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Indian Hindu, Muslim mobs clash in Modi's heartland

If muslims were the majority community in Gujarat, no such clashes would occur. Because the muslims would have murdered or driven out the hindu minority, just like they did in Pakistan. After all, one of the greates heroes of Pakistan is Ghaznavi, a mass muderer who repeatedly attacked hindus in Gujarat just because they were a different religion.

speculative tense. would have could have.

no weight on ground
I am confused. Some are saying yes some are saying just two communities.

I feel congress is behind it. They instigated the people to provoke a riot. Only congress can do riots in the face of loss.
I am confused. Some are saying yes some are saying just two communities.

I feel congress is behind it. They instigated the people to provoke a riot. Only congress can do riots in the face of loss.

Yes could be his rivals want to portray him in bad light. But surely Muslim-Hindu clash
I am confused. Some are saying yes some are saying just two communities.

I feel congress is behind it. They instigated the people to provoke a riot. Only congress can do riots in the face of loss.
BJP ruled states will be targeted in coming days & months. Congress won't have agenda to fight their next battle with Modi... there is no way they'll be able to fight him on economy, development, growth or unemployment. They have to revert back to the same old agenda of divisive communal politics! I hope internal security & intelligence system are geared up to counter this devious agenda!
Whats the big deal ? Why are we hyping it so much ? on what scale has this happened ? Has anyone lost their lives or seriously injured ? Grow up man :disagree:
BJP ruled states will be targeted in coming days & months. Congress won't have agenda to fight their next battle with Modi... there is no way they'll be able to fight him on economy, development, growth or unemployment. They have to revert back to the same old agenda of divisive communal politics! I hope internal security & intelligence system are geared up to counter this devious agenda!

why so sure? any saffroni wont do anything?
If muslims were the majority community in Gujarat, no such clashes would occur. Because the muslims would have murdered or driven out the hindu minority, just like they did in Pakistan. After all, one of the greates heroes of Pakistan is Ghaznavi, a mass muderer who repeatedly attacked hindus in Gujarat just because they were a different religion.
Don't talk crap!
An incident over a car accident which followed a heated argument resulting in rise of passion of few. Looks like a small incident like this is good enough to excite quite a few across the border.

Most important thing is, the situation was immediately brought under control. But nevertheless, some people still want to portray this news to project as if some massacre/riot has started. Stop being obsessed!! Such incidents happens, and law and order agencies takes care of them, as they did in this case!!

Case over!!
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Wonder why?

2 reasons.......

1) Nothing like this happened
2) They dont want to hype it and create more tensions around especially when a new govt is about sworn in ...

Normally when something like this happens there would be news in all the leading news dailies/channels, but they will try to keep it as a small issue...
Blaming Modi for communal tensions in Gujarat is utterly wrong. Muslims in urban Gujarat are very pro-Pakistan since partition. There used to be riots after India-Pakistan Match because Gujarati Muslims used to celebrate Pakistan's victory openly on streets. There were more riots during Congress rule in Gujarat than BJP.

I don't understand if a community loves Pakistan so much then why don't they try to migrate.

Gujaratis are not the only community in India who are Pro-Pakistanis :D
Gujaratis are not the only community in India who are Pro-Pakistanis

That's true. Everyone knows that Muslims in North India love Pakistan. But now you have Muslims in Karnataka and Kerala who developed sudden love for Pakistan.
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