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Hindu man killed by Hindu extremist by thinking him Muslim !!!

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@Wood @Joe Shearer The level of radicalization only seems to be increasing in India, how do you plan on countering this. The level of radicalization during the war on terror era almost destroyed Pakistan. How far will things go in your opinion? Please note that I mean no disrespect with my question, I feel no joy from any misfortune that happens to you or your people.
@Wood @Joe Shearer The level of radicalization only seems to be increasing in India, how do you plan on countering this. The level of radicalization during the war on terror era almost destroyed Pakistan. How far will things go in your opinion? Please note that I mean no disrespect with my question, I feel no joy from any misfortune that happens to you or your people.
I completely understand, but my answer is likely to be disappointing. You pulled yourselves back from the brink; it was horrifying to think of what was going on then, with explosions daily, and deaths daily, every day some friend or another reporting that people he knew personally had been killed. I feel the situation will get worse, and there will be no change in my generation, in my lifetime. Perhaps my children and grandchildren may see a return to normalcy.
@Wood @Joe Shearer The level of radicalization only seems to be increasing in India, how do you plan on countering this. The level of radicalization during the war on terror era almost destroyed Pakistan. How far will things go in your opinion? Please note that I mean no disrespect with my question, I feel no joy from any misfortune that happens to you or your people.
I cannot predict how far this can continue. I can only say that this trend will make India more of a divided house than it already is. Terrifying prospect :undecided:
The incident made the news because the victim was *not* a Muslim.

Had it been another Muslim that was killed, it would have not even made the news. This is the new normal.
no marital tribes of the salt range were nearly exterminated before the Mongols arrived by the central authority, and when Mongols descended on Indus basin upon finding Multan difficult to invade moved towards Lahore- Lahore was abandoned by the Governor along with his army to fend for itself - 10,000s of Mongols died street to street fighting regular civilians but despite heavy damage ultimately won and burned down the city, fast forward same people marched with British and destroyed Khalsas
its a history of deceit
Lahore was destroyed by Mongols. Wikipedia says no monument in Lahore is older than Mongol invasions. Not sure about it, but it's clear they devastated the Pakistan area because of its political instability.
'The threat of Mongol invasions and political instability in Lahore caused future Sultans to regard Delhi as a safer capital for medieval Islamic India,[20]'

'The Mongol army advanced and in 1241, the ancient city of Lahore was invaded by 30,000-man cavalry. The Mongols defeated the Lahore governor Malik Ikhtyaruddin Qaraqash, massacred the entire population and the city was leveled to the ground.[25] There are no buildings or monuments in Lahore that predates the Mongol destruction.[26] In 1266, Sultan Balban reconquered Lahore from the Mongols but in 1296 to 1305 the barbaric Mongols again overran northern Punjab. In 1298, 200,000 men Mongol army conquered Punjab and committed atrocities then marched towards Delhi but was defeated by Malik Kafur general of Sultan Alauddin Khalji ruler of the Delhi Sultanate.'
This is not well known but China is another major country which had Turkic soldiers and elite as well. Turkics were like immigrants who adopted the values of the elite rulers in the countries they merged into and were great soldiers. Perhaps the Mongols wanted to rival them which triggered the quest for their own empire.

'The military of the Tang Dynasty was staffed with a large population of Turkic soldiers, referred to as Tujue in Chinese sources. Tang elites in northern China were familiar with Turkic culture, a factor that contributed to the Tang acceptance of Turkic recruits ... many of the kingdoms in China were ruled by families of Turkic ancestry.[27] The Shatuo Turks founded the Later Tang in 923, the Later Jin in 936, and the Later Han in 947.[28]'
Lahore was destroyed by Mongols. Wikipedia says no monument in Lahore is older than Mongol invasions. Not sure about it, but it's clear they devastated the Pakistan area because of its political instability.
'The threat of Mongol invasions and political instability in Lahore caused future Sultans to regard Delhi as a safer capital for medieval Islamic India,[20]'

'The Mongol army advanced and in 1241, the ancient city of Lahore was invaded by 30,000-man cavalry. The Mongols defeated the Lahore governor Malik Ikhtyaruddin Qaraqash, massacred the entire population and the city was leveled to the ground.[25] There are no buildings or monuments in Lahore that predates the Mongol destruction.[26] In 1266, Sultan Balban reconquered Lahore from the Mongols but in 1296 to 1305 the barbaric Mongols again overran northern Punjab. In 1298, 200,000 men Mongol army conquered Punjab and committed atrocities then marched towards Delhi but was defeated by Malik Kafur general of Sultan Alauddin Khalji ruler of the Delhi Sultanate.'
This is not well known but China is another major country which had Turkic soldiers and elite as well. Turkics were like immigrants who adopted the values of the elite rulers in the countries they merged into and were great soldiers. Perhaps the Mongols wanted to rival them which triggered the quest for their own empire.

'The military of the Tang Dynasty was staffed with a large population of Turkic soldiers, referred to as Tujue in Chinese sources. Tang elites in northern China were familiar with Turkic culture, a factor that contributed to the Tang acceptance of Turkic recruits ... many of the kingdoms in China were ruled by families of Turkic ancestry.[27] The Shatuo Turks founded the Later Tang in 923, the Later Jin in 936, and the Later Han in 947.[28]'
whole thread
Indians have truly been radicalised by RSS. Failed money ban, poorly planned lockdown, Coronavirus deaths and humiliation by China and Pakistan. BJP is still popular with Hindus, Modi can defecate on certain Indians and still get their votes.
Bengaluru: School girls in uniform fight in the streets in front of school
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