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Hijras are born out of same gotra marriages , says Khap leader

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gotra is sub-caste if i am not mistaken.

And same-gotra marriage happen all the time outside Haryana, if I am not mistaken.

As long as you are not retarded enough to marry your sister or cousin, your children should not have any genetic diseases or retardation.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with marrying among cousin's my parent & even grandparents are cousin's
madamji..you pay a lot of attention on India....
I feel sometime you want to become indian......
you are always welcome...come to this side.....:)

i cant help your wrong feeling :P :P
That is EXACTLY what I mean, you can't run after the publishers or readers..its the idiots on the ground doing all of this that need to be muzzled.
Well people are finding it hard to get their kids married off so eventually such demands would die down. One just can't get rid of such rigid traditions in a single go. Till then you will keep on hearing such silly reasoning.
i cant help your wrong feeling :P :P
no..I can understand...you don't want to confess it openly on pdf...
par aap ka bharat pyar aap ke post se to pata chal hi jata hai.....:P :P
don't worry....once you come to this side...you will be more safe than any other place in world...:-)

there is absolutely nothing wrong with marrying among cousin's my parent & even grandparents are cousin's
actually there are....
when there is marriage in the same blood line it leads to problem....many times....
the week portion of DNA which are susceptible to disease remain the same......so..if the linage is having suppose risk of cancer or diabetes it will continue to remain in the coming generation....
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Well people are finding it hard to get their kids married off so eventually such demands would die down. One just can't get rid of such rigid traditions in a single go. Till then you will keep on hearing such silly reasoning.

Well there is the matter of entrenched mindsets and biases no doubt.
Clans are such an outdated concept ! :disagree:

So you do realise members are trolling on this thread.
I am wondering how come such a topic came up before the weekend???:P

You see I love trolling on weekends and not before that.:angel:
What is the percentage of Indian population who don't do marriages in same Gotra? any Idea?
So you do realise members are trolling on this thread.
I am wondering how come such a topic came up before the weekend???:P

You see I love trolling on weekends and not before that.:angel:

They are ? :o:

But @Dillinger thinks himself to be of a superior clan because he descends from a long line of Lemurs starting from His Majesty King Julian the First :

They are ? :o:

But @Dillinger thinks himself to be of a superior clan because he descends from a long line of Lemurs starting from His Majesty King Julian the First :


I am superior. Congenital and genetic advantages heightened through focused effort. Unlike you, you lard guzzling tubby!
So we all know that marriages between close relatives gives rise to increased risk of genetic diseases.
But how did this khap leader stretch this fact to eunuchs??? :lol::lol::lol:

@Dem!god @Indischer @Ravi Nair @Pumba @DRAY
dont miss this :disagree:

"90% of eunuchs are born in those communities or religions which don't believe in the gotra system."

Don't forget that he is a "Khap Leader" !! :-)
Thats exactly the reason why this thread was moved to members club by a higher being....Thankgod :D

Which higher being??? :)

BTW i myself posted it in Members Club :))))))))))))))))
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