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Hijras are born out of same gotra marriages , says Khap leader

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But that is quiet different reason :) .

The khap leader said something else can he prove that number of the certain minority community who does not follow gotra system, is dwindling ?

:D yeh they are trolling the Sanes

You take the word of a khap leader seriously ? These guys are no better than some bearded mullah issuing fatwas left, right and centre. If he could prove anything then why didn't he provide the proof. These khap leaders are pre-historic.
Also, I do not agree about his comments on hijras, as there is no scientific evidence to prove this. Also, what he said is disrespectful to Indian hijra community, so he should be more mindful next time.

Yeah, basically sub-castes i think. Like Rajputs/Jats/Bhumihar Brahmins etc

Are you from the Hijra community?
I dont think anyone in India has the balls to ban them. They have huge following from the common dumbasses in our country's villages, so no one can touch them, and they still wield a lot of power. Politicians dont want to go after these khaps because of vote bank politics.

I think its fucking disgusting they get away with BS like this.
They are traditionalists and are simpletons, you can deduces that from the line of reasoning they give. The only demand they have is to ban same gotra marriages. (ie. not to marry within your own, your mothers, and your grandmother's gotra). Although some large gotra people are finding it hard to find a match so some people have dropped the grandmother's gotra. They will come around and drop their rigid stand in time but you can't force them. NO GOVT. CAN
Are you from the Hijra community?
You take the word of a khap leader seriously ? These guys are no better than some bearded mullah issuing fatwas left, right and centre. If he could prove anything then why didn't he provide the proof. These khap leaders are pre-historic.

khaps are followed seriously and you know it well.
But that is quiet different reason :) .

The khap leader said something else can he prove that number of the certain minority community who does not follow gotra system, is dwindling ?

:D yeh they are trolling the Sanes
Well there were many rapes/harassment cases in the parts of western UP, police wasn't any useful in stopping such cases. So after getting frustrated and disappointment by the lack of help from the administration Khap leaders in their own limited knowledge thought it would be better to ban mobiles and western clothes (as long as proper protection is not provided to guarantee the safety of the girls) it's a retarded move no doubt but they were kind of forced to take it due to incompetent police.
So we all know that marriages between close relatives gives rise to increased risk of genetic diseases.
But how did this khap leader stretch this to eunuchs??? :lol::lol::lol:

@Dem!god @Indischer @Ravi Nair @Pumba @DRAY
dont miss this :disagree:

"90% of eunuchs are born in those communities or religions which don't believe in the gotra system."

These Khaps need to get their a$$es banned! Our cousins are basically brothers and sisters-once-removed. Yet, they'll usually have a different gotra. These khaps have no problems in degrading our genetic legacy further by approving such semi-incestuous marriages and yet have the audacity to pull such BS at will.:tsk:
he said

"He even claimed that 90% of eunuchs are born in those communities or religions which don't believe in the gotra system. He also named minority communities and suggested that their numbers were dwindling because of marriages between people who have close blood relations."


So if he meant what you said viz a viz community , then is there any data how their numbers are dwindling ?

He needs to talk to the VHP gooks, lay their fears to rest, you know what with Muslims not believing in gotras and all..ergo they'll probably just die out or at least not see an exponential increase in their numbers.:lol:

Khaaptards strike again, last time it was "eating chowmein leads to more rapes" and now this.

If only someone would put them out of our misery, IF ONLY! @Hyperion think you can jimmy up a WMD to hit Haryana with, I'll get back to you on the time table and my plan of egress.
Well there were many rapes/harassment cases in the parts of western UP, police wasn't any useful in stopping such cases. So after getting frustrated and disappointment by the lack of help from the administration Khap leaders in their own limited knowledge thought it would be better to ban mobiles and western clothes (as long as proper protection is not provided to guarantee the safety of the girls) it's a retarded move no doubt but they were kind of forced to take it due to incompetent police.


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