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Hindu man killed by Hindu extremist by thinking him Muslim !!!

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These bastards have lost their entire moral compass (perhaps they never had one given they are right wing extremists). This is not even about the fact that this man is being targeted for being Muslim, rather that a cowardly thug of a bastard is beating up an "elderly" man is what is outrightly despicable and disturbing.

However, like countless other instances, this too will be written off as an aberration or as an act of a few individuals when yet again, it is the xenophobic and bigoted mindset being nurtured that is behind all of this.

Do you really believe that? That the whole country of India nurtures this mindset, and is not simply the act of ONE individual?
We've had those laws since the beginning. Which is why the perpetrator is already in prison.

In fact, it is not just a law, but a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution:

"Unprovoked attacks on Muslims by Hindu mobs have become routine in India, but they seem to evoke little condemnation from the government."

There is no equal protection and justice in India. Muslim lynching is basically an extension of the Hindutava government ideology.

Right to life and liberty are enshrined in American constitution. Moreover, they have the Bill of Rights, yet America recently passed an anti-lynching law. I had mentioned the need for anti-lynching law in India and South Asia many months ago, had no idea America was considering it where lynching hardly occurs, although it used to be a serious problem decades ago. Shows American commitment toward human rights. Very impressive.
"On Tuesday, President Joe Biden signed into law a bill that classifies lynching as a federal hate crime, punishable by up to 30 years in prison."
Do you really believe that? That the whole country of India nurtures this mindset, and is not simply the act of ONE individual?

You come to this thread of mine and you will know :
You come this thread of mine and you will know :

Know what? Are you claiming that the entire country follows that mindset?

"Unprovoked attacks on Muslims by Hindu mobs have become routine in India, but they seem to evoke little condemnation from the government."

There is no equal protection and justice in India. Muslim lynching is basically an extension of the Hindutava government ideology.

Right to life and liberty are enshrined in American constitution. Moreover, they have the Bill of Rights, yet America recently passed an anti-lynching law. I had mentioned the need for anti-lynching law in India and South Asia many months ago, had no idea America was considering it where lynching hardly occurs, although it used to be a serious problem decades ago. Shows American commitment toward human rights. Very impressive.
"On Tuesday, President Joe Biden signed into law a bill that classifies lynching as a federal hate crime, punishable by up to 30 years in prison."

As I said, the perpetrator is already in prison on charges of murder. That is the highest crime under the law. Whether or not there is a need for a separate anti-lynching law is debatable, because whatever constitutes lynching is already a crime under Indian law.

There is no equal protection and justice in India.
Oh, there sure is:

"Article 14 of the Constitution of India provides that the state shall not deny to any person Equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws in the Territory of India."

The right to sue and be sued , to prosecute and be prosecuted for the same kind of action should be same for all the citizens of full age and understanding without distinction of race, religion, wealth ,social status or political influence.
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Know what? Are you claiming that the entire country follows that mindset?

Not entire but the number of Hindutvadis just in India must be at least 500 million out of which the membership of just BJP is 180 million about which the BJP proudly claims - "Only China, the US, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria and India have a higher population than the BJP has members.".

Please come to that thread and read the OP there and follow the discussion to participate in a wider discussion.
Know what? Are you claiming that the entire country follows that mindset?

As I said, the perpetrator is already in prison on charges of murder. That is the highest crime under the law. Whether or not there is a need for a separate anti-lynching law is debatable, because whatever constitutes lynching is already a crime under Indian law.

Oh, there sure is:

"Article 14 of the Constitution of India provides that the state shall not deny to any person Equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws in the Territory of India."

The right to sue and be sued , to prosecute and be prosecuted for the same kind of action should be same for all the citizens of full age and understanding without distinction of race, religion, wealth ,social status or political influence.
Victim was Hindu and he received justice.

You ignored the problem mentioned in the BBC article.

"In 2019, a fact-checker website that counted "hate crimes" in India reported that more than 90% of victims in the past 10 years were Muslims. And the perpetrators of the attacks remain unpunished amid accusations that they enjoy political patronage from Mr Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party after a government minister garlanded eight Hindus convicted for lynching a Muslim."

That is the problem you are ignoring. Don't bother with pointless replies.
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