respect of the Holy Prophet. Whoever by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)...” About the Holy Quran, Section 295-B says: “Defiling, etc, of copy of Holy Quran. Whoever wilfully defiles, damages or desecrates a copy of the Holy Quran or of an extract therefrom or uses it in any derogatory manner or for any unlawful purpose shall be punishable for imprisonment for life”.

The laws are phrased in anger, not in moderation, which is the meaning of justice (adl) in Islam. Some years ago, an angry sitting judge of the Lahore High court spoke out at a public function and said that Muslims should kill a blasphemer on sight and not go to the court of law. Pushed by the ulema empowered in varying degrees by jihad, the laws were kept on the statute book despite clear defects. In most cases any page with Arabic printed on it lying on the ground arouses people to violence which vents itself on public property. The individual victims are mostly poor communities who cannot defend themselves.

In 2006, the Council for Islamic Ideology (CII) thought that the laws had no deterrent value against false accusations and suggested procedural amendments, but the proposal was shot down by the clerical faction inside the CII. The sessions courts that award the death sentence to blasphemers are hardly free agents, intimidated by armed non-state actors besieging the court. Even a high court judge has been killed by a fanatic.

Christians, the most frequent victims, are also the poorest section of the population. It normally takes five to six years for a convicted blasphemer on death row to get relief from the Supreme Court. The state has yet to punish a blasphemer; but hundreds languish in jails falsely accused of blasphemy, including a group of under-age school children from Layyah ******* in a DG Khan jail.

The blasphemy law doesn’t care for evidence, has no concern for “will” behind the act of blasphemy, has set aside the concept of “tauba” (contrition), and is subject to a widespread misuse by criminal elements of society who conflate blasphemy with desecration of the Quran
. The state, impotent after its “jihad” phase, extends lame excuses, blaming incidents on the ubiquitous “foreign hand”. Its executive knows that the state is weak-kneed and therefore sides with the empowered jihadi non-state actors as they enter the town with murder on their minds.
The problem is many of our firebrand mullahs don't preach this message.

I don't know about Firebrand or Foreign brand mullah, but i meet with some mullahs in karachi (defence view mosque), in lahore (Jamia Asharfia, raiwand, Alamaba Iqbal Town, Mustafa town etc), in mardan (many mosques) but none preached to go for taking law in his hand. So to me your this line totally seems like a "Propaganda" about Mullah, since i said anyone could be behind like Mullah, ch. wadera or some one else like some external agency, but you choose to pick up only Mullah. I know there are many branded Mullahs like Qazi hussain ahmed, fazul-ur-rehman, and some other political mullahs who say since Pakistan isn't islamic country so you don't expect same responsibility as which islamic state law maker has. BUT just because of these some B*****Ds you can't simply put all Mullahs in this row.
Hold on your fires, guys. By getting rid of minorities, I didn't mean 'kill them'. There must be other ways. Something on the lines of Saudi Arabia.


^ :disagree: You trying to be funny my friend?? :what: You want to go to the Hajj!! ?? cuz thats the only thing in Makkah you can do beyond that sign :azn: Next, you'll post the St. Peter's Square in Rome and say your'e not allowed there either :enjoy:

I don't know about Firebrand or Foreign brand mullah, but i meet with some mullahs in karachi (defence view mosque), in lahore (Jamia Asharfia, raiwand, Alamaba Iqbal Town, Mustafa town etc), in mardan (many mosques) but none preached to go for taking law in his hand. So to me your this line totally seems like a "Propaganda" about Mullah, since i said anyone could be behind like Mullah, ch. wadera or some one else like some external agency, but you choose to pick up only Mullah. I know there are many branded Mullahs like Qazi hussain ahmed, fazul-ur-rehman, and some other political mullahs who say since Pakistan isn't islamic country so you don't expect same responsibility as which islamic state law maker has. BUT just because of these some B*****Ds you can't simply put all Mullahs in this row.

Well said my friend, people only need to go meet these Maulvis to know that they are actually ordinary human beings but like all other types of human beings, you have black sheeps as well !!
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