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Hijras are born out of same gotra marriages , says Khap leader

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What happened to freedom of expression bro.

Muzzled..not as in made to shut up..more like made to cease and desist from their general proclivity. Surely you agree that stopping Khaaps from lynching same-gotra couples is not contrary to the basic rights of the Khaap fellows, its not exactly contrary to the spirit of conforming to the ancient Indian wisdom and culture?

First of all one thing should be clear in the mind of all the khap critisizers. Khap leaders are neither political leaders nor scientists but are elected democratically. They are the people who enjoys high regards from our community. There are several khaps in the region which enjoys the authority over several villages. Even police are not allowed to enter the village boundaries without permission of surpanch. All the internal matters between villages are solved by khaps and all the matters between two or more khaps are solved by sarv Khap panchayat. They are merely not only being followed by villagers but also by the big and respectable families in cities. Jat community have never followed the pundits of rest of the Hinduim we have our own rituals and a distinct culture.

If any Khap leader says any thing which does not fit with your line of thinking, leave it on to us. We are its followers and we have our say in it. Khaps have their own way of functioning. If you consider khap decision dont apply to you dont bother about them. But we are the people of region do not dictate to us what should we do and what should we not.

So the people of the region are somehow exempt from the laws of the land- such as thou shall not imprison a man for months and sodomize him because thou being the Khaap decided that he had peeved you off. My my such a strong sense of nation hood.
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Muzzled..not as in made to shut up..more like made to cease and desist from their general proclivity. Surely you agree that stopping Khaaps from lynching same-gotra couples is not contrary to the basic rights of the Khaap fellows, its not exactly contrary to the spirit of conforming to the ancient Indian wisdom and culture?

When and if a crime is committed by them then they surely must be punished as per the law of the land, otherwise muzzling them is against the spirit of Democracy and law of the land and also contrary to the spirit of ancient Indian wisdom and culture.

If preemption was the route to go, then beware it wont just be the khaps in line.
When and if a crime is committed by them then they surely must be punished as per the law of the land, otherwise muzzling them is against the spirit of Democracy and law of the land and also contrary to the spirit of ancient Indian wisdom and culture.

If preemption was the route to go, then beware it wont just be the khaps in line.

Oh lord! Yes it must be as per the law and by those who hold authority otherwise it will be no different than one mob lynching another, which would be nothing more than a riot. Unfortunately the authorities haven't done anything although the Supreme Court has taken cognizance and has stated that they will attempt to firm up a schema within which such panchayats can function with limitations.

Although I will admit, I do sometimes fantasize about letting Hype nuke that place.:ashamed:
Oh lord! Yes it must be as per the law and by those who hold authority otherwise it will be no different than one mob lynching another, which would be nothing more than a riot. Unfortunately the authorities haven't done anything although the Supreme Court has taken cognizance and has stated that they will attempt to firm up a schema within which such panchayats can function with limitations.

Although I will admit, I do sometimes fantasize about letting Hype nuke that place.:ashamed:

:lol:Given your disposition, it is understandable.

The Supreme Court's position with respect to Khaps cannot be any different than its position on fatwas issued by mullahs. They are directives and not binding.
:lol:Given your disposition, it is understandable.

The Supreme Court's position with respect to Khaps cannot be any different than it position on fatwas issues by mullahs. They are directives and not binding.

Ergo the issue. It always boils down to educate them and better policing, two spheres where we don't exactly have a stellar record.:(

@Hyperion You can place Haryana on a map yes, distinguish it from the beautiful city of Delhi proper, yes?

SO.....what would it take you to completely wipe it from the face of the earth..I'm thinking airburst- low yield- altitude adjusted for optimum blast pressure...do it in one go..Jhang too.
Ergo the issue. It always boils down to educate them and better policing, two spheres where we don't exactly have a stellar record.:(

It goes deeper than that. USA is supposed to have 25 million criminals in the next few decades. That is hardcore jail birds. That is with their extensive policing. So external policing is not the solution.

India cannot afford to go that way with a population of 1.3 billion. It should not try either. Khaps for all their asinine pronouncement do serve a vital function the police cannot fill in.

What must be attempted instead is strengthening the moral fiber of the Indian..... in other words reinforcing Indian culture. Not the Khap culture (which I believe is a distortion of Hindu culture)
It goes deeper than that. USA is supposed to have 25 million criminals in the next few decades. That is hardcore jail birds. That is with their extensive policing. So external policing is not the solution.

India cannot afford to go that way with a population of 1.3 billion. It should not try either. Khaps for all their asinine pronouncement do serve a vital function the police cannot fill in.

What must be attempted instead is strengthening the moral fiber of the Indian..... in other words reinforcing Indian culture. Not the Khap culture (which I believe is a distortion of Hindu culture)

That's not policing, that's just jailing anyone and everyone. The US has in this case gone in for the quick fix, not to mention that now they have private prisons so ya..

Better and more policing means just that..policing..deterring possible crime to a relatively greater affect.
It is beyond our means to have policing like in Germany, CCTVs everywhere and all that nonsense. To fund such a police force, Indians will have to start fasting 6 days a week and eat only once a week. The rest of their money can go to Ministry of Home Affairs.

As of now we have the lowest prison population per capita in the world. We are still a low crime country. That is only because of the culture we have.
Ergo the issue. It always boils down to educate them and better policing, two spheres where we don't exactly have a stellar record.:(

You can place Haryana on a map yes, distinguish it from the beautiful city of Delhi proper, yes?

SO.....what would it take you to completely wipe it from the face of the earth..I'm thinking airburst- low yield- altitude adjusted for optimum blast pressure...do it in one go..Jhang too.
Dilli baba ... I have respect for you and you know that but I am Biased towards Khaps ..... so our conversation won't affect respect for each other atleast from my side.

What exactly is it that bothers you about them beside this marriage and gotra cr@P.
Dilli baba ... I have respect for you and you know that but I am Biased towards Khaps ..... so our conversation won't affect respect for each other atleast from my side.

What exactly is it that bothers you about them beside this marriage and gotra cr@P.

Killing couples of same gotra marriage and general sentiments such as eating cowmein makes a person more likely to rape another. Obviously Ranjeete..no one is perfect..well except me.:D The wise lemur will not hold this against you.

It is beyond our means to have policing like in Germany, CCTVs everywhere and all that nonsense. To fund such a police force, Indians will have to start fasting 6 days a week and eat only once a week. The rest of their money can go to Ministry of Home Affairs.

As of now we have the lowest prison population per capita in the world. We are still a low crime country. That is only because of the culture we have.

No no, trust me..in many ways India is easier to police..when was the last time you came across a Waco siege like situation in the nation? We go apeshit only when we are in a mob and whipped to a frenzy, this requires a different sort of policing, not the lets cavity search every person we stop type of it.
Killing couples of same gotra marriage and general sentiments such as eating cowmein makes a person more likely to rape another. Obviously Ranjeete..no one is perfect..well except me.:D The wise lemur will not hold this against you.
No ones perfect except you hazur ... that's why I begged to excuse myself from your wrath:P
But These Khap dudes are traditionalists, cut them some slack .... we all are against the honor killings ... but these traditionalist brain dead zombies need few years to come back to sense. bakash do thoda sa :oops:
Why are we not having the khap thing in south?
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